
Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

author:See the world in the middle

When Wei Dongyi (affectionately known as "Wei Shen" by netizens) first posted a photo of him climbing the Great Wall on social media, the entire Internet seemed to be shocked by the other side of this out-and-out mathematical "prodigy". Instead of demonstrating his mathematical skills on the ancient stone steps, as expected, he conquered each step with amazing physical strength and determined steps. Behind this scene, there is an even more surprising secret: he actually carried a 1.5-liter bottle of mineral water filled with boiling water!

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

The nickname Wei Shen is not unfounded, as his brilliant achievements in math competitions have already made him famous on the Internet. However, when his cousin shared a photo of him climbing the Great Wall on social media, netizens really realized that he was not only a math wizard, but also had extraordinary physical fitness.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

"This little brother, it's not covered!" One commenter quipped under the photo, "Why do you bring a 1.5-liter water bottle when you're going to climb a mountain, not a math competition?" ”

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

The cousin, a family member close to Wei Shen, unravels the mystery. "Hey, Wei Shen is a very real child, he doesn't like to buy mineral water, and he thinks it's a waste of money. So every time he goes out, he will bring boiled water from the stove at home. This time I climbed the Great Wall, and I specially brought him a large bottle of mineral water, and he filled a bottle full of white water by himself. He said, just drink water, what's the big deal, you can replenish energy along the way. ”

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

This episode made netizens cry and laugh, and at the same time praised Wei Shen's realism and optimism. Not only mathematics, but even mountaineering can be so calm and calm, such a "prodigy" is really rare.

"Maybe math and physical strength are his family's talents!" Another netizen jokingly commented, "If he goes to the Great Wall with an abacus next time, it will really be a double all-round in mathematics and sports." ”

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

However, more netizens lamented the support and efforts of the family behind Wei Shen. "Being able to combine math and mountaineering is a true all-rounder! Hopefully he will bring us more surprises in the future. ”

Whether it is the arena of mathematics competitions or the magnificent natural landscapes such as the Great Wall, Wei Shen has shown his difference. His story is not only a personal achievement, but also a manifestation of an attitude towards life. In this era of individuality and diversity, his experience has undoubtedly led to a whole new understanding and awareness of success and achievement.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

In this stressful and anxious society, sometimes we do need a family story to bring us some peace and inspiration. Today I'm going to talk about a young man named Wei Dongyi, who is not an esports expert as his name suggests, but a math wizard and an unexpected sports expert.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

Wei Dongyi, don't look at his usual low-key, in fact, mathematics is his true love. However, it is not so much that he is the kind of academic bully, but that he is the "invisible god" of the math competition. If you give him a multiplication problem, it's a piece of cake. Although he may not be the perfect score king in school, he is never soft on math competitions and always wins a trophy.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

In addition to mathematics, Wei Dongyi also has a little secret - sports. This was thanks to his cousin, who dragged him up the Great Wall in the first place. Can you imagine the skill and courage of a nerd who has been struggling all day long on the Great Wall? Netizens were dumbfounded and praised on social media: "This little brother is not simple, he can hold on to mathematics and sports!" Indeed, the "little god" on the math field can also switch freely between the "big god" on the Great Wall, which is really an unimaginable contrast.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

However, in addition to his talent, Wei Dongyi's living habits are also quite down-to-earth. It is said that he especially likes the boiled water he brews, never wastes money, and does not like to put on music. This unpretentious personality, coupled with the meticulous support of his family, allows him to always feel warmth and encouragement no matter what the competition is like.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

In particular, this experience of climbing the Great Wall has become a "milestone" in his growth. My cousin not only carried it personally, but also captured many precious moments and shared them with everyone through social platforms. These photos and stories not only make Wei Dongyi's image fuller and more three-dimensional, but also show the steadfast quality and growth process behind him.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

Therefore, the support of the family is really important! With the encouragement of his family, Wei Dongyi was able to navigate the dual worlds of mathematics and sports. His story teaches us that no matter what you're good at, if you dare to pursue it, someone will cheer you on. So, don't underestimate those seemingly simple family stories, they can often bring us the most sincere touching and inspiration.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

Wei Dongyi's story, although seemingly ordinary, shows profound life wisdom and growth experience in the details. With his superb performance in mathematics competitions and the courage he showed on the Great Wall, he showed us a versatile and unpretentious image. This image is not only a teenager's personal achievement, but also the crystallization of family support and self-struggle.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

First of all, Wei Dongyi's talent and hard work in mathematics cannot be ignored. Although he may not be the brightest student in his daily studies, his excellent performance in mathematics competitions is unquestionable. This transformation is not only due to his own diligence and intelligence, but also to the support and encouragement of his family members. The understanding and support of his family has allowed him to remain confident and determined on the road of learning and competition, and this family background has become a key part of his achievements.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

Secondly, Wei Dongyi's unexpected performance in sports also added a lot of different halos to him. Not only did he show great physical fitness and courage in the Great Wall climb, but he also attracted a lot of attention on social media. This is not only because of his achievements in mathematics, but also because of his spirit of daring to challenge himself and cross fields. Behind this all-round development is not only his personal efforts and willpower, but also the encouragement and support of his family for his all-round development.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

In addition, Wei Dongyi's simple quality in daily life also deeply touched people. He doesn't like to put on music and prefers a simple and unpretentious lifestyle, which not only makes him unique among his peers, but also keeps him calm and determined in the arena. This extraordinary quality revealed in the ordinary is a valuable asset in his upbringing.

Weishen Great Wall Climbing Secret: Amazing Physical Fitness! Salary card self-insurance + 1.5 liters of hot water drinking method analysis

In conclusion, Wei Dongyi's story tells us that everyone's growth path is full of accidents and possibilities. Family support is an important cornerstone of everyone's achievement, and their understanding and encouragement can not only help us overcome difficulties, but also motivate us to keep striving for higher goals. Wei Dongyi's double breakthrough in mathematics and physical education demonstrates the importance of comprehensive literacy and the value of multi-faceted development.