
What kind of road did the Internet celebrity madman who lost his life after riding 800 kilometers a day go?

author:Clear water and no fishing

Two days ago, I wrote an article about the Internet celebrity madman who rode 800 kilometers in one day, through no man's land, and then died in Tibet, many people expressed regret, and many people questioned, what kind of riding can be 800 kilometers a day?

Actually, about this day of riding 800 kilometers, I deliberately went to all the videos released by the crazy brother to see it, people did ride 800 kilometers in one day, and successfully crossed the no-man's land, from Minfeng County, Xinjiang to Gaize County, Ali District, Tibet.


And the day after he rode 800 kilometers, they went to challenge to ride 1,100 kilometers a day, and had an accident on the way to Lhasa from Gaize County in Tibet's Ali Prefecture!

That crazy brother, what kind of road is the 800 kilometers that you ride through?

To put it simply, this is a national highway that was just opened last year, from Minfeng in Xinjiang to National Highway 216 in Aligaize County, Tibet, a total of 800 kilometers, passing through the largest uninhabited area in the mainland, Qiangtang uninhabited area.

This road has two characteristics, one is the high altitude, starting from Minfeng, Xinjiang, the altitude rises all the way, reaching a maximum of more than 5,000 meters. The second is this 800-kilometer road, and there are no supply points throughout the whole journey.

That is, there is no gas station during the whole journey, and there is no place to stay and eat on the way.

What kind of road did the Internet celebrity madman who lost his life after riding 800 kilometers a day go?

In addition to being an extreme challenge, there are many reasons why they have to complete the 800-kilometer crossing in one day.

And the crazy brother is a new rider, the first time he enters Tibet, the first time he rides, he engages in this kind of extreme challenge, and it is predictable that something will happen.

Personally, I think there are several main reasons:

1. A team of them is a motorcycle tour of this extreme challenge, and it is common to ride hundreds of kilometers or even more than 1,000 kilometers a day. So, they didn't carry much with the car. Except for some necessary items, they were resupplied after riding to the next stop on the same day, so they could only travel through the no-man's land for one day.

What kind of road did the Internet celebrity madman who lost his life after riding 800 kilometers a day go?

2. 800 kilometers of crossing, the whole process is at a high altitude, even if you drive a car, it takes a day to cross, it is also quite a test of a person's skills and physical fitness.

An old Tibetan friend of mine told me that at a high altitude in the Ali region of Tibet, it is very dangerous to drive or ride.

A person can't drive a car for too long in this kind of place, because it is likely to cause high reaction, riding in this kind of place, a little distraction, or high reaction dizziness, there is a possibility of accidents.

And they actually rode 800 kilometers a day, which is at least about 8-10 hours of continuous riding at such a high altitude, so the fatigue brought to the body can be imagined.

What kind of road did the Internet celebrity madman who lost his life after riding 800 kilometers a day go?

3. After riding 800 kilometers the day before and crossing the no-man's land in one day, the madman posted a video on the same day, saying that the high altitude brought discomfort to his body, and he felt a lack of oxygen, which was a little slow-down!

However, this is the case, the madman brother did not stop moving forward, and the next day they rode from Aligaize County in Tibet to Lhasa. According to the data, the distance from Gaize County to Lhasa is more than 1,000 kilometers, about 1,100 kilometers.

Knowing that his body is no longer suitable for high altitude, he does not stop to rest, but chooses to continue to challenge more extreme riding, which has to be said to be the result of his own cause.

4. It can be seen from the video of the crazy brother's accident sent by his friend that they were riding on a deserted highway in Tibet at the time, and there was a guardrail at the bend in front of the highway, and the crazy brother did not turn around when he was turning, and directly hit the guardrail, and the person and the car fell to the ground.

As you can see in the video, he rode fast, hit the guardrail and burst into flames, and then fell heavily to the ground.

According to his friend, the madman brought a helmet that day, but because the helmet buckle was not fastened tightly, the helmet was broken when he hit the guardrail, and he suffered a serious head injury.

And that kind of crazy brother didn't turn around, maybe he was distracted for a while, or he suddenly became dizzy or something, and he shook it casually and bumped into it.


5. Because there is no shop in front of the village and behind the riding section, after the madman brother was injured and fell to the ground, no one in the team dared to touch him, for fear of causing other injuries, so he called the police on the spot and did not rescue until the ambulance personnel arrived.

But how long it took from the accident to the arrival of ambulance personnel, this is not said. But my personal guess is that this time will not be short. It may have taken more than an hour or more to arrive, after all, the Ali region of Tibet is sparsely populated.

The day before the crazy brother was ready to go riding, that is, on June 1st, the crazy brother released a video of himself preparing for the ride, in which a netizen in Hunan left him a message that day, asking him not to ride to a no-man's land is not safe, and the crazy brother replied that he must go.

But now looking at that message, it makes people feel embarrassed. If time could be turned back, and the madman brother listened to the persuasion and did not go to the no-man's land, maybe this kind of thing would not have happened, but without ifs, God did not give the madman a chance to start again in life!

What kind of road did the Internet celebrity madman who lost his life after riding 800 kilometers a day go?

Finally, I would like to say that poetry and distance are precious, but the price of life is higher, don't leave irreparable regrets in life in order to pursue temporary excitement!

Accidents and tomorrow do not know which one will come first, do not leave this pain to your loved ones. Reverence for life, reverence for nature!

The picture source is the Internet, invaded and deleted!
