
"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field


Wang Hedi finished the bouquet and said goodbye to the star-studded

In the film and television world where light and shadow are intertwined, Wang Hedi's every appearance is eye-catching. No, his latest TV series "Confession in the Night" has been completed, and the photo of the bouquet has aroused heated discussions among countless fans and netizens.

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

Imagine Wang Hedi standing in front of the camera, holding the bouquet of flowers in his hand, his eyes flashing with anticipation and reluctance for the future. His eyes were deep and firm, as if to say: "I have paid a lot for this drama, but it is all worth it." ”

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

At this moment, he is not only saying goodbye to a role, but also saying goodbye to a period of youth and a process of growing up with the character.

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

Netizens hotly discussed: Ran sir's smile warmed the night

As soon as the photo came out, netizens expressed that they were infected by Wang Hedi's smile. Some netizens ridiculed: "Sir's smile is even brighter than that bouquet of flowers!" Is this the rhythm that lights up the night? ”
"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"
Some netizens said: "Wang Hedi's acting skills are really getting better and better, looking forward to his wonderful performance in "Confession in the Night"! ”
"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"
Of course, some netizens expressed their reluctance to complete this drama. Some netizens left a message: "The short goodbye is for a better encounter." However, this short farewell is too short! I haven't seen enough of Wang Hedi's performance in the play! ”

Controversy: Where is the boundary between an actor and a character?

As Wang Hedi's final photo was widely circulated on social media, an interesting topic also aroused discussion among netizens: Where is the boundary between the actor and the character?

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"
Some netizens believe that actors should be completely immersed in the role and integrate the character's emotions and life experiences into their performances. Only in this way can the audience feel the authenticity and vividness of the characters.
"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

However, there are also netizens who have different opinions. They believe that actors should maintain a certain degree of independence, not rely too much on the role, and not bring the character's emotions and life experiences into their own lives.

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

This topic may seem simple, but it is actually profound. The relationship between an actor and a character is not only a performance technique, but also an artistic pursuit and philosophy of life. For young social media users, this topic is undoubtedly an interesting and thought-provoking point of discussion.

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

Conclusion: I look forward to seeing you with Sir Ran as soon as possible

In any case, Wang Hedi's final bouquet photos have become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. And his new drama "Confession in the Night" is also about to meet everyone.

"Confession in the Night" is finished, Wang Hedi: I'm not saying goodbye, I'm "charging"

At this moment full of anticipation and reluctance, let's look forward to seeing Sir Ran as soon as possible! At the same time, everyone is also welcome to leave their own opinions and opinions in the comment area, and let's explore the interesting topic of the relationship between actors and characters!

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