
Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

author:I think you'll think of me too
Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

In the debate, Trump repeatedly stressed that if he is re-elected, he can prevent international conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, it is worth pondering that some of his policies and words and deeds have fuelled tensions in those regions. This paradoxical statement raises questions about its logic and memory. Despite his advanced years, Mr. Trump's eloquent flaunting of his abilities may seem more like a self-promoting show than a serious political debate.

Mr. Trump's frequent use of interrupting Biden's speech to take the lead in debates has provoked disgust from audiences and critics alike. While he may win the attention of some of his supporters, he loses the support of a large number of voters in the middle. His similar performance is reminiscent of his time in office, disputes with immigrants, the media, and the many controversial decisions of his political career.

Biden's sluggishness and defensiveness
Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

Biden, by contrast, has been a slower heater in the debate, often taking time to think and reorganize his expressions, which seems to be a little burdensome. In the face of Trump's fierce offensive, Biden is basically defensive, and rarely takes the initiative to intrude. This reactive strategy has led to poor performance in the debate, leaving Democratic voters feeling frustrated and worried. From this point of view, it is questionable whether Biden's leadership is capable of navigating the many challenges that are intertwined internally and externally.

Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

Although Biden did not perform well in the debate, some of his policy positions and political experience were still recognized by some voters. For two years, Biden has prioritized health care, climate change, and racial injustice. However, during the debate, he failed to fully elaborate on this, much to the regret of his supporters. The situation evokes memories of his time as vice president, with initiatives such as the Obama administration's health care reform and the response to the financial crisis that were the highlights of his political career.

Contradictions and controversies in debates

In the midst of this heated debate, the grudge between Trump and Biden has deepened. Trump's accusation that Biden is close to China and sees him as a proxy for China in the United States is a worrying statement that ignores facts and is riddled with racism and xenophobia. Looking back, his harsh measures against China and Europe, such as the launch of trade wars and technological blockades, have undoubtedly been the focus of his political career.

Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose
Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

In the face of Trump's accusations, Biden firmly fired back at his actions as "baseless invective" and pointed out Trump's missteps in dealing with domestic and foreign affairs. However, while Biden's critique of Trump's policies has been constructive, his arguments appear to be under-forced. There are concerns about whether he will be able to forcefully push back against Trump's provocations and defend national interests.

The Democrats' panic and response

After the debate, the Democratic Party as a whole entered a state of "deep panic". Biden's performance in front of the public, such as "Alzheimer's", made many people inside and outside the party think that defeat was inevitable. Some Democratic politicians have successively made remarks on social networks, advocating that new candidates be selected for the election as soon as possible and Biden will be replaced as a running mate. The panic has spread rapidly within the party, raising suspicions. The ability of the Democratic Party to act in the current situation and its response to the challenges posed by Trump have raised questions.

Spurred on by the current climate of panic, some Democrats are discussing the possibility of Harris succeeding Biden as a candidate. Although Harris has some political experience as vice president, her approval rating is not ideal, which makes the future uncertain. The move raised questions about her ability to meet internal and external challenges in a leadership role. Notably, Harris has made some notable achievements during her time as a senator, such as pushing for criminal justice reform and tackling climate change, which have added luster to her political career.

Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose
Republican Victory and Prospects
Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

For Trump and the Republican Party, this treacherous debate is a key battle to break the deadlock. While Trump temporarily gained the upper hand with his aggressive and arbitrary debating strategy, he lost a large number of centrist votes. To some extent, these manifestations raise questions about the ability to meet the many serious challenges that are currently intertwined with internal and external challenges. At the same time, some of the controversial policy measures adopted during his tenure, such as staunch resistance to immigration and abusive remarks against public opinion, have been the focus of controversy in his political career.

Republican supporters praised Trump's performance and praised his strategy of skillfully revealing Biden's shortcomings and consolidating the cornerstone of his administration. However, there is also a danger lurking in this success, as Trump's controversial remarks and actions may raise doubts among some voters. The Republican government's performance raises questions about its ability to properly respond to Trump's challenge and defend its national interests. The Republican Party's actions are reminiscent of the notable political achievements of its administration, such as the implementation of tax cuts and regulatory easing, which can be regarded as the shining point of his political career.

Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose
Public opinion reaction after the debate

As the debate came to an end, US public opinion expressed their disappointment with the debate. The general view among critics and viewers was that the debate was hollow, filled with endless rhetorical attacks and accusations against individuals. This pattern of debate is worrying and raises deep public doubts about the political future of the United States. This statement by public opinion cannot help but make people question whether it can properly respond to Trump's challenge and defend national interests. However, looking back at some of their achievements during their time in office, such as their promotion of freedom of the press and freedom of expression, undoubtedly brightens their political careers.

Some people believe that the debate revealed multiple serious problems in the US political system, including partisanship, extreme polarization in politics, and the gradual collapse of voter qualifications. These phenomena not only affect the substance of the dialogue, but also put considerable pressure on the political stability and future development trend of the United States. Commentators like this raise doubts about their ability to deal with the potential threats Trump poses to the United States, and whether they can wholeheartedly defend America's national interests. However, looking back at some of the notable achievements they have made during their tenure, such as the active promotion of the implementation of policies for freedom of the press and freedom of expression, there is no doubt that they should be recognized as bright spots in their political careers.

Prospects and challenges for the future

Although this debate is fraught with controversy and conflict, a closer look reveals valuable implications for the political future of the United States. Regardless of who the presidential candidate is, their performance needs to be scrutinized and more effective communication and guidance strategies should be explored. Future political debates should focus on substantive policy discussions and avoid falling into unnecessary and personal attacks. Such performance raises questions about its ability to effectively respond to Trump's challenge and safeguard the national interest of the United States. At the same time, their achievements during their tenure, such as the promotion of freedom of the press and expression, are worthy of review and praise.

Biden and Trump faced each other for 90 minutes, and there was no suspense that the current president of the United States would lose

This debate is an important lesson for the political caucuses of both parties, and it is necessary to reflect deeply on how to strengthen the ability to attract voters, formulate competitive policies and strategies, and properly respond to various internal and external difficulties. This is a deeply worrying situation, but can it effectively respond to Trump's challenge and safeguard America's interests? Looking back at past achievements, such as the promotion of tax cuts and deregulation, it has undoubtedly become a glorious chapter in their political careers.

Summarize and think

This is a somewhat disappointing debate, but it nevertheless offers valuable lessons for the political world of the United States of America.

What are your thoughts on how Trump and Biden can improve their performance and serve the United States of America and the world more effectively in the future political debate? Feel free to share your opinions in the comment section and discuss this topic together. In addition, if you agree with the views of this article, please like and share it so that more people can understand the real situation behind this debate.

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