
How much can your boyfriend's monthly salary support you? The woman's street interview told the truth: The monthly salary of a boy is only one million, which is a waste

author:Five-year love said

In a bustling city, a seemingly ordinary street interview unexpectedly reveals the complex mentality of modern people about marriage and money.

The topic of this interview is simple and straightforward: "How much do you think your boyfriend needs to earn a month to sustain your life together?" This question may seem prosaic, but the answers are varied, reflecting everyone's different views on marriage and money.

How much can your boyfriend's monthly salary support you? The woman's street interview told the truth: The monthly salary of a boy is only one million, which is a waste

Some women said that their boyfriend's monthly salary should be at least between 5,000 and 10,000 yuan to ensure the quality of life. They insisted that marriage should not be used as an excuse to reduce the quality of life. However, there are also some women who hold a more independent view, believing that marriage is the result of a joint effort and that relying on their boyfriend to support them is not their original intention.

How much can your boyfriend's monthly salary support you? The woman's street interview told the truth: The monthly salary of a boy is only one million, which is a waste

But one voice stands out in this discussion. The woman bluntly stated that making money has become a breeze these days, and the Internet is full of successful examples. Therefore, in her opinion, men who make less than a million a month are simply losers. This view immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

How much can your boyfriend's monthly salary support you? The woman's street interview told the truth: The monthly salary of a boy is only one million, which is a waste

Many point out that this extreme view ignores real-life economic laws and individual differences. Making a million a month is an unattainable dream for the vast majority of people. They question whether such unrealistic expectations can actually contribute to a healthy, equal marriage.

How much can your boyfriend's monthly salary support you? The woman's street interview told the truth: The monthly salary of a boy is only one million, which is a waste

In fact, although modern society offers more opportunities to make money, success does not happen overnight. After all, success stories on the Internet are individual cases and cannot be used as a universal standard. Marriage, on the other hand, is based more on mutual respect, understanding and support, rather than a simple monetary transaction.

How much can your boyfriend's monthly salary support you? The woman's street interview told the truth: The monthly salary of a boy is only one million, which is a waste

This street interview undoubtedly provides us with a window into the state of mind of society. It reminds us that we should not lose sight of the true value of feelings while pursuing material satisfaction. Marriage is not a game of money, but a journey of life that requires both parties to work together and support each other.

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