
Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

author:A little talk about life

First, Xiao Zhang Zequn often stands in front of the TV and watches various programs intently. He seems to have a natural talent for imitation, not only can imitate film and television clips on TV, but even the voice broadcast of professional hosts can be learned to look like it.

The family members often couldn't help but laugh when they saw him seriously imitate, and laughter echoed in this warm family. As he grew older, Zhang Zequn's interest in broadcasting and hosting grew.

However, the road to the dream was not all smooth sailing. After graduating from high school, Zhang Zequn aspired to become an announcer, but his academic performance was not outstanding. In order to realize his dream, he decided to apply for university as an art student.

Zhang Zequn's choice was the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China), an institution that has trained many well-known hosts. However, the results of the exam disappointed him again and again.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

He applied for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute four times, and each failure made him feel frustrated. During this period, he even wanted to give up at one point and went to take the pilot exam.

However, fate seems to have arranged another path for him - failing to pass the pilot exam due to vision problems, which only strengthened his determination to develop his career as a broadcaster.

Zhang Zequn gritted his teeth and was determined to try again. The hard work paid off, and on the fourth attempt, Zhang Zequn finally got his wish and got the admission letter of Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

Second, when he held the notice in his hand, tears of joy flashed in his eyes, and years of perseverance finally came to the starting point of his dream. At this moment, he deeply realized the true meaning of "how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain".

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

After graduating, Zhang Zequn was assigned to work at the China Agricultural Film and Broadcasting Center. When he first entered the workplace, he was eager to learn and constantly improve his broadcasting skills. The five-year grinding period laid a solid foundation for his future trip to CCTV.

Every day, Zhang Zequn is working hard to perfect his broadcasting skills and strive to stand out in this highly competitive industry. Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Five years later, CCTV recruited program hosts across the country, and Zhang Zequn did not hesitate to sign up.

Although the people around him were not very optimistic about this host who went through four exams before being admitted to Beiguang, Zhang Zequn made a splash in the exam. With years of accumulation and outstanding performance, he was finally admitted to CCTV with an excellent score ranking first in the overall score.

Stepping into the door of CCTV, Zhang Zequn felt both excited and apprehensive. He knows that there are some of the best broadcasting and hosting talents in the country, and the competition will be fierce. However, with his good looks and solid hosting skills, he soon hosted the first program in his CCTV career "Studio 12".

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

Third, this show received a good response that year, and Zhang Zequn also won the love of many audiences. As he grew older, the 36-year-old realized he needed more knowledge.

He felt that the knowledge in his head was not enough, and in order to further improve himself, he resolutely decided to be admitted to Tianjin University for a master's degree. The decision came as a surprise to many, but Zhang firmly believes that only continuous learning can remain competitive in this fast-moving industry.

The years of going back to school have not been easy. Zhang Zequn has to find a balance between study and work, and often needs to stay up late to complete his homework. But he never regretted the decision. After completing his studies, he returned to the screen with new knowledge and perspectives.

This learning experience made him more comfortable in the face of different types of programs, and also made the leaders of the station entrust him with important responsibilities. Zhang Zequn's efforts and progress have not gone unnoticed.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

An important milestone in his career was six appearances on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Although there is only one Spring Festival Gala every year, in the past six years, he has undoubtedly become an unforgettable memory of the Spring Festival Gala in the hearts of a generation.

Standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Zequn always presents himself in the most professional state, winning the praise of the audience and the respect of his peers. From the Agricultural Broadcasting Center to the CCTV celebrity, Zhang Zequn's growth path confirms the truth of "one minute on stage, ten years off the stage".

Fourth, he used his own experience to tell us that as long as we stick to our dreams and keep learning, we will definitely be able to shine on the stage of life. Zhang Zequn's CCTV career has reached a new peak.

Since 2006, he has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala six times, which is not only a recognition of his professional ability, but also makes him a "frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala" in the hearts of many audiences. Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, when Zhang Zequn appears on the TV screen, it always brings a familiar and warm feeling to the national audience.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

The experience of the Spring Festival Gala in the past six years has undoubtedly made him an unforgettable memory of the Spring Festival Gala for a generation. However, with the increase in popularity, Zhang Zequn also inevitably fell into some disputes in the public eye.

Among them, the most striking is the scandal between him and his partner Dong Qing. The two have co-hosted the show many times, and their tacit performance made many viewers mistakenly think that they had come together in private.

The reason for the incident was that Zhang Zequn inadvertently said on the show that he regarded Dong Qing's parents as his father-in-law and mother-in-law. This seemingly ordinary sentence sparked a lot of speculation from the outside world, and the scandal began to spread.

Despite the fact that the two have always maintained a relationship of colleagues and friends, the rumors have intensified. In the end, in order to quell the rumors, the two had to change their partners. In the face of disturbing speculation, Zhang Zequn chose to remain silent.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

Fifth, he believes that those who are pure are self-purifying and focus on their work and career. However, when the rumors continued to ferment, and it was even rumored that he had proposed to Dong Qing but was rejected, Zhang Zequn finally couldn't help but stand up and clarify the facts.

This public clarification has given the outside world a clearer understanding of this rumor. It wasn't until Dong Qing married someone else that the rumors about Zhang Zequn and Dong Qing finally came to an end.

This experience made Zhang Zequn deeply understand the helplessness of public figures. He has always been professional and calm in front of the camera, but in private he has to face these troubling gossip.

