
The man said that he picked up Tai Sui by the river, and he looked like a man using silicone to laugh at his wife: Tai Sui still has holes in his body?

author:Five-year love said

On the banks of the beautiful Chongqing River, a ridiculous adventure is quietly staged. An adventurous man walks along the riverside with his wife in his spare time, enjoying the peace and harmony. However, an unexpected discovery made him fall into a fantasy about "Tai Sui".

The man said that he picked up Tai Sui by the river, and he looked like a man using silicone to laugh at his wife: Tai Sui still has holes in his body?

On that day, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry. The man and his wife walked slowly along the path by the river, occasionally stopping to enjoy the river view, and from time to time the laughter of the two could be heard. Suddenly, the man's gaze was drawn to a black object on the ground. It lies there quietly, one side as flat as a mirror, the other round and lovely, and it seems to exude an aura of mystery.

The man said that he picked up Tai Sui by the river, and he looked like a man using silicone to laugh at his wife: Tai Sui still has holes in his body?

The man's heart moved, could this be the legendary "Tai Sui"? He crouched down and carefully picked up the black object, soft and elastic to the touch, with a moderate weight, which seemed to contain an indescribable power. He excitedly raised the "baby" in his hand and showed it to his wife: "Look, I picked up a piece of Tai Sui!" ”

The man said that he picked up Tai Sui by the river, and he looked like a man using silicone to laugh at his wife: Tai Sui still has holes in his body?

However, his wife was not infected by his excitement. She scrutinized the object, then couldn't help but laugh, "Where did you pick up the plastic toy?" It's still too old! The man's excitement was instantly extinguished, and his eyes widened as he carefully observed the object in his hand. Indeed, it looks and feels more like a silicone product than a legendary prized medicinal herb.

The man said that he picked up Tai Sui by the river, and he looked like a man using silicone to laugh at his wife: Tai Sui still has holes in his body?

This scene was filmed by tourists and netizens next to him, and quickly spread on the Internet. Many netizens couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing it, and left messages and joked: "Where is this Tai Sui?" It's clearly a silicone toy for men! Some netizens joked: "Even if it's Tai Sui, it won't have such a big hole, right?" ”

Although this misunderstanding made the man a little embarrassed, it also made him deeply aware of his ignorance and impulsiveness. He realized that in the pursuit of wealth and dreams, people are often easily disoriented and blinded by some illusory fantasies. He sighed: "This experience made me cherish the good times in real life even more, and it also made me understand a truth: being down-to-earth is the most important thing." ”

At the same time, this misunderstanding also reminds people to take care of the environment and protect nature. The garbage that is discarded at will not only pollutes the environment, but may also cause unnecessary trouble and distress to others. We should always maintain a heart of reverence for nature and the environment, and jointly protect our beautiful home.

In short, although this riverside adventure was just a misunderstanding, it brought profound enlightenment and reflection to people. Let us not forget our original intention and be down-to-earth while pursuing our dreams; While enjoying a better life, cherish nature and care for the environment.

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