
In less than three years, the whole people will welcome the era of "0" interest rates, and the stock market will become the first asset of the people

In less than three years, the whole people will welcome the era of "0" interest rates, and the stock market will become the first asset of the people

Brother Finance and Economics

2024-06-30 17:27Creators in the field of finance and economics

About two years ago, I made a clear prediction that China would usher in an unprecedented era of "zero" interest rates, about three to five years.

Now, in just one year and nine months, the bank basis has fallen to a record low, far below the international warning line of 1.8%, the deposit interest rate of more than 3% has disappeared, and the mortgage interest rate has fallen to the lowest in history.

Today, I once again clearly predict that in another 3 years, the deposit interest rate will fall to the era of "0", and even the era of deposit management fees, and the mortgage interest rate will be infinitely close to "0", as long as you are willing to buy a house.

As for the interest rate on insurance and certificates of deposit, it will not be worth mentioning, and if it can exceed 1%, it will be considered a pie.

And the house price will completely become the price of cabbage in Ma's father's mouth, and young people will no longer ask if you have a house and how many houses you have. The mother-in-law of this generation will not ask you if you have bought a house or something like that, and if you love to marry or not, a young and strong man, you can finally straighten your waist and talk to your mother-in-law.

Instead, your knowledge, character, experience, literacy, family of origin, etc., will become an important consideration criterion for choosing a mate.

So, in the era of "0" interest rates, how to allocate the assets of the Chinese people?

House? After taking the slide continuously, the vast majority of the old urban areas will be useless, or become the gathering point of the elderly, no longer suitable for life, and the young people will collectively move outward (such as the new urban area of the city), and there will be tens of thousands of houses in the old city, and no one wants them.

A large number of houses have been built in the new urban area, and the supply is oversupplied, and the price of the house will be determined by the purchase of the house, and it will not be unreasonable. Therefore, the proportion of houses in residents' wealth continues to decline, and 30% of them can be regarded as the sky.

Traditional precious metals such as gold and silver occupy a small place, and half will not exceed 5% of a family.

The real lion's share of personal wealth comes from equity!

Including the company's equity incentives, including their own companies and real money investment in A-shares and Hong Kong stocks.

This part will become the theme of the next 50 years, because without the house as a carrier, the next step is to transfer wealth to people.

What is the embodiment of the appropriation of human wealth?

It's equity!

Therefore, when the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates and the economic cycle recovers, a new round of blessing myths will no longer come from coal and real estate, but from the upstarts of high-tech, biomedicine, artificial intelligence and capital markets.

This is the way to go.

I will be in the capital market, waiting for you to come.

In less than three years, the whole people will welcome the era of "0" interest rates, and the stock market will become the first asset of the people

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  • In less than three years, the whole people will welcome the era of "0" interest rates, and the stock market will become the first asset of the people

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