
The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

author:Linlin said entertainment


The movie "Silent Killing" has been moved to July 3

The movie "Silent Kill" was originally scheduled to be released at a later date, but the producers decided to move it to July 3, and the news immediately caused quite a stir among fans.

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

Netizens expressed their surprise and anticipation on social media, with some joking: "Is this to surprise us in advance, or are we afraid that we will forget if we wait too long?" This humorous comment immediately sparked more participation and discussion, and everyone was full of curiosity and anticipation for the film.

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

A girls' school student fell to his death from a height


The story of the film begins with a girl school student falling to his death from a height, an incident that immediately caused a huge shock on the campus. The students were talking and the teachers were shocked, but no one knew the truth behind it.

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

The design of this plot not only increases the suspense of the movie, but also makes the audience full of curiosity about the subsequent plot. Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, with some speculating that it might be an accident, while others thought that there might be a deeper secret behind it.

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

The secret hidden under the surface of the silence of the people

In the climax of the movie, the secrets hidden under the silent surface of everyone gradually emerge. These secrets not only shocked the audience, but also brought the suspense of the whole story to a climax.

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

Netizens left messages on social media, expressing their surprise and curiosity about these secrets, and some joked: "These people are so good at hiding, I don't know how many secrets they still haven't told." ”

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

Controversial summary

The promotion and plot design of the movie "Silent Killing" have undoubtedly aroused widespread discussion and attention among fans. From the fall of a girls' school student to the search for her mother,

The death of the girls' school detonated "Silent Killing", netizens: How many secrets are there behind this?

to the death of the bullying group, every plot is full of suspense and tension. And the secrets hidden under the silent surface of everyone make the whole story full of highlights.