
China's moon landing smashed the backbone of the United States, NASA was furious, and the astronauts took a turn in the ghost gate

author:Old flowers talk about popular science


Chang'e-6 performed the "Chang'e-6 lander successfully landed on the far side of the moon and returned to orbit", while Chang'e-6 was approaching the Earth in a 100-hour orbit, and Chang'e-6 successfully returned to Earth on June 25, 2024.

The success of Chang'e-6 has also put the mainland at the forefront of the world again. But its success is not something that everyone in the world is happy to see.

NASA of the United States has been paying close attention to the mainland's aviation technology since the failure of the Chang'e-1 launch a few years ago, but with the continuous development of the mainland's space technology, several successive successful launches have made the United States have a trace of anxiety about the mainland's aviation technology.

This time, Chang'e-6, like the "Apollo" program of the United States last year, is aimed at collecting samples on the moon and returning them to Earth, and the United States has also named the mission of this operation "Apollo reproduction".

But this kind of competition is not what the United States expected.

The lunar samples collected by the mainland's Chang'e-6 mission could pose a threat to U.S. aviation technology, which has made the United States even more worried.

China's aerospace technology

Since the United States launched the world's first artificial satellite, Explorer 1, in 1958, the United States has been far ahead of the world in the field of spaceflight.

After that, the stage of human space exploration was completed, and more advanced aviation technologies such as exploration spacecraft, landing modules, vehicles, the International Space Station, and the Space Shuttle were completed.

On the one hand, the reason why the United States has always been hegemonic is because the United States is strong in science and technology, and the huge science and technology industry chain of the United States can carry out research and development anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, the United States attaches great importance to aerospace research and concentrates its human, material, and financial resources in the aerospace field, so that both aerospace equipment and personnel are the best.

Moreover, NASA was established in 1958, and the number of spacecraft and astronauts it has and the investment in all aspects are at the highest level in the world, so it can be said that the United States is synonymous with aviation technology.

But on the other hand, the reason why the United States was able to lead the world was related to the two biggest international issues in the world at that time.

The first point is that after the World War, the United States was cut as a victorious country and weakened its military strength against Japan.

When the United States seeks greater interests for itself, it is not only simply suppressing Japan, but also protecting the entire western Pacific region from Japanese aggression.

But this idea has caused many countries in need of U.S. assistance to express their dissatisfaction with it, believing that the U.S. approach will exacerbate the situation in the entire Western Pacific region, thereby causing instability and instability in the entire region.

And with the withdrawal of US troops, Japan's military leaders and others are sad.

In the later period, the Japanese government was even more interested in having its own army, so from this time on, it became more disgusted with the United States.

Another international problem was that when the United States participated in the Korean War, in order to curb the power of the Soviet Union in terms of international power, the United States itself wantonly armed South Korea and used this as an excuse to wage war against Korea.

This not only devastated the DPRK by war, but also intensified the atmosphere of international antagonism.

Therefore, the two actions of the United States not only caused the war, but also intensified the confrontation in the entire Western Pacific region, coupled with Japan's antipathy towards the United States, so the relations between China, Japan and South Korea at that time were very bad.

China's moon landing smashed the backbone of the United States, NASA was furious, and the astronauts took a turn in the ghost gate

The United States, on the other hand, benefited from the wars in these two international problems, weakening the countries they dislike on the one hand, and embezzling the resources of those countries on the other.

Therefore, under these two international problems, the United States has successfully outlined its influence in the Western Pacific region, so under such a resource monopoly, the United States has been able to continue to develop for more than half a century.

Continental Aerospace Technology.

In 1969, the United States announced that it had successfully sent humans to the moon for the "Apollo" program.

In 1970, the mainland successfully launched its first satellite into space.

This can be said to be one year earlier than the United States.

However, because the relationship between the United States and the mainland was not very good at that time, the mainland basically did not move much in the later period of scientific and technological development.

At that time, the United States made several plans, and mankind gradually landed on the moon, which can be said to be the greatest step in the development of human spaceflight.

There are 60 million aviation workers in the world, and today there are 3,800 airlines operating 53,000 planes and transporting 3.5 billion people every year.

These data are enough to make people sigh at the development of astronautics, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

In 2013, the United States released to the public a list of lunar rocks collected on the surface of the moon in 2014 for U.S. Apollo missions.

The list contains a total of 2,718 samples, each of which is stamped with a unique numeric identifier and a detailed description of the weight, size and condition of each sample.

In the same year, the U.S. Congress passed the "Apollo Model Memory Preservation Act", which required NASA to value and protect the experimental facilities of the Apollo era and encourage American citizens and people from other countries around the world to visit these historical sites.

But when China and the United States compare aviation technology now, the United States can use 70% of the space station in its hands back then, and the current plan is not so smooth.

In June 2021, NASA launched the Boeing Starliner with a total account of $143 million, and the main mission of this spacecraft is to go to the International Space Station to drop cargo.

But the Boeing "Starliner" finally passed the mission, but it did not bring people a comfortable mood, on the contrary, it caused people some trouble.

When the spacecraft was on a mission, it was due to engine failure, which caused the flight trajectory of several hundred kilometers to be different from the plan.

Moreover, the astronauts in the capsule at that time were also anxiously silent for almost several hours because of the danger of technology, but finally completed the mission completely.

In addition, during the subsequent flight, the sealing valve failed, which caused the spacecraft to continue to deviate from its flight trajectory. In this case, the life safety of astronauts and the safety of the spacecraft are facing great challenges.

smashed the backbone of beauty.

In May 2021, astronauts on the U.S. International Space Station were on a long mission when the mission was interrupted due to a leak in the spacesuit.

The reason for this was the principle of stratification of water, which did not process the remaining pieces of ice, which soaked the entire spacesuit during this water landing, which led to the interruption of the mission.

It can be seen that this is obviously a very simple question, but it has not been dealt with properly, why is that?

In fact, this can only show that the United States is still inferior to a good level of detection in aviation research, because the United States has exposed certain problems at this time by refusing Chinese students to learn advanced technology and skills.

China's moon landing smashed the backbone of the United States, NASA was furious, and the astronauts took a turn in the ghost gate

Sanctions alone don't work, why?

Because the development of science and technology is inseparable from innovation, and China has been innovating, even if the United States imposes sanctions on China in these aspects, it will have no effect, because China has elites and innovative minds.

The pace of China's aviation development is changing with each passing day.

It can be said that within a few years of the US research, China will have new research results in this area.

Moreover, in the previous news, it was also said that China sent a second group of expeditions to Antarctica, which is also the team that China continues to send after the first batch of teams.

At the same time, the Chinese side may still be secretly conducting more research at the current time, but it has not said it.

China's moon landing smashed the backbone of the United States, NASA was furious, and the astronauts took a turn in the ghost gate

It is impossible to conduct research purely by external forces, so at this time, China is completely ahead of the United States, and the mainland will not only refuse students to study, but even impose restrictions on American companies.

Moreover, China's science and technology are based on peace, and China's research always wants to do better in technology and make a contribution to the development of the whole mankind.

But the United States has always treated China's technology in a destructive way.


China's aeronautical research is carried out in a peaceful environment in order to achieve higher achievements in technological research.

However, the United States always stands on the opposite side, pointing at the back of China's aviation research and making irresponsible remarks, this kind of behavior and practice is wrong, and it is destroying the entire peaceful environment.

Therefore, at this time, the mainland can also be broad-minded, which will only expose the incompetence of the United States and the decline in the level of research.

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