
The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

author:Folded ear root


The 5-year-old boy shouted "son" to a neighbor and was violently beaten by the neighbor.

Recently, a 5-year-old boy was beaten by a neighbor in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, which has aroused widespread concern and discussion from all walks of life.


Event recap

In the Zhengda Dongsheng community of Zhangjiakou City, a supposedly peaceful summer evening was suddenly shattered by a violent incident. On June 22, 2024, at about 7:40 p.m., Ms. Zhang's five-year-old son, He, was playing with other children downstairs in the community. It was supposed to be just a normal time for children to have fun, but in less than ten minutes, the situation took a turn for the worse and turned into a shocking scene.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

The cause was actually a small misunderstanding. While playing, He saw Ban, a familiar face who often haunted his grandparents' chess and card room. Ban is in his thirties, overweight, and looks amiable on weekdays, sometimes joking with children. But that night, things were very different. When the word "son" came to address Ban, it suddenly angered Ban. It should have been understood as a child's unintentional words, but it became the fuse of the conflict. Ban suddenly lost control of his emotions and launched an attack on He, and actually kicked the five-year-old boy with his foot.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

The unforeseen attack caused serious bodily harm to He. According to the hospital diagnosis provided by Ms. Zhang later, He not only had traumatic injuries to his head and face, but also bleeding from his temples and a large swollen bag on the back of his head. What is even more heart-wrenching is that Ben's youngest daughter was standing next to her at the time and saw her father treat another child so roughly. This kind of scene is a huge psychological trauma for any child present.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

After learning of all this, Ms. Zhang was devastated, she immediately called the police and rushed the child to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment. At the hospital, while treating the child's wounds, her heart was dripping blood. She said in a later interview that if He's words and deeds were inappropriate, she, as a mother, would definitely correct it as soon as possible and apologize to the affected party. However, no matter what He said, she could not accept anyone to treat her child violently.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

She strongly believes that adults should remain calm and deal with conflicts sensibly no matter what the situation. Responding violently to a five-year-old's unintentional words is absolutely unacceptable. Ms. Zhang's remarks also reflect the consensus of many people in society: no matter how troublesome a child's behavior is, adults should always solve the problem in a mature way and never be violent to the child.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Police report

After receiving the report, the Xuanhua Branch of the Zhangjiakou Public Security Bureau immediately took action to conduct a thorough investigation into this shocking violent incident.

Through investigation, the police found that the cause of the incident turned out to be because Ban heard an inappropriate word from He when he was taking his daughter for a walk, and felt that he had been insulted. As a result, Ban couldn't control his emotions and violently attacked a five-year-old child. This kind of behavior is obviously radical and completely unacceptable.

As a result, Ban was administratively detained by the police for 15 days in accordance with the law on June 26 because of this out-of-control violent act, and was also fined. The result quickly sparked heated discussions online.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Netizens are hotly discussed

In this incident of a child being treated violently, the discussion on the Internet was also very lively. One of the points is particularly eye-catching, a netizen said: "I have said that I don't educate my children, and someone will educate you for you." This sentence has aroused many people's thoughts.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

This netizen's words may be pointing out that if parents do not educate their children in an appropriate way, especially in teaching children how to express themselves correctly and respect others, it may lead to children unknowingly saying inappropriate words or behaving inappropriately. In real life, if a child's behavior touches the bottom line of others, he may be "educated" by others, and sometimes this kind of education may not be gentle, just like Ban's reaction in this incident, although extreme, also reflects this possibility.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Of course, this is in no way to say that there is any merit in Ban's behavior. Adults should exercise restraint in any case and resolve conflicts in an appropriate way rather than responding with violence. But this netizen's comment also reminds all parents to educate their children from a young age, teach them how to socialize, how to respect others, so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts that may be encountered in the future as much as possible.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Some netizens raised pointed questions and opinions during the discussion. Especially for the child's behavior, a netizen bluntly asked: "Why? Why can a child do this? This sentence reflects the dissatisfaction of some people with the laissez-faire behavior of some children, who think that some children seem to be free to do things without having to bear the consequences.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Immediately afterwards, another netizen added: "Parents can get used to their children, but society will educate you for you." This sentence touches on a sensitive but realistic topic, that is, if parents spoil their children too much in the family and do not give them proper boundaries and education, then the children may be "educated" by others in the outside society because of their inappropriate behavior. While this "social education" may not be gentle or ideal at times, it reflects the reality that society does not tolerate children's wrongdoing as much as parents do.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

These two comments sparked a wide discussion, and many people began to reflect on whether parents, as parents, sometimes indulged their children too much and failed to teach them how to behave appropriately in society. Many people recognize that although the family is the first harbor for a child's development, the importance of educating children about the norms of social behavior cannot be overlooked. Such discussions help people realize that balancing homeschooling with social norms is essential for a child's well-rounded development.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Some netizens raised questions about the current way children are educated. For example, a netizen expressed his dissatisfaction: "What kind of education is this? How is a five-year-old child taught to call someone 'son' in public? This phrase expresses his concern that children may lack basic polite education.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

Immediately afterwards, some netizens led the topic to the children's family responsibilities: "Those children scold, their parents should be responsible, right?" Can these legal guardians be punished by law for failing to perform their duties? The netizen's comment touched on the responsibility of parents in the education of children's behavior, asking whether parents should be held accountable for negligence at the legal level.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area


This series of discussions about "bear children" not only amazes us with the little angels who make a big splash in public places, but also makes us admire their superpowered parents. In this era of diverse education, it seems that every parent has a unique parenting cheat that allows children to unconsciously learn how to test the bottom line of society with their little mouths. After all, in modern society, what is a better way to educate is not tested by the jokes that children make outside? This is not only a "special" care for children, but also a "selfless contribution" to social and public order. Thank you to these future little citizens, your performance has filled our lives with unexpected joys and endless topics.

The 5-year-old boy shouted to his neighbor for his son and was violently beaten by the neighbor Police report fell on both sides of the comment area

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