
The motherland is strong! Children play in the Martyrs' Cemetery after school! Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish!

author:Storm Hour Tracker


A group of photographs sparked a discussion about children playing in the martyrs' cemetery, discussing issues of education and patriotism. How to let children better understand history and cultivate patriotic feelings has become the focus of attention. The guidance of parents and school education is very important, let's take a look!

Children in the martyrs' cemetery

The motherland is strong! Children play in the Martyrs' Cemetery after school! Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish!

Recently, a group of photos have sparked heated discussions on the Internet, showing a group of children playing in the martyrs' cemetery.

The motherland is strong! Children play in the Martyrs' Cemetery after school! Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish!

The photographer of the photo said that he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion when he saw the children playing in the martyrs' cemetery.

The children are now able to live a happy and beautiful life because of the efforts of their ancestors, and these martyrs are their ancestors.

The children in the photo not only did not have a sense of awe for the martyrs' cemetery, but happily played in the cemetery.

This has led to speculation about how education can help children better understand history and cultivate patriotic feelings.

In fact, behind the children playing in the martyrs' cemetery, it can also highlight the respect and memory of history and martyrs in modern society.

And this is also part of the education problem in modern society, how can we better let the next generation understand the contribution of our ancestors?

The motherland is strong! Children play in the Martyrs' Cemetery after school! Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish!

Educational issues

Regarding the situation of the children playing in the martyr's cemetery in the photo, many netizens also expressed their opinions.

Some netizens believe that as a child, it is difficult to be in awe of the martyr's cemetery without understanding the specific situation.

Moreover, as the resting place of the martyrs, the martyrs' cemetery should be respected and revered in every aspect.

However, this does not mean that children should be banned from entering the martyrs' cemetery, because it is also not conducive to allowing children to better understand history and the contributions of their ancestors.

And the children's inability to treat the martyrs' cemetery correctly is more to blame for the parents' lack of correct guidance.

Therefore, when parents take their children to visit, they should explain to them how many martyrs have paid for the good life we have now.

Only by letting children understand the real history and understand that a happy life is not easy to come by, can they truly cultivate patriotic feelings.

However, some netizens believe that although it is acceptable for children to play in the martyrs' cemetery, square dancing and Internet celebrity activities are not acceptable.

Because these activities often bring a lot of noise, affecting the martyrs who are resting.

Some netizens even said that when they were children, they often played around the memorial hall with their partners and did not have fear of it.

On the contrary, I feel that it is full of righteousness and warmth, whether it is winter or summer, I feel that it is very warm there.

From this point of view, it is true that many children simply do not understand what the martyrs have done for us.

The motherland is strong! Children play in the Martyrs' Cemetery after school! Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish!

Patriotic feelings

And how can we better let the next generation understand what our ancestors have done for us?

In addition to home education, school education is also a very important part.

Students should be systematically introduced to modern Chinese history in textbooks, and the connection between the school and the old revolutionary base areas and the sites of the Anti-Japanese War should be strengthened to enhance students' personal experience.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the propaganda of advanced deeds, set up display boards of typical deeds inside and outside the school, and systematically and comprehensively explain and publicize them.

Only in this way can the next generation truly understand the modern history of the great powers of the East and cultivate patriotic feelings from an early age.

The motherland is strong! Children play in the Martyrs' Cemetery after school! Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish!


The topic of children playing in the martyrs' cemetery was mentioned, which did give rise to a lot of speculation. The educational guidance of parents and schools is essential to cultivate children's patriotic feelings. Perhaps we can also reflect on how the next generation can better understand what our ancestors have done for us. What do you think? Come and leave a comment to share your views!