
Biden was defeated by Trump, and Zelensky's heart was cold, and he changed his tune and prepared to end the war

author:Old flowers talk about popular science


"We are working on a comprehensive plan related to the summit in Switzerland, and we are working on the summit statement in Switzerland."

Not so long ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine was developing a comprehensive plan to end the conflict with Russia, but the specifics have not been revealed, and before that Ukraine had already worked out some points.

These points are mainly about ensuring energy and food security, opening humanitarian corridors to rescue Ukrainians in distress, protecting journalists who want to flee the fighting, and allowing the exchange of prisoners of war on both sides, which undoubtedly brings a turnaround for both sides of the conflict and provides a good opportunity to end the war.

But in the debate between US President Biden and Trump, Biden collapsed directly on the spot without saying a word, and the polls since Biden took office have made the United States and the world see the level of the Biden administration, which also makes Ukrainian President Zelensky very nervous.

And what about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky?

Zelensky's heart is cold and worried.

Although the time of the U.S. presidential election is not a long time ago, it can be said that it is still a national championship not long ago, and this presidential election is also known as the feast of the United States, although the states held a meeting for democratic elections, but in fact it is also full of voters on the street, just look at the familiar line, in the United States, this year, it can be said that it is not only the year of the election, but also the year of advertising.

It can be said that the election of the United States is also a sensation all over the world, and even people all over the world are paying attention to the presidential election of the United States, because the United States is not only an international power, but also the boss of the world, and the democratic election of the United States is centered on democracy, which can be said to be very innovative.

Therefore, the democratic elections in the United States are the focus of the whole world and a role model for the world, and it is precisely because of this that it can be better developed and upgraded both militarily and economically, and at the same time, it can also be recognized and supported by international countries.

If the United States is a country that fights violence with violence, or if it is a lawless country, then even if the country has power, it will definitely not provide any support.

Biden was defeated by Trump, and Zelensky's heart was cold, and he changed his tune and prepared to end the war

Take the recent conflict between Ukraine and Russia as an example, the United States is already very willing to provide assistance in this regard, even so, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky still feels a little cold.

Biden's foreign policy after taking office is undoubtedly completely different from Trump's, who is more America-first, and spends a large part of his time in office talking about environmental protection or Iran, and turning a blind eye to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Compared with this, Biden can be described as far-sighted, he has been concerned about the conflict between Ukraine and Russia since the day he took office, and from time to time he has not kept this matter on his lips, and at the same time he has constantly punished Russia, and the Biden administration has also provided more than $175 billion in aid to Ukraine.

It can be said that the money is mainly used to buy weapons, but the money is paid by the US government, but because of the payment of this money, the US government has not come to its senses before this, so this money has become a headless fly.

In order to transfer this money to Ukraine as much as possible, the Biden administration must use it in these aspects, that is, various taxes in the United States will rise sharply, and the price of goods will directly lead to a worse life.

So these are the problems of the US government, and another problem is that if the money is used to buy American national products, then the US state will earn even if it lends to Ukraine, and even if it is a loan and a debt, it will have to be recovered in the end.

That's why Trump said, "If I were still the president of the United States, then Russia would never make a move against Ukraine, because they knew that I would fight them."

Biden was defeated by Trump, and Zelensky's heart was cold, and he changed his tune and prepared to end the war

And Trump also criticized the Biden administration's aid to Ukraine, while also saying: "This money is purely the price of food, and if I were in power, then I would build a strong army, and at the same time, I would be able to guarantee these economic problems."

U.S. military power.

As a world power, the United States is also very strong in military power, and during the U.S. election, politicians always like to talk about these, just like the latest U.S. nuclear-powered submarine will cost $100 billion, the price is quite outrageous, of course, this has become a powerful weapon for Biden to start attacking Trump.

And Trump has also publicly reflected that Trump has increased the combat power of the U.S. military a lot during his tenure, and Biden condemned it with his real name at that time.

Trump once said: "When I was in office, the U.S. defense budget was as high as $740 billion, and this figure was only for one year, while the annual defense budget when Biden was in office rose to $780 billion, and it can be seen that Biden's investment in this area is still very large."

Now the United States has wasted too much military spending, and now the United States no longer pays attention to food, but uses more energy and funds to improve its military strength, so this gun is used to serve.

The annual investment in military spending in the United States is very large, which can reach hundreds of billions, while the investment in other aspects cannot keep up, so it can be seen that there are many problems in the United States, but they are not willing to disclose it.

Election results in the United States.

In the presidential election in the United States, the voter's vote is very precious, and it can be said that everyone in the previous states will enthusiastically go to vote under the premise of conditions, and in the future, after gradually entering the society, they will pay more attention to and love the development and changes of society.

If the current social legal system can be more sound, and at the same time, more love and efforts for democracy can be made, then there will inevitably be more outstanding leaders in the future society.

Take the present as an example, the United States and other developed countries, their societies have a very deep understanding of elections, so while advocating democracy, people in various countries are also very receptive to elections, but in some less developed countries and regions, people's care for this will be much lower, and the use of these aspects will be more, so it will also lead people not to believe in elections.

And in the election in the United States, the Democratic and Republican parties should be very spicy, after all, democracy and the Republic are opposites, so the struggle between the two parties has also arisen, so in fact, this is where Ukrainian Zelensky is really worried.

American society has long been a classic, but in its social edifice, the United States is the hands of society, and elections are the best channel.

Therefore, it can be said that in this election process, people in many countries have also seen that the United States is really about choice, not freedom in the mouth of American politicians, nor democracy in the minds of the people.

So as far as Zelensky is concerned, after the presidential election, his support for Biden has been revealed, and what Zelensky hopes is to be able to grasp Biden's support and put Ukraine on a better path.

Biden was defeated by Trump, and Zelensky's heart was cold, and he changed his tune and prepared to end the war

However, in Biden's presidential selection, his election situation is not so optimistic, and even a warning signal about Biden is circulating in the White House in the United States, and the threat of this warning signal is undoubtedly exposed from Biden's election, which is undoubtedly a threat to the Biden administration and the U.S. election cycle.

This is a deep bond between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Biden, and the U.S. presidential election lies in its constituents, and it can be said that those who can provide support are all good, and they are very grateful to them, which will undoubtedly make Biden feel very proud.

But it is also a kind of pressure, and in the face of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Biden is facing more pressure as the president of the United States, which highlights the key to the support of the United States.

Biden was defeated by Trump, and Zelensky's heart was cold, and he changed his tune and prepared to end the war