
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China

author:Jiang Xiaobai
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China
What's the most hurtful thing you've ever heard? Netizen: They said I was the only remaining black slave in China

Yun Yifeng's life in the Forgotten Realm gradually entered a normal state, and he used his martial arts and wisdom to help the residents solve many problems, thus winning the respect and love of the residents. However, there is still a deeper desire and pursuit of martial arts buried in his heart.

One day, Yun Yifeng learned a long-hidden secret in the Forgotten Realm while talking to the elders of the Forgotten Realm—the Legend of the Valley. It is said that in the depths of the Forgotten Realm, there is a hidden valley where a hermit with swordsmanship lives named Zixiao Zhenren. When Zixiao Zhenren was young, he traveled around the martial arts, challenged all kinds of masters, and never lost a single defeat, and then chose to live in seclusion in the valley because he saw through the red dust and devoted himself to studying kendo.

Yun Yifeng's heart was rippling, and he realized that this might be the martial arts opportunity he was looking for. So, on a dark and windy night, he quietly left the realm of oblivion and embarked on a journey to find the valley.

Through the layers of mountains, Yun Yifeng shuttled through the dense forest like a ghost with years of honed light skills. After a difficult trek, he finally stopped in front of a hidden cave entwined with ancient vines. Knowing that this place was extraordinary, he cautiously entered the cave.

The cave is dark and wet, and the narrow passages meander and meander as if leading to another world. Yun Yifeng exerted light skills, walking through the darkness as if he were walking on the ground, and the faint echo of the cave echoed in his ears.

Soon, an open valley came into view. The birds in the valley are fragrant with flowers, the stream is murmuring, and a few simple thatched huts are faintly visible, like a picture of a paradise in the world.

Yun Yifeng was about to get closer, when he suddenly felt a fierce sword aura rushing towards him. He hurriedly mobilized his internal force, and his figure flashed, dodging the flying hidden weapon.

"Who dares to trespass into the valley?" A clear shout of anger sounded, and then, a figure swept out of the hut like a meteor and landed in front of Yun Yifeng.

The person who came was Zixiao Zhenren, with long hair fluttering in the wind, a posture as vigorous as a pine, holding a long sword, and an extraordinary momentum was revealed between the sword eyebrows and stars.

Yun Yifeng responded calmly, hugged his fists and saluted: "Junior Yun Yifeng, I heard that my predecessors have unparalleled swordsmanship, so I came to Yougu to ask for advice. ”

A hint of surprise flashed in Zixiao Zhenren's eyes, but then he regained his composure and asked in a deep voice, "How did you find here?" And for what purpose? ”

Yun Yifeng replied calmly, telling his experience and desire to seek a breakthrough in martial arts. After hearing this, Zixiao Zhenren's expression eased slightly, but he still did not let down his vigilance, and he decided to test Yun Yifeng's martial arts and will.

"If you want to worship me as a teacher, you must first pass my three moves. Otherwise, leave the valley immediately. Zixiao Zhenren's tone was firm, and his long sword pointed at Yun Yifeng.

Yun Yifeng nodded in agreement, and the two immediately started a wonderful battle in the valley. The sword shadow is like weaving, the sword light is like a waterfall, Zixiao Zhenren's swordsmanship is indeed worthy of its name, and each sword contains the philosophy of simplicity, which makes Yun Yifeng feel pressure.

However, Yun Yifeng did not flinch, he used his self-created Fengyun sword technique to overcome rigidity with softness and defuse Zixiao Zhenren's fierce offensive. In the end, in the third move, Yun Yifeng successfully took over Zixiao Zhenren's attack with his ingenious use of internal force and sword changes.

Seeing this, Zixiao Zhenren put away his sword and stood up, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Okay, you have passed the test." From this day on, you are my disciple. ”

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