
Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

"When we inadvertently look at our hands, some of them have bruised muscles that are clearly visible; Some people barely see the green tendons on their hands.

This can't help but make people curious, which is healthier, a person with 'thick muscles' on his hands or a person who can't see a green muscle? What's the secret behind this? "I'm sure you, like me, are full of doubts and curiosity about this question.

Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

Let's first understand what the "green tendons" on our hands are. In fact, these so-called "green tendons" are not real tendons, but subcutaneous veins.

The veins are responsible for sending blood back to the heart, and because the venous blood is less oxygenated and darker in color, it appears cyan or blue through the skin.

Generally speaking, the degree of visibility of the green tendons on the hands is affected by a variety of factors. The first is the physiological differences of individuals.

Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

Brother Zhou is a sturdy construction worker, and the green tendons on his hands are more obvious. This is because he is often engaged in manual labor, has strong muscles, needs more blood supply, and the veins are correspondingly thicker, so that the muscles appear prominent.

For people like Ms. Wu, who are engaged in clerical work and have relatively little activity, the green tendons on their hands may not be so obvious.

Secondly, the thickness and tone of the skin can also affect the visibility of the green tendons. People with thinner skin and lighter skin tones are more likely to be seen; For people with thicker skin and darker skin tones, the green tendons are relatively less conspicuous.

Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

From a health point of view, relying solely on the thickness or visibility of the green tendons cannot directly judge a person's health. However, if there is an abnormal change in the green tendons, it may be some kind of signal from the body.

If the tendons on the hand suddenly become significantly thickened or twisted, or accompanied by symptoms such as pain and swelling, it may be a sign of obstruction of venous return.

This may be associated with diseases such as varicose veins, thrombosis, etc. For example, Master Qian, who has been standing for a long time, is prone to varicose veins due to the increased venous pressure in the lower limbs, and not only the green tendons of the lower limbs will become obvious, but also the green tendons on the hands may also be abnormal.

Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

On the other hand, if the original obvious green tendons on the hands suddenly become inconspicuous or disappear, accompanied by symptoms such as swelling and fatigue of the hands, it may be caused by problems such as heart insufficiency and blood circulation disorders.

However, in most cases, the thickness and visibility of the green tendons on the hands is only a manifestation of individual differences and does not mean that there is a health problem.

In short, the condition of the green tendons on the hands can be used as a reference for us to observe the body, but we cannot draw conclusions about the health status based on this alone. To stay healthy, you also need to consider many aspects such as lifestyle habits, diet, exercise, and regular physical examinations.

Which is healthier for people with "thick green muscles" on their hands, or people who can't see green muscles?

I hope that through the discussion of this issue, you can have a deeper understanding of the "green tendons" on your hands, and also pay more attention to your physical health.