Despite this, Zhang Zequn did not let these negative news affect his work and life. At the same time, Zhang Zequn has never forgotten to give back to the society. He continues to participate in public welfare undertakings and pays attention to the construction of his hometown.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

Sixth, although the amount of his donations is not as good as that of some celebrities, his participation in public welfare has never stopped. This quality of not forgetting his roots is also one of the reasons why the audience has always loved him.

Zhang Zequn's experience tells us that success is not only about career achievements, but also about how to deal with the troubles brought about by fame and fortune, how to balance personal life and public image, and how to give back to society.

In these aspects, Zhang Zequn undoubtedly gave his own answers, and also won the respect and love of the audience. After a stable career, Zhang Zequn finally had time to focus on his personal life.

He has been busy with work for many years, and has no time to take care of emotional problems. Following the advice of his parents, Zhang Zequn, who had passed the year of destiny, decided to go home on a blind date. This decision came as a surprise to many, after all, in the eyes of the public, he has always been the successful CCTV host.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

Surprisingly, this blind date turned out to be a beautiful marriage. Although it was introduced by an acquaintance, Zhang Zequn and his wife really fell in love at first sight. The two quickly fell in love, and soon entered the palace of marriage.

When he learned the news of his wife's pregnancy, 55-year-old Zhang Zequn was overjoyed, as if he had returned to the youthful appearance of his youth. In 2020, Zhang Zequn posted a photo with his newborn son on social platforms.

This photo not only announced the good news that he was happy with his noble son, but also fundamentally cut off the previous disturbing scandal rumors. Zhang Zequn in the photo is smiling brightly, his eyes are full of love, as if the whole world has become a better place because of the arrival of this little life.

Seventh, this belated father role has brought new meaning and responsibility to Zhang Zequn's life. Although he was over half a hundred years old to have a son, he showed more patience and consideration than his younger father.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

He often shares his daily life with his son on social media, from which we can see a loving father figure. However, although Zhang Zequn often shares photos of his son online, he has always maintained an extremely low-key attitude towards his wife's information.

As a public figure, he understands the importance of protecting his family's privacy. Zhang Zequn hopes that his wife can stay out of the media spotlight and live an ordinary life. Because of this, the identity of Zhang Zequn's wife remains a mystery to this day.

This deliberate low profile has aroused more curiosity and speculation among the public. But no matter how the outside world speculates, Zhang Zequn has always adhered to his principles and interpreted the protection and cherishing of his family with his actions.

His attitude has also won the respect and understanding of many people. Zhang Zequn, who opened a new chapter in his life at the age of 55, told us with his own experience: happiness knows no age, as long as you manage it carefully, it will never be too late to make life wonderful.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

Eighth, after 2020, Zhang Zequn gradually slowed down the pace of his career and devoted more time and energy to family life. This decision stems from a re-examination of his life priorities, but also to be able to better spend time with his young son and elderly parents.

At home, Zhang Zequn showed a different side from the screen. In order to make his parents happy, he also taught himself Henan Opera. The decision came as a surprise to many, but for Mr. Zhang, it was a way for him to express his filial piety.

Whenever he sang Henan Opera at home, he could always make his parents laugh, and the house was filled with a joyful atmosphere. For his son, Zhang Zequn poured all his love into it. He often shares his daily life with his son on social media, from which we can see a loving father figure.

Although he was over half a hundred years old before he had a child, Zhang Zequn showed more patience and consideration than his young father. He cherishes every moment he spends with his son and strives to bridge the gap that may be caused by the age gap.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

During this time, Zhang Zequn seemed to have found another meaning in life. He is no longer just the glamorous CCTV host, but also an ordinary husband, father and son.

In the company of his family, his smile is brighter than ever. Despite slowing down the pace of work, Zhang Zequn is not completely out of the public eye. He also occasionally participates in some program recordings and keeps in touch with the audience.

However, now he knows how to find a balance between work and family, and enjoys this hard-won happy life. Zhang Zequn's later life shows a warm picture of a public figure after returning to his family.

Ninth, he used practical actions to interpret the truth that "family happiness is the true meaning of life", and also set an example for many people. Looking back on Zhang Zequn's life process, we can see a portrayal full of perseverance, happiness and responsibility.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

From applying for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute four times to becoming a CCTV celebrity, he interpreted the spirit of "perseverance" with practical actions. Every failure did not defeat him, but made him more determined to pursue his dreams.

In his career, Zhang Zequn has always maintained his enthusiasm and professional attitude towards his work. The stage of the Spring Festival Gala is the best proof of his ability. He is not only an excellent presenter, but also a lifelong scholar who is constantly learning.

At the age of 36, he returned to school to study for a master's degree, showing his thirst for knowledge and determination to improve himself. At the age of 55, he was happy to have a noble son, and he showed the world the infinite possibilities of life.

In his personal life, he cherishes his hard-won happiness and manages his family life with all his heart. Although his wife's identity is a mystery, this is just a reflection of his protection of his family.

Anchor Zhang Zequn: Six on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, 55-year-old to have a son, do you know who his wife is

10. Zhang Zequn proved with his actions that even public figures have the right to have their own private space. At the same time, Zhang Zequn's insistence on public welfare also demonstrates the social responsibility of a public figure.

He has not forgotten his roots and has always paid attention to the construction and development of his hometown. This quality of not forgetting the roots has won the respect and love of the audience. Today's Zhang Zequn has found a balance between family and career and lives an enviable happy life.

His story teaches us that no matter how old we are, as long as we have dreams and work hard for them, we will always have hope. Zhang Zequn's life experience will undoubtedly continue to inspire more people to pursue their dreams bravely, and at the same time, they will not forget to shoulder their due responsibilities.

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