
Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

author:Mimi said entertainment
Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

Recently, the live broadcast program held by Dongfang Selection in Guizhou caused an uproar.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

This show was originally for the selection of new singers, however, things became confusing in the host's words.

The host's obvious words caused an uproar and made the audience on the entire network explode.

The cause of the incident was that he accidentally used a controversial word in the live broadcast: "mountains and rivers are broken".

This phrase was originally used to describe a tragic scene in poetry or literature, but it has an inappropriate context in Mingming's mouth.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

According to the audience, the moment this phrase was clearly spoken, it was like instantly leading the atmosphere of the whole show to an unexpected direction.

Netizens will naturally not let go of such a "golden sentence".

They commented on social platforms: "Oh, this is not Oriental selection, it is Oriental demolition!" "Mountains and rivers are broken? Is this going to break our hearts directly? These comments not only ridiculed Ming Ming's gaffes, but also made the audience laugh, lamenting that Ming Ming's eloquence was really unbridled.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

Of course, this incident has also sparked some deeper discussions.

Some netizens believe that as a professional host, you should pay more attention to your wording, especially in the live broadcast, you should strictly control your words, so as not to cause misunderstandings or controversies.

Some people also joked: "This is the wrong set, you should go to shoot a costume drama, such a heroic word!" ”

Later, he posted a detailed apology and explanation on his personal social account, trying to calm down the turmoil of the incident.

Ming Ming first confessed his gaffe in the apology: "Ahem, dear friends, Xiao Ming wants to apologize to everyone seriously today."

That word just now is really wrong, and it really shouldn't appear in this kind of place.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

He admits that he used inappropriate words in the live broadcast, and that the expression "mountains and rivers are broken" did not fit the context of the time, and he did not say it after careful consideration.

In the explanatory part, Ming Ming explained that his mood at that time was actually trying to set off the atmosphere through exaggerated language, but he did not expect the effect to backfire.

He said that as a public figure, he should be more cautious to avoid causing any distress or misunderstanding to the audience and fans.

Although this apology is not in the right words, it is also full of Mingming's unique humorous style.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

He also jokingly called himself "the little prince of gaffes" in the article, and sincerely apologized to all the affected viewers and fans, "Don't be dissatisfied with Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming's mistake is wrong, never again!" ”

Mingming's apology quickly aroused heated discussions and resonance among netizens.

Someone joked: "It's not an apology, it's a pistachio, I'm laughing to death!" Some people also expressed understanding and tolerance, "People are also quick to speak, just apologize, everyone should stop chasing and fighting." ”

Recently, Dongfang Selection issued a solemn statement on the live broadcast of the Guizhou trip to respond to the public's concerns and questions about the host's gaffe.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

As soon as the statement came out, it immediately caused a lot of turmoil on the Internet.

The statement begins with a straightforward statement: "Hey, viewers and netizens, Xiao Dongfang hereby solemnly declares!" We are deeply sorry for the recent live broadcast of the Guizhou trip, especially for the troubles and misunderstandings caused by the host's gaffes.

Dongfang Selection expressed its concern and attitude towards the incident, emphasizing the professional and rigorous principles that the program team has always adhered to.

The article specifically mentioned that Ming Ming's remarks in the live broadcast did not meet the high standards of the program, and it did not represent the purpose and attitude of Dongfang Selection.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

They said that the management and training of all program participants will be strengthened to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again.

At the same time, the statement emphasized the brand image of Dongfang Selection as a well-known program, which does not tolerate any malicious hype and false accusations.

At the end of the statement, Oriental Selection once again expressed its sincere apologies to all affected viewers and fans, and called on all sectors of society to be rational and tolerant of the words and deeds of the program and participants.

They stressed that any malicious attack and defamation of the program and participants will take necessary legal measures in accordance with the law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of themselves and the program.

This statement not only made a clear statement at the level of law and responsibility, but also balanced and declared in terms of public opinion and public sentiment.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

Oriental Selection hopes that through this statement, it can rebuild the public's trust and support for the program, and at the same time remind all participants to be cautious in their words and deeds on the public platform to avoid unnecessary controversy and misunderstanding.

Regarding the Ming gaffe incident, some netizens took a more serious attitude.

They believe that as a public figure, Ming Ming's words and deeds should be more cautious and not easily use some controversial words.

These netizens called on the program team to strengthen the training and management of the host to avoid the recurrence of similar embarrassing situations.

Someone commented: "Obviously lost his word, Dongfang Selection was damaged, is this to use hit dramas to calm this turmoil?" ”

While another part of the netizens took a light-hearted and humorous attitude to deal with the incident.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

They ridiculed Ming Ming's gaffe through various stalks and jokes, "Mountains and rivers are broken? I thought Oriental Selection was here to develop tourism! These humorous comments not only eased the tension caused by the incident, but also showed the unique attitude of netizens towards the scandals in the entertainment industry.

On social media, these discussions have been going on for quite some time and have even become a hot topic.

Some netizens also expressed their views on the event through self-made funny videos and emojis, which added to the fun and interactivity of the topic.

Some creative netizens even joked: "Dongfang Selection's trip to Guizhou this time, the live broadcast has become the rhythm of cross talk, it's too lively!" ”

However, the impact of the incident is not limited to the momentary excitement of the entertainment industry.

It has triggered the public's deep thinking about the quality of the program and the professionalism of the host.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

Everyone began to discuss how public figures should control their words and actions in public, and how to stay calm in high-pressure environments such as live broadcasts.

This also reminds the media and the public to be more rational and tolerant in their words and deeds towards celebrities and program participants, and not to overly criticize and condemn them based on a momentary gaffe.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

In general, although this incident has brought some pain to Dongfang Selection, it has also prompted the program team and the public to re-examine the operation of the entertainment industry and its public image.

It is hoped that future entertainment programs will pay more attention to the norms of words and deeds, and bring more truly interesting and high-quality entertainment content to the audience.

Obviously, the front foot just apologized, and Dongfang selected the back foot to make a solemn statement: This is recruiting who to provoke

This incident also reminded us that the seemingly relaxed entertainment industry actually has its serious side to the management and words and deeds behind it.

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