
The grandmother thought the puppy was too dirty and wanted to throw it away, and the grandson was reluctant to cry sadly, kneeling down and praying, which made people feel sad

author:Five-year love said

In a quiet town in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, the sun shines on the country road, warm and peaceful. However, it was on this path that a moving story took place.

The grandmother thought the puppy was too dirty and wanted to throw it away, and the grandson was reluctant to cry sadly, kneeling down and praying, which made people feel sad

The little boy Lele is seven years old, he is innocent and lively, full of curiosity and enthusiasm for the world. Lele has a special hobby, that is, he likes small animals, and he often dreams that he can have a pet to accompany him through a happy childhood.

One day, Lele and her grandmother went out to play together. On a country road, they came across a stray puppy. The puppy was dirty, but Lele took a keen interest in it. He walked up to the puppy and gently stroked its head, and the puppy seemed to feel Lele's kindness and wagged his tail to show him.

The grandmother thought the puppy was too dirty and wanted to throw it away, and the grandson was reluctant to cry sadly, kneeling down and praying, which made people feel sad

Lele excitedly looked back at her grandmother, hoping that she would agree to adopt the puppy herself. However, the grandmother frowned, she thought the puppy was too dirty to keep at home. Lele listened to his grandmother's words and felt very lost, but he still didn't want to give up.

The grandmother thought the puppy was too dirty and wanted to throw it away, and the grandson was reluctant to cry sadly, kneeling down and praying, which made people feel sad

He tried to explain to his grandmother how cute the puppy was and how happy it would bring him. But the grandmother was unmoved and insisted on sending the puppy away. Lele looked at her grandmother's determined eyes, and felt extremely helpless and desperate in her heart.

The grandmother thought the puppy was too dirty and wanted to throw it away, and the grandson was reluctant to cry sadly, kneeling down and praying, which made people feel sad

Suddenly, Lele made an amazing move. He knelt in front of his grandmother and begged her to keep the puppy with tears streaming down his face. His voice was choked and firm, and people couldn't help but feel sad. However, Grandma still did not change her decision.

Lele watched his grandmother reach out to hug the puppy, and his heart was like a knife. He hugged the puppy tightly for fear it would be taken away. The puppy also seemed to feel Lele's nervousness, and it snuggled tightly into Lele's arms, looking at him with those wet eyes.

Lele squatted on the ground with the puppy in his arms, his tears constantly sliding. He looked up at his grandmother with those eyes full of longing and anticipation, hoping that she would change her decision. However, Grandma just stood silently and did not speak.

In the end, the grandmother did not forcibly take the puppy, but she also did not agree to Lele to adopt it. She tells Lele that the puppy needs a better home, and Lele is not yet able to take care of it. Lele listened to her grandmother's words, and although she was reluctant, she could only accept it silently.

From that day on, Lele left a deep regret in his heart. He often thought of the puppy and the brief time they spent together. He regretted that he was not capable of protecting it and did not give it a warm home. This regret has always accompanied him as he grew up and has become an eternal pain in his heart.

This story makes us deeply reflect on the regrets and absences of childhood. Have we ever lost a beloved pet because of parental opposition? Have we ever felt irreparable regret because of our own powerlessness? We may not understand the significance of these regrets in childhood, but when we grow up, we will understand how profound they affect us.

Therefore, we should cherish every opportunity to spend time with pets and give them a warm home. At the same time, we should also give our children more understanding and support, so that they can freely pursue their dreams and hobbies. Only in this way can we let them have a happy childhood without regrets.

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