
When people reach middle age, they should be kind to those who smoke "little poor cigarettes", what is "little poor cigarettes"?

author:Lover Xiao Yu

Have you ever noticed that the middle-aged people around you who smoke "little poor cigarettes" actually hide the most profound wisdom in life?

Don't laugh, it's not a joke.

Let's unravel this smoky puzzle together.

When people reach middle age, they should be kind to those who smoke "little poor cigarettes", what is "little poor cigarettes"?

First of all, let's admit that smoking is really not a good habit.

However, for many middle-aged uncles, this is simply the spice of life.

You see, there are old and young, and the work pressure is huge, so if you don't come to relieve it with a cigarette, I'm afraid it will explode on the spot.

As a veteran smoker with over 30 years of smoke, I can proudly say that I have smoked more cigarettes than you have ever drunk.

Just kidding, don't take it seriously.

However, it is because of this "rich experience" that I know the psychology of smokers very well.

You might say, isn't it just a cigarette and you can still see the flowers?

When people reach middle age, they should be kind to those who smoke "little poor cigarettes", what is "little poor cigarettes"?

Then you couldn't be more wrong.

From a person's taste for smoking, you can get a glimpse of almost his entire life.

For example, middle-aged people who only smoke cheap cigarettes despite having a good income are often wise people in life. **

I remember that there is an old Wang in the unit, with a salary of tens of thousands of yuan per month, and the cigarettes he can smoke never exceed 10 yuan a pack.

Once I couldn't help but ask him, "Lao Wang, you are so rich, why don't you buy some good cigarettes to smoke?" "

Lao Wang smiled and said, "Young man, when you have two college babies at home, you will understand." "

I was stunned when I heard this, thinking that the life of this middle-aged man is really not simple.

Let's talk about Lao Zhao in the unit, this is a technical master, and his income is higher than Lao Wang.

When people reach middle age, they should be kind to those who smoke "little poor cigarettes", what is "little poor cigarettes"?

But guess what? He smoked cigarettes for less than 10 yuan, and sometimes he rolled his own cigarettes.

Lao Zhao's apprentice Xiao Li couldn't get used to this, and laughed at his master as "Grande" all day long.

But Lao Zhao never got angry, but said lightly: "Children don't know what it's like to be sad, and you will know when the time comes." "

It sounds strangely sad, but when you think about it, it's really like that.

So, we have to learn to be kind to these middle-aged people who smoke "little poor cigarettes".

What is "Little Poor Smoke"? I'll give you an important point, but you'll have to remember it.

The first is those who never smoke more than 10 yuan a pack of cigarettes.

When people reach middle age, they should be kind to those who smoke "little poor cigarettes", what is "little poor cigarettes"?

Don't think they're slamming the door, it's actually forced by life.

This kind of person is often a good man who takes care of his family, and spends his limited money on the blade.

The second type is people who set limits on their own smoking.

You don't have to look at them to smoke and count, in fact, this is a sign of self-discipline.

This kind of person is reliable and worthy of deep friendship.

The third type is the person who never gives cigarettes to others.

They don't seem to understand the world, but in fact, they are unwilling to be false and wronged.

This kind of person is down-to-earth, capable, and an invisible master in the workplace.

When people reach middle age, they should be kind to those who smoke "little poor cigarettes", what is "little poor cigarettes"?

The fourth type is people who hide in the corner and smoke when there are many people.

They seem to be cowardly, but in fact, they are taking care of the feelings of others.

This kind of person is thoughtful and a rare good partner.

At this point, you may ask, "Why do these people have to smoke cheap cigarettes?" "

Hey, you don't know, there's a lot of knowledge in this.

The life of middle-aged people is like a game of mahjong with a careful budget.

Every penny has to be weighed again and again, for fear of mistakes.

It's not that they don't want to enjoy it, but they don't dare to enjoy it.

Because they know that once they relax, the balance of the whole family can be upset.

So, the next time you see someone smoking a cheap cigarette, don't be in a hurry to laugh at it.

Maybe people are worried about their children's tuition fees.

Or maybe you're worried about your parents' medical bills.

Or, you are worried about a mortgage and a car loan.

The life of a middle-aged person is not so easy.

Every cigarette carries their bitterness and helplessness.

However, they choose to bear it silently and not complain to others.

Isn't this kind of strength and responsibility worthy of our respect?

So, what I want to say is, be kind to these middle-aged people who smoke "little poor cigarettes".

They may not be the most successful people, but they are definitely the most admirable.

In their own way, they interpret responsibility and responsibility.

They use cheap cigarettes to support the burden of a family.

Isn't this kind of spirit exactly what our society needs most?

Of course, I'm not encouraging people to smoke.

There is no doubt that smoking is harmful to the body.

However, if you can't quit the habit, then at least learn to cherish the people around you.

Because, you never know what kind of pressure the middle-aged man who smoked cheap cigarettes silently was under in his heart.

In closing, I would like to say that life is never black and white.

Those seemingly inconspicuous small details often hide the most profound wisdom of life.

So, the next time you see someone smoking a "little poor cigarette", don't rush to conclusions.

Perhaps, they are the richest people in the world.

Responsible, responsible, and wise.

That's real wealth, isn't it?

However, we also have to think about a question: is this lifestyle of sacrificing oneself and giving everything for the family really healthy?

Shouldn't you also relax and give yourself some rewards?

I'm afraid everyone has their own answer to this question.

What do you think?