
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly

author:Jiang Xiaobai
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly
What happens if a tattoo is discovered by a parent? Netizen: My dad wants to take a knife and cut my flesh directly

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Yun Yifeng has been practicing penance in the valley for several years. Under the careful guidance of Zixiao Zhenren, his swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle of perfection. Seeing that he had obtained the true meaning of swordsmanship, Zixiao Zhenren decided to take him out of the valley and go to the Flashy City in the rivers and lakes to participate in the annual martial arts conference to experience his heart.

Flashy City, a prosperous place, martial arts heroes gather. The high-rise buildings in the city are towering, the wine flags are fluttering, and above the market, the voices of people are boiling, and all kinds of people are bustling. Zixiao Zhenren and Yun Yifeng turned into ordinary heroes of the rivers and lakes, mingling in the crowd, and no one knew their true identities.

The martial arts conference is set up in the wilderness in the north of the city, the ring is built high, and the flag is hunting. Heroes and heroes from all over the country came to the stage one after another to compete in skills, and the atmosphere was tense. Yun Yifeng, accompanied by Zixiao Zhenren, stood quietly in the crowd to watch the battle, but his heart was full of ups and downs.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the stage, and I saw a young swordsman in gorgeous clothes swinging his sword, and his demeanor revealed a noble atmosphere. His name is Nangong Ling, he is the son of the city lord of Fuhua City, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, he is talented and intelligent, and his swordsmanship is extraordinary.

Nangong Ling drew his sword and came out, revealing his edge, defeating several challengers in a row, attracting bursts of applause from the audience. Yun Yifeng saw that although his swordsmanship was wonderful, he also saw the impetuosity in it, and knew that although this person was talented, he lacked real sharpening.

Zixiao Zhenren smiled slightly, and said to Yun Yifeng: "This person's swordsmanship is flashy, you can try it on stage." ”

Yun Yifeng nodded and floated onto the stage. Seeing that the opponent was a young man who had never met before, Nangong Ling couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Boy, report your name!" ”

Yun Yifeng responded indifferently: "In Xia Yun Yifeng, I have come to teach my son a high move." ”

With that, the two swords and lights intertwined, and a fierce battle began. Nangong Ling's swordsmanship was dazzling, as bright as fireworks, while Yun Yifeng braked with static, and each sword accurately cracked the opponent's attack. After dozens of moves, Nangong Ling gradually became tired, while Yun Yifeng was still calm.

In the end, under a subtle sword move, Yun Yifeng skillfully knocked Nangong Ling's long sword down the stage. For a while, the audience was in an uproar, Nangong Ling's face was pale, but she had no choice but to step down.