
Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

author:Rain watching

Trump speech chanting "Biden, you're fired"!

Recently, Trump has made big news again! In a fiery speech, the former US president not only put forward "new ideas" for good relations with Russia, China and North Korea, but also boldly shouted to the current President Biden that made the audience boil "You were fired"!


Let's talk about this speech first, Trump is really full of firepower! He stood on the stage, waved his arms, and expressed his opinion impassionedly. He said that the United States should not always go toe-to-toe with countries such as Russia, China, and North Korea to create tensions between them. We have to change our thinking, cooperate more and confront less, so that the international situation can be more harmonious and the world more prosperous. This made many people give a thumbs up.

Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

But some people feel that Trump's words are too light. The relations between these countries and the United States are all problems left over from history, so how can we say that cooperation is cooperation? Besides, will good relations with these countries affect the status of the United States in the international arena? These concerns are not unfounded.

Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

But Trump didn't care about this, the more he talked, the more energetic he became, and finally he even shouted the sentence "Biden, you have been fired"! At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene reached a climax! Supporters cheered, as if they had seen the day when Trump would return to the White House. And President Biden, on his side, is probably also confused.

Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

It was an eye-opener! Trump has not only demonstrated his political charisma, but has once again demonstrated his influence as a former president. Although he is no longer the president of the United States, every public statement he makes has attracted tremendous attention and discussion.

What exactly does Trump's speech mean?

Is he really interested in returning to politics, or is he going to give the current government a blow? These are still unknowns. One thing is certain, though, that Trump's remarks speak for many.

Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

I don't think Trump's speech is entirely unreasonable. The international situation is complex and changeable, and each country has its own interests and positions. If differences and conflicts can be resolved through cooperation, that is of course the best outcome. Of course, this does not mean that we should abandon our principles and positions, but that we should seek the possibility of cooperation on the basis of adhering to our principles.

Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

Trump's speech is indeed impressive! Although his views and positions have caused controversy and discussion, they have also shown us the complexity and diversity of international politics. I hope that in the future, all countries can strengthen communication and cooperation to jointly maintain world peace and stability.

Trump shouted "Biden, you have been fired", a rational president will not oppose China, Russia and North Korea!

Do you think Trump is right? Isn't cooperation better than confrontation?