
Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (Reporter Liu Jin Correspondent He Nan Text/Photo) In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a few days ago, Gudu Street, Qindu District launched a "red package" to celebrate "July 1st".

Carry out the knowledge contest of "Celebrating July 1st, Remembering the History of the Party, and Remembering the Party Discipline". Street Licai Community and Guangming Community carry out knowledge contest activities. Before the competition, everyone reviewed the oath of joining the party. The content of the competition covers the history of the party, the party's theory, party discipline and party rules and other aspects, fully demonstrating the rich knowledge reserve of party members and the results of party discipline learning, which is not only a test of knowledge, but also a tempering of party spirit.

Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful
Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful
Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful

Carry out activities to visit and comfort veteran party members. The branches of the street visited some of the old party members in the jurisdiction to learn more about the daily life and physical health of the old party members' families, and hoped that the old comrades would take care of their health, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, always maintain the political nature of the communist party members, and continue to play an exemplary and leading role in the work of party building to lead community governance, and send condolences and condolences to the old party members, and send them holiday greetings and blessings.

Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful
Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful

Carry out the party member conference of "Celebrating July 1st, Learning Party Discipline and Strengthening Party Spirit". The secretary of the branch of Yuquan community and Rongquan community in the street gave a vivid party discipline special party lesson for all party members, requiring all party members to understand the spiritual essence of the "Regulations", standardize their own behavior, understand the law and discipline, know the rules, know the awe, abide by the bottom line, and effectively internalize the learning results of party discipline education in their hearts and externalize them in their actions, and strive to be an example of discipline and obedience. At the same time, 19 outstanding party members were commended and honorary certificates were awarded.

Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful

Carry out the "Feeling the Party's Kindness, Listening to the Party's Words, and Following the Party" to celebrate the July 1st symposium. Long'an Community, Huatai Community, and Yuzhu held a symposium to celebrate "July 1st". At the meeting, the community awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the veteran party members with 50 years of party experience. In the symposium, party members spoke enthusiastically, shared their experience of joining the party and their growth insights, expressed their deep feelings and gratitude to the party, and their deeds and spirit infected everyone present. Everyone unanimously expressed that they would keep in mind the party's entrustment, practice the party's purpose with practical actions, and play a vanguard and exemplary role for the harmonious development of the community.

Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful
Gudu Street, Qindu District: "Red Package" makes "July 1st" tasteful

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