
Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

author:A little talk about life

First, Chen Sisi was born in a solid family in Shanghai. In that turbulent era, Chen Sisi was carefully cultivated by his parents because of his wealthy family. She is naturally beautiful and versatile, as if destined to become a star in the limelight.

However, the twist of fate came unexpectedly. In the early 50s of the 20th century, as a large number of Shanghainese went south to Hong Kong to make a living, the Chen family also moved to Hong Kong with their assets. In this way, the young Chen Sisi bid farewell to the familiar Shanghai and embarked on a new chapter in his life.

During her time at Joan of Arc High School in Hong Kong, Chan's beauty and temperament soon became a campus legend. Her classmates often encouraged her to go to art school, believing that she was "born to eat this bowl of rice".

However, at that time, Chen Sisi had no interest in acting careers, and her dream was to become a teacher, a doctor or a flight attendant. In 1954, 16-year-old Chen Sisi accidentally participated in the draft of the Great Wall Film Company.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

She was just curious to see what the film studio was like, so she casually wore a white dress and went. Unexpectedly, this simple dress highlighted her youthful and natural beauty, which attracted the attention of many examiners at once.

In this way, Chen Sisi unexpectedly obtained the qualification to enter the "Great Wall Actor Training Class" and started her acting career. Soon after entering the industry, Chen Sisi rose to prominence by playing the role of Wan'er in "Ming Feng".

Second, subsequently, she starred in "Red Lantern", and her popularity is increasing day by day. In 1963, Chen Sisi played Qiu Xiang in "Three Smiles" (also known as "Tang Bohu Dots Qiu Xiang"), her glamorous and amazing appearance and chic and elegant performance won the love of the audience and became famous.

Since then, Chen Sisi's acting career has been booming. She has starred in more than 30 films and won numerous awards. With one film and television masterpiece after another, Chen Sisi has gained a firm foothold in the Great Wall Film and Television and has become a first-line star, and is known as the "Three Princesses of the Great Wall" along with Xia Meng and Shi Hui.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

She is also known as "Chinese Hepburn" and "The Most Beautiful Autumn Fragrance in History", with the same scenery, as if she has stood at the peak of her acting career. However, just when Chen Sisi's career was in full swing, fate quietly turned again, and love came, which also planted the seeds of pain in her future life.

In 1959, when Chen Sisi was filming films such as "Golden Beauty" and "Feiyan Welcoming Spring", he met the handsome and suave actor Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan was born in 1933, five years older than Chen Sisi, and is a famous "handsome student" in the circle.

Gao Yuan was born in a family with a strong artistic atmosphere, and was nurtured in the "family drama school" since he was a child, and is a versatile "child star". The two fell in love at first sight on the set and soon became the "Best Screen Couple".

Three, however, the beginning of this relationship was overshadowed. At that time, Gao Yuan was in love with actress Lettie, and in order to pursue Chen Sisi, he did not hesitate to abandon Letty.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

Chen Sisi was also saddled with the infamy of a "third party". Despite this, the two still came together without hesitation. Two years after falling in love, that is, in 1961, Chen Sisi and Gao Yuan tied the knot.

The wedding of the two popular movie stars was a sensation back then, and they also changed from a fairy couple on the screen to a golden boy and girl in reality. Soon after marriage, Chen Sisi gave birth to a daughter for Gao Yuan, and gradually shifted the focus of work to the family.

She chose to retire from the entertainment industry and devote herself to the role of a good wife and mother, taking care of everything for Gao Yuan, so that he could develop his career without worries. However, what Chen Sisi didn't expect was that what she paid for quitting the showbiz was betrayed by her husband again and again.

After getting married, Gao Yuan still did not change his romantic nature, he was full of flowers and grass, and he was ambiguous with many actresses. What made Chen Sisi even more angry was that Gao Yuan rekindled his old relationship with his ex-girlfriend Lettie.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

Hearing the news of her husband's cheating, Chen Sisi's heart was like a knife. She took the extreme form of suicide in order to save her husband's lofty heart. This practice did temporarily cut off contact between Gao Yuan and Letty, but it did not fundamentally solve the problem.

