
The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

author:Linlin said entertainment


The mystery of the mask of separation

In the drama "Ink Rain and Clouds", the character setting of Shang Biling's separation is quite mysterious.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

Since the tragic loss of his nose on the battlefield, he has begun a life of wearing a mask. This mask is not only a mask for his appearance, but also a symbol of his inner trauma.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

Shang Bieli's emotional entanglement with his sister-in-law made him more closed himself, and he was reluctant to take off his mask even in daily life, such as sleeping and bathing. This extreme self-protection mechanism makes the audience full of curiosity about his true appearance.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

Tong Sai'er's ingenious plan


However, the development of the plot is always full of surprises. Tong Sai'er, a character who knows how to repay his kindness, decides to help Shang Bieli get out of the shadows. She teamed up with Yan Nanxing to devise an ingenious plan.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

During a coma, they secretly performed cosmetic surgery on him and successfully shaped a perfect nose for him. This change not only changed the appearance of Shang Biling, but also heralded a change in his inner world.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

The inner struggle of business separation

When Shang Bieli woke up and found that his face had changed, his reaction was mixed. On the one hand, he was shocked and unwilling to accept it; On the other hand, he also began to wonder if his past attachments were really worth it.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

Under the patient persuasion of his eldest brother, Shang Bieli gradually let go of his knot, and even buried the mask that had accompanied him for many years. This act symbolizes his complete farewell to the past and the acceptance of a new life.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

The new look of the business leader

With the burial of the mask, the new look of Shang Bi's departure was finally revealed in front of the audience.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

His handsome appearance not only made the characters in the play shine, but also made the audience addicted. Netizens left messages on social media, ridiculing: "The new nose of the business commander is simply the pinnacle of appearance!" This kind of light-hearted and humorous commentary not only adds to the interest of the series, but also makes the audience more fond of the characters who are separated from the business.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

Controversial summary

The story of parting from business has undoubtedly added a lot of highlights to "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds". From a mysterious mask to a handsome face, this transformation not only captured the audience's attention, but also sparked an in-depth discussion about the inner changes of the characters

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

However, whether the setting of this plot is too dramatic, and whether the inner transformation of the separation is real enough, are all hot topics among the audience. In any case, the story of business separation has become a part of the series that cannot be ignored, and his new look will also leave a deep impression on the audience's hearts.

The handsome face under the mask is finally revealed! The secret of the 'plastic surgery' of the business parting is revealed

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