
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face

author:Jiang Xiaobai
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face
What is it like to fall asleep? Netizen: A slap directly in my wife's face

On the edge of the rivers and lakes, there is a forgotten land. There are no bustling cities, no hustle and bustle of people, only silent mountains and deep lakes. This land is known as the "Forgotten Land".

The inhabitants of the Forgotten Lands live a peaceful life, they are isolated from the outside world. However, this peaceful world is about to be shattered.

One day, a mysterious young man appears on the verge of oblivion. He was dressed in a black robe and carried a quaint long sword. His eyes were deep and cold, as if he was hiding endless secrets.

This young man's name is Yun Yifeng, and he is a martial arts master with a mysterious background. He came to the Forgotten Realm in search of a legendary and mysterious treasure.

The moment Yun Yifeng stepped into the realm of oblivion, the entire environment changed. The once calm waters of the lake began to ripple, and the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests became extremely active.

Yun Yifeng felt the strange aura of this land, and he knew that there were secrets hidden here. He decides to dig deeper and uncover the truth of the Forgotten Realm.

In the depths of the Forgotten Realm, Yun Yifeng meets a mysterious old man. The old man, who claimed to be the guardian of the land, told Yun Yifeng about the legend of the Forgotten Realm.

It turns out that the Forgotten Realm was once a thriving kingdom, but due to a catastrophe, the entire kingdom was destroyed, leaving only this forgotten land. And that legendary mysterious treasure is the last legacy of the kingdom.

Yun Yifeng was skeptical of the old man's words, but he decided to move on and find the legendary treasure.

In the depths of the Forgotten Realm, Yun Yifeng encountered various difficulties and challenges. He wrestles with wild beasts and treacherous circumstances, but always keeps moving forward.

Finally, Yun Yifeng came to a mysterious cave. There is an eerie aura in the cavern, as if it hides endless dangers.

Yun Yifeng took a deep breath and stepped into the cave. He knew that this was the key to his search for treasure and a turning point in his fate.

In the depths of the cave, Yun Yifeng discovered a huge stone door. The stone door is carved with ancient runes, exuding mystical power.

Yun Yifeng stared at the stone gate, he knew that this was the last obstacle to the treasure. He gathered the strength of his whole body and prepared for the final challenge.

At this moment, the stone door suddenly and slowly opened, and a dazzling light shot out from behind the door. Yun Yifeng held his breath and stepped into the light.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the middle of a magnificent palace. The palace is resplendent with gold and jewels, as if it is a dream world.

Yun Yifeng looked at everything in front of him in amazement, he knew that he had found that legendary treasure. However, instead of feeling joy, he felt an inexplicable loss.

He realizes that this treasure is not something he is really after. What he pursues is something deeper, which is the exploration and growth of the self.

Yun Yifeng left the palace and returned to the realm of oblivion. He decided to stay on the land and help the inhabitants live a better life.

Since then, Yun Yifeng has become the guardian of the Forgotten Realm, and he uses his wisdom and strength to protect this land, so that the inhabitants can live a happy and peaceful life.

And the Forgotten Realm has also been revitalized by the arrival of Yun Yifeng. The water of the lake here has become clearer, the mountains and forests have become more lush, and the birds and animals have become more harmonious.

The story of Yun Yifeng spread all over the rivers and lakes, and he became a hero in people's hearts. And the Forgotten Realm has become more mysterious and beautiful because of his presence.