Fourth, on December 27, 1968, Lottie, who suffered from heart disease, died of a heart attack at the age of 31. Letty's death was a heavy blow to Takato, but he did not return to his family because of it.

Instead, he found a flight attendant Liu Lili, who looked very similar to Letty, and started a new round of extramarital affairs. The final fatal blow came from the exposure of Gao Yuan's relationship with Liu Lili.

When Chen Sisi found out that her husband was not only cheating, but also had a child with Liu Lili, she completely collapsed. She threatened suicide again, but this time, Takato was determined to leave.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

Seeing that the trick of seeking death had no effect, Chen Sithought used the pressure of public opinion to let her husband restrain herself from the precipice, but Gao Yuan was still iron-hearted, and would rather bear the infamy of a negative man than be with Liu Lili.

In 1970, Chen Sisi and Gao Yuan's marriage ended in divorce, and the former golden boy and girl broke up unhappily. At the time of the divorce, Chen Sisi said a shocking word to Gao Yuan: "You will definitely regret it!" At that time, Gao Yuan didn't think much of this sentence, but he didn't know that this sentence would become the biggest nightmare in his life.

Fifth, after the divorce, Chen Sisi got the custody of her daughter, while Gao Yuan and the junior Liu Lili came together openly. Takato thinks this is the end of the story, however, he underestimates the determination of a woman who has been heartbroken.

Chen Sisi's revenge has just begun. After the divorce, Chen Sisi was not as depressed as many expected. Instead, she ignites the flames of revenge and embarks on a jaw-dropping act of revenge.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

First of all, Chen Sisi used his influence and public opinion pressure to push Gao Yuan to the forefront. She made a brief comeback to the entertainment industry and created the image of a self-reliant single mother, winning the public's sympathy and support.

At the same time, Gao Yuan became the target of public criticism and was labeled as a "negative man". Under the pressure of this kind of public opinion, Gao Yuan's acting career was hit hard. He soon found that he had no drama to film, so he could only fade out of the Hong Kong entertainment industry and turn to Taiwan to do business.

Chen Sisi successfully used public opinion to make Gao Yuan taste the bitter fruits of his career setback. However, this is only the beginning of Chen Sisi's revenge plan. She has an even more amazing move: she marries Takato's uncle.

Six, this decision shocked everyone. Chen Sisi not only married her ex-husband's uncle, but also took her and Gao Yuan's daughter to remarry. For Chen Sisi's sake, Gao Yuan's uncle even divorced his wife.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

In this way, Chen Sisi jumped from Gao Yuan's ex-wife to his aunt, and their daughter began to call Gao Yuan's uncle "Dad". This move undoubtedly gave Gao Yuan the heaviest blow.

Every time he saw Chen Sisi, he had to respectfully call him "aunt". In terms of genealogy, Chen Sisi will always be a generation higher than him. And his and Chen Sisi's daughter turned out to be someone else's daughter.

In this way, Chen Sisi not only avenged Gao Yuan's betrayal, but also regained control of his life. This form of retaliation is shocking and staggering. It not only dealt a heavy blow to Gao Yuan emotionally, but also completely suppressed him in terms of social status and family relationships.

Chen Sisi's actions perfectly interpret the sentence "Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt", which can be called the most ruthless revenge. However, we can't help but ask: does such revenge really bring happiness? Will Chen Sisi regret her decision? Many people believe that Chen Sisi married her ex-husband's uncle mainly out of revenge, and this marriage will not last long.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

Seventh, they speculated that Chen Sisi might regret his decision when he dreamed back at midnight. But, once again, fate gave everyone a surprising answer. Chen Sisi's "revenge marriage" was not only not as short and painful as the outside world expected, but became the beginning of her happy life.

