
Social contradictions should be reasonably guided, and extreme behaviors should not be allowed!

author:Arsenal off
Social contradictions should be reasonably guided, and extreme behaviors should not be allowed!

I don't know if you have found that extreme remarks frequently appear on short video media platforms. Some people think that this is because there are more bad people, but I don't think so, it is because the environment has changed, and the repressive emotions of society are serious. An outburst of emotion, an extreme of anger.

Let's start with the conclusion: I believe that social contradictions should be reasonably guided and refuse to reproduce historical extremism."

At no time can we miss mistakes, and the rule of law and civilization must not be missed. Learning from other countries, today's society should not be rich and guilty, and rich and hateful.

Social contradictions should be reasonably guided, and extreme behaviors should not be allowed!

A civilized society should respect those who work hard and become prosperous. Illegal income and illegal assets are subject to the legal supervision of the state, and the people's emotions are antagonistic, which is worrying.

For example, Suzhou buses are brave and brave. Stopping extremists from attacking crowds, an act that should have been praised, but there was a negative voice in the comment area, it was the Japanese who should not have been rescued, they should have been attacked, when did our country and our society become so extreme?

This extreme behaviour reflects the vindictive mentality and disrespect for the rules on the part of some in society, while others sympathize with it as an explosion of long-standing resentment. Any form of extreme violence is undesirable, and only by addressing the issue within the legal framework can true social justice and harmony be achieved.

The openness and pluralism of society is an irreversible trend, and blind xenophobia will only lead to greater social divisions and conflicts.

Social contradictions should be reasonably guided, and extreme behaviors should not be allowed!

The emergence of these phenomena reflects the fact that the current social mood is gradually moving towards extremes and becoming more and more hostile. Everything must be viewed objectively, and cannot be overly embellished or interpreted one-sidedly, especially not to embark on the road of extremes again. Social development needs rationality and stability, and any extreme emotions and behaviors will bring great harm to social harmony and progress.

In today's society, injustice and contradictions are everywhere, and they are like a latent volcano, which can erupt at any time with extreme lava and scorch the harmony and progress of the whole society. However, we should learn from the lessons of history and understand the magnitude of the catastrophe caused by such extreme acts, which we will never want to experience again.

Social contradictions should be reasonably guided, and extreme behaviors should not be allowed!

Social injustice and contradiction are unavoidable phenomena in the development of human society. However, how to deal with these contradictions has a bearing on social stability and development. We cannot resort to extreme measures for the sake of momentary anger and dissatisfaction, which will only exacerbate tensions and divisions in society.

On the contrary, we should face the injustices and contradictions in society with a rational and tolerant attitude. Through the means of the rule of law to resolve social contradictions, through the power of education and culture to guide people's emotions and behavior. The government, social organizations and every citizen should assume the responsibility of guiding social development and avoid the spread of extremism in any form.

At the same time, we also need to deeply reflect on the fact that social injustice is not only a problem of institutions, but also a reflection of values. By enhancing the people's concept of the rule of law and their civic awareness, and by strengthening the construction of social fairness and justice, we can gradually dissolve the root causes of social contradictions and achieve true social harmony and progress.

Therefore, in the face of social injustice and contradictions, we should not choose extreme means and emotions to deal with them, but should work together to create a more harmonious and beautiful society through reasonable guidance and development with a rational and inclusive attitude. This is not only a responsibility for each and every one of us, but also a commitment to future generations.

Social contradictions should be reasonably guided, and extreme behaviors should not be allowed!