
Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance "crosses" Song Yun, netizens: This is here to smash the field, right?

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

A dance captivates the city, and Song Yun reappears


In other words, this Li Yunxiao can be described as dancing in the center of the stage, like the flowing water sleeve dance, which is really eye-catching. The combination of power and flexibility in his dancing seems to transport the audience into an antique Song Dynasty world. No, some netizens ridiculed: "Li Yunxiao's dancing posture, did you travel back to the Song Dynasty to learn from those literati and artists?" ”

Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance "crosses" Song Yun, netizens: This is here to smash the field, right?

Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance is not just a simple dance move. He skillfully combined the smoke waves of the West Lake, the beautiful shadow of Tiaoxi and the surging Qiantang River, as if people saw the beautiful picture of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Some viewers laughed and said: "After watching this dance, I want to travel to Hangzhou immediately!" ”

Song Yun danced in the water, and netizens hotly discussed

As soon as this dance came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Someone said: "Li Yunxiao's dance is simply a perfect interpretation of the culture of the Song Dynasty!" Someone else joked: "After watching this dance, I feel like I have learned to float on water!" ”

Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance "crosses" Song Yun, netizens: This is here to smash the field, right?

Of course, some netizens questioned Li Yunxiao's dance: "Can this dance really represent the culture of the Song Dynasty?" It feels a little too modern. However, some netizens retorted: "Art is to dare to innovate, and Li Yunxiao's dance is just a new interpretation of tradition." ”

Craftsman conference, peak showdown

Speaking of which, I have to mention tonight's Craftsman Conference Finals. As one of the contestants, Li Yunxiao can be said to have attracted much attention. This is not only because of his water sleeve dance, but also because of his outstanding performance at the craftsman conference.

Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance "crosses" Song Yun, netizens: This is here to smash the field, right?

From the initial preliminary round to the current finals, Li Yunxiao has passed all the way and conquered the audience and judges with his talent and strength. Some netizens commented: "Li Yunxiao's strength is simply crushing the audience!" ”

Controversy abounds, who is competing with each other

However, there is a lot of controversy in the finals of this craftsman conference. Some people say that although Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance is beautiful, it pays too much attention to the form and ignores the connotation; Some people also said that Li Yunxiao's dance is a new interpretation of the culture of the Song Dynasty, which is worthy of recognition.

Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance "crosses" Song Yun, netizens: This is here to smash the field, right?

What a headache! But then again, art is a matter of opinion. Everyone's definition and understanding of beauty is different, and this is the charm of art.

Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance "crosses" Song Yun, netizens: This is here to smash the field, right?

So, what do you think of Li Yunxiao's water sleeve dance and his performance at the craftsman conference? Come and leave your thoughts in the comment section! Maybe your comment can still arouse heated discussions among netizens!