This unexpected turn of events proves once again that life is often more dramatic than we can imagine. Sisi Chen's story tells us that when a woman is hurt to the extreme, she can do incredible things.

But at the same time, this story also shows us that sometimes seemingly crazy decisions can lead to unexpected happiness. Chen Sisi's revenge not only allowed her to win back a game in the contest with her ex-husband, but also allowed her to find true happiness.

To the surprise of many people, Chen Sisi's "revenge marriage" turned out to be the beginning of her happy life. In 1980, Chen Sisi returned to Shanghai with her new husband to settle down.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

Since then, she has stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and started a peaceful and happy life. Contrary to most people's expectations, Chen Sisi and Uncle Gao Yuan's marriage is very stable.

They have been in love for many years, and there has never been any negative news or divorce rumors. The marriage, which lasted until Chen Sisi's death, showed surprising stability and happiness.

In this marriage, Chen Sisi seems to have found inner peace and contentment. She is no longer the woman who did amazing things to get revenge on her ex-husband, but an ordinary person who is content with the status quo and enjoys ordinary life.

Eighth, this transformation makes people sigh at the wonder of fate. Although Chen Sisi's later life is far from the public eye, it is full of tranquility and happiness. Her life in Shanghai with her new husband has become the most peaceful and happiest time in her life.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

This experience also showed us that sometimes true happiness can come from the most unexpected places. At 9:30 p.m. on October 7, 2007, 69-year-old Chen Sisi passed away peacefully at East China Hospital in Shanghai.

In the last moments of her life, she seems to have found inner peace. It is said that she once said that she did not regret marrying her ex-husband's uncle, but regretted marrying Gao Yuan in the first place, thinking that that marriage ruined the happiness of the first half of her life.

Chen Sisi's life trajectory is embarrassing. She went from a famous movie star, to a betrayed wife, to the controversial protagonist of "uncle and sister-in-law", but finally found true happiness in this unexpected marriage.

Her story teaches us that life's twists are often unexpected, and that true happiness can befall us in the most unexpected ways. Chen Sisi's later life is not only an affirmation of her personal choice, but also a powerful response to all doubts.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

She proves that sometimes seemingly crazy decisions can lead to unexpected happy outcomes. Chen Sisi's story may give some enlightenment to those who are struggling in the trough of life: fate always has unexpected arrangements, and happiness may be waiting for us at the next corner.

Looking back on Chen Sisi's life, we can't help but have a deep reflection. Her story is not only a saga of betrayal and revenge, but also a revelation of self-redemption and regaining happiness.

Chen Sisi's initial marriage failure let us see the dark side behind the glamorous showbiz. Gao Yuan's capriciousness and betrayal not only hurt Chen Sisi, but also ruined a happy family.

9. This reminds us that when choosing a life partner, we should not only be confused by appearance or fame, but also value the character and loyalty of the other person. Although Chen Sisi's act of revenge is shocking, it also shows the courage and determination of an injured woman.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

Instead of choosing to suffer in silence, she regained control of her fate in her own way. Although this practice is very controversial, it also gives us a thought: when faced with betrayal, do we have the courage to speak up for ourselves and live for ourselves? The most surprising thing is that Chen Sisi found true happiness in this "revenge".

Her marriage to Uncle Takato lasted for many years until the last moment of her life. This tells us that sometimes life surprises us in the most unexpected ways. Even after a painful past, we still have the opportunity to start over and find our own happiness.

Chen Sisi said in her later years that she did not regret marrying her ex-husband's uncle, but regretted marrying Gao Yuan in the first place. This reflection allows us to see that the value of life is not in how brilliant we have been, but in whether we have finally found inner peace and contentment.

10. Chen Sisi's story tells us that there is no fixed script for life. Even if we make seemingly crazy decisions on the spur of the moment, we can unexpectedly move towards happiness.

Since you abandoned me, then I will marry your uncle and be your aunt, which is really shocking

It is important that we have the courage to face life's challenges and look for new possibilities in the face of adversity.