
Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

author:Snow in Nankai

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Wang Xiaofei's entanglement with Big S is like a serial, Wang Xiaofei remarried, and her new partner Ma Xiaomei is suspected of being pregnant.

Big S reversed his word when the child returned to Beijing, and Wang Xiaofei was angry.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Zhang Lan understands the temper of Big S, and Ma Xiaomei is praised.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei have a good relationship and are looking forward to a new life.

Celebrities have difficult family affairs, and I hope that children can grow up happily.

Recently, the emotional entanglement between Wang Xiaofei and Da S (Xu Xiyuan) has undoubtedly become the focus of public opinion, and its complexity not only touches on the subtlety of personal emotions, but also triggers a profound discussion on family, responsibility and love.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

At the center of the story is how two people who once loved each other deal with the life they conceived together - their children after they parted ways.

Wang Xiaofei's divorce from Da S was already regrettable, and the subsequent controversy over the child's visitation rights was like a sharp knife that cut through the surface of peace.

In particular, a storm about whether the child can return to Beijing to reunite with his father has pushed this family dispute to a climax.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

The children are full of anticipation and ready to spend time with their father, but because of the backsliding of their mother's big S, they can only face disappointment in the end.

Wang Xiaofei's anger and helplessness in this regard is not only a reflection of her father's deep love for his children, but also a reflection of the challenges faced when raising children together after divorce.

Regarding Big S's repetition on the issue of child visits, the outside world is full of curiosity and speculation.

On the one hand, some people think that it has something to do with Ma Xiaomei, Wang Xiaofei's new partner.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Especially on social media, a photo of Ma Xiaomei peeling shrimp for Wang Xiaofei was interpreted as a provocation, which may have touched the sensitive nerves in Da S's heart.

On the other hand, Gu Junye's departure may also be an important factor.

As Da S's current partner, his temporary departure from the stage may have exacerbated her loneliness, which in turn affected her decision on her children.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

No matter what the considerations, Da S's behavior makes people think: in the process of divorce and restarting a family, how to balance personal emotions and the needs of children has become a question worth pondering.

In stark contrast to the entanglement of Big S, the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei is particularly sweet and harmonious.

From the romance of climbing the Great Wall hand in hand, to Wang Xiaofei's meticulousness in setting up a new home for Ma Xiaomei in Taipei, every detail reveals the deep friendship between the couple.

Especially on Wang Xiaofei's birthday, the two are looking forward to a new life in the future, which adds a bit of warmth and expectation to this relationship.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Ma Xiaomei not only participated in the decoration and built a nest belonging to the two of them, but also gave Wang Xiaofei great spiritual support, such mutual support seems to indicate that they are moving in a more stable and happy direction.

In this series of emotional fluctuations, the voices of the outside world cannot be ignored either.

Zhang Lan, as Wang Xiaofei's mother, expressed her dissatisfaction with Da S's attitude of not letting her grandson return to Beijing and not letting her see her grandson, and at the same time gave a positive evaluation of Ma Xiaomei's appearance, which to some extent reflects the emotional tendency between family members.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

The discussion of the majority of netizens is more diverse, not only questioning Da S's approach in dealing with marriage and children, but also blessings for Wang Xiaofei's new life, and more rational voices appealing that no matter whether they are celebrities or not, the cornerstone of maintaining family happiness always lies in the mutual understanding and support between husband and wife.

Disputes in celebrity families, because of their openness, can often cause widespread social resonance.

The story of Wang Xiaofei and Da S is not only the emotional journey of two people, but also a microcosm of countless families in the face of changes and challenges.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Behind all this, we hope that no matter how noisy the outside world is, children can grow up in an environment full of love, respect and understanding.

I hope that in the future, whether it is Wang Xiaofei, Da S or Ma Xiaomei, they can handle the relationship between each other with a more mature and rational attitude, and create a harmonious growth space for children.

After all, the real happy ending is not won by public opinion, but by the unchanging sense of happiness and security in the child's heart.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

As the basic unit of society, the harmony within the family directly affects the mental health and well-being of each member.

The incident between Wang Xiaofei and Da S reflects that in contemporary society, with the openness of ideas and the diversification of lifestyles, divorce and reorganized families have become common phenomena.

In this process, how to ensure that children's emotional needs are not ignored and how to find stability in the midst of changes have become issues that every family member must face.

This is not only the observance of legal terms, but also the in-depth consideration of human nature, responsibility and love.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Communication, as the golden key to resolving differences, is crucial in any relationship.

The entanglement between Wang Xiaofei and Big S is ostensibly a dispute over visitation rights, but in fact it exposes the lack of communication mechanisms between the two parties.

Effective communication means not only expressing one's position and feelings, but more importantly listening to each other's voices and understanding and respecting each other's boundaries.

Establishing communication channels based on understanding and respect in children's education and upbringing is key to ensuring children's mental health and reducing emotional damage.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Society as a whole, excessive attention to celebrity families can sometimes inadvertently amplify private conflicts and even affect the judgment of decision-makers.

Therefore, cultivating a more mature and rational public perspective is essential to promote the benign resolution of family problems.

All sectors of society, including the media, public figures, and educational institutions, should take responsibility for promoting positive family values and encouraging open and constructive dialogue rather than unfounded speculation and accusations.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

Behind all the distractions, what we should see is that everyone is seeking to love and be loved.

Whether it is Wang Xiaofei, Da S or Ma Xiaomei, or every ordinary family member, they are all trying to find their place in the family and learn how to love and be loved better.

The most important thing for children is to feel the love and support from both parents, rather than falling victim to the conflicts in the adult world.

In the end, the happy ending we hope for is not that everything is restored, but that each family member can find their own spiritual home and learn to thrive in the new family structure after experiencing changes.

Repeated horizontal jumps! Big S refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, reiterating that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, and Zhang Lan tore her face live broadcast

It's a journey of love, growth, and reconciliation, and it reminds us that kindness, understanding, and tolerance are the only ways to happiness in the midst of complex relationships.

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