
Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

author:Cheerful sunshine aFi


Huawei's Intelligent Driving Attack: Breakthroughs and Controversies

On the frontier battlefield of science and technology, Huawei has once again made waves. A striking piece of news spread across the industry in an instant: Huawei's ADS2.0 package is about to increase in July, and ADS3.0 is ready to go. The news was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves.

Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

1. The secret behind the price increase

The price increase of Huawei's ADS2.0 package is not for nothing. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous increase in R&D investment, Huawei has invested heavily in the field of autonomous driving. The price increase in July is a compensation for the upfront R&D costs, and on the other hand, it also reflects Huawei's confidence in its own technological strength. However, this price increase has also caused a lot of controversy. Some argue that this will discourage some consumers; But there are also those who firmly believe that users who are truly looking for a high-quality autonomous driving experience will not be swayed by the price.

Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

Huawei's deep efforts in the field of autonomous driving have enabled ADS 2.0 to achieve remarkable results. A large amount of data accumulation and continuous optimization of algorithms have enabled ADS2.0 to have stable performance and good user reputation. But Huawei is not satisfied with this, but is moving towards higher goals, as evidenced by the upcoming ADS3.0.

Second, the key significance of software upgrades

In the automotive sector, software upgrades are becoming more and more important. This is especially true for Huawei's autonomous driving system. Different from the mobile phone system upgrade, the software upgrade of the car is directly related to the change of driving technology. Every optimization and improvement can mean a safer, smarter driving experience.

Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

Huawei has always been well aware of this, so it has invested a lot of effort in software upgrades. From the initial emergency braking to the current early deceleration and braking, every progress is the result of the wisdom and efforts of Huawei's R&D team. This spirit of continuous iteration is the key to Huawei's ability to stand out in the fierce market competition.

3. Huawei's confidentiality policy

Huawei's confidential work on the research and development of autonomous driving technology has always been the focus of attention from the outside world. Even the open beta version has not been released, which has led to a lot of curiosity and speculation about the upcoming ADS3.0. Some have criticized Huawei for being too conservative, arguing that proper openness can better collect user feedback and speed up the improvement of the technology. But others believe that Huawei's secrecy is to prevent technology leaks and maintain its competitive advantage.

Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

In this era of rapid information dissemination, Huawei's secrecy strategy is truly unique. Whether this strategy will continue to work in the long term is still unknown. After all, user expectations and market needs are constantly changing.

Fourth, iteration is only for continuous growth

Each iteration of Huawei is not a simple version update, but a qualitative leap. From ADS2.0 to ADS3.0, Huawei continues to accumulate experience and push its technology to new heights. This strategy of iterative growth has enabled Huawei to gain a firm foothold in the field of autonomous driving.

Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

But at the same time, there are also doubts about whether such rapid iterations will make users feel overwhelmed and increase the cost of use. After all, each upgrade may require users to invest more time and money.

Fifth, towards the future of technological extreme

Huawei's goal is much more than that, they are moving towards the ultimate era of technology. From the low-level exploration of BEV+GOD technology, to the new stage of the main GOD technology, to the future L4 and L5 autonomous driving, Huawei's blueprint is full of expectations.

Unbelievable! In July, the price increase, Huawei ADS2.0 package is no longer discounted, and ADS3.0 is decisively debuted!

This ambitious vision has also sparked widespread controversy, with some arguing that Huawei's development in the field of autonomous driving is too radical and may face technical difficulties and legal and regulatory constraints. However, there are also those who firmly believe that Huawei, with its strong technical strength and innovative spirit, can break through many obstacles and lead the development of the industry.


Every step of Huawei's autonomous driving efforts has attracted much attention, whether it is the decision to increase prices, the efforts to upgrade software, or the persistence of confidentiality strategy and iterative growth, all of which are full of challenges and opportunities.

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