
The troubles of the head of the cadre unit of the organization department: A new round of county-level units will select and send outstanding cadres to townships and towns

author:Kelsey Emotional

After the announcement of the new round of county-level units to select outstanding cadres to serve in townships and towns, sure enough, the number of applicants was extremely small! Compared with more than 10 years ago, when cadres rushed to go to townships and towns to gild their resumes and enrich their resumes, today's young people are still reluctant to go to townships and towns even though they know that they must have grassroots experience in townships and towns to be promoted to the top leaders or deputy department level in the future.

I am the head of the Cadre Department of the Organization Department of the county party committee, responsible for cadre personnel work. The first batch of cadres completed their two-year term of service, but the results were not satisfactory. The county plans to send a second batch of cadres to the grassroots level, but the units have not been able to submit the list for a long time. When the minister asked about the progress, I could only communicate with the leaders of the units.

The leaders' reasons were surprisingly unanimous, which made me both helpless and chilled.

There are three main reasons: heavy work at the grassroots level, limited personal living conditions, and lack of interest in grassroots training; In the final analysis, no one wants to go because there is no benefit.

Today's young people, rational and self-interested, and capable people want to go up and improve themselves through selection and recruitment, rather than going to the grassroots level. They do things for maximum returns, otherwise there is no need to talk about it. It is meaningless to talk about feelings and dedication.

If not, they prefer to "lie flat". Even if he is promoted to the deputy section level, it is just a little more car supplement, and it is not enough fuel money. Without the support of connections, he will be in the township for the rest of his life.

Normally, it is difficult for civil servants who apply to work in townships and townships on their own initiative from county-level departments to go any further, because this has nothing to do with the organization's intention to promote cadres.

What's more, this time it was to complete the task of the superiors. It is of little significance to personal development, and no one wants to take the initiative to apply to work in the township. The working environment in the county is much better than that in the township.

When the first batch of cadres are stationed in villages or townships and towns, they will receive monthly subsidies, up to more than 1,000 yuan in remote townships. It is stipulated that all cadres to be promoted must go to townships and towns for two years for training, otherwise they will not be promoted or promoted.

At that time, there were many applicants, and many people were sent through connections. But after the expiration of their service, many were not able to be recalled. In response to the sentence: "When you go, you rely on documents, and when you return, you rely on ability." "The subsidy has not been fully disbursed either.

Of course, there are also some people who have been transferred back to the county and promoted, and these people have some connections. Most people end up just accompanying the prince to study, tailor-made for some.

Another reason is that there are already many grassroots cadres in townships and towns, who are very familiar with the local situation and are very comfortable with their work, but they rarely have the opportunity to be promoted. Airborne leadership has made grassroots cadres more and more chilled.

The "airborne" cadres have little understanding of the needs of the masses at the grassroots level, are seriously detached from the grassroots level, and most of them are young cadres who have no experience in handling grassroots work, and they are hindered everywhere and face many difficulties.

In such a situation, who wants to deal with the masses every day? Usually working overtime is acceptable, but when it comes to inspections, I can't rest on holidays, and I can't even go home for a week. It's better to sit quietly in the office.

Third, the work of township and town cadres is very difficult. They are not afraid of doing things, they are afraid that things will be done, work overtime, and endure hardships, and in the end they will be held accountable and punished.

In addition, compared with county-level units, remote townships and towns are economically backward, and there is no special industry, talent support, policy support, and no special support from county units, so it is difficult for township and town cadres to make achievements. With more and more work and more inspections, it's a blessing not to be held accountable, let alone accomplished.

We inspected several middle-level young cadres, who were basically reluctant to go to the township. These cadres have all been transferred from the grassroots level, and even if they return to their hometowns as leading cadres at the deputy section level this time, they do not want to go any further.

In general, grassroots exercises, you can't come back without people, you can't come back without backstage, you are in any unit, and it is difficult for you to take your turn in vacancies.

Judging from my experience, there are too many cadres in county-level departments, and the phenomenon of seniority is serious. Instead of working qualifications in the unit, it is better to jump out of the county, which is more beneficial to the development of the career.

Although the work in townships and towns is arduous, it is very beneficial to train people, especially their ability to deal with the masses, make overall plans, and take charge of their own affairs.

As a senior group leader, I suggest that you work hard to improve yourself whenever you have the opportunity. If one day the organization promotes people with grassroots work experience, and others have it but you don't, then it will be too late.

This is the case in the system, promotion and reuse are in the key steps, key years, miss an opportunity, may be missed in a lifetime!

The troubles of the head of the cadre unit of the organization department: A new round of county-level units will select and send outstanding cadres to townships and towns

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The troubles of the head of the cadre unit of the organization department: A new round of county-level units will select and send outstanding cadres to townships and towns
The troubles of the head of the cadre unit of the organization department: A new round of county-level units will select and send outstanding cadres to townships and towns
The troubles of the head of the cadre unit of the organization department: A new round of county-level units will select and send outstanding cadres to townships and towns