
145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

author:Kelsey Emotional

In the past two days, various provinces have successively released the results of the college entrance examination. Huang Zhengxuan, a candidate from Wuhan, Hubei Province, scored a total score of 703 in the college entrance examination, including a Chinese score of 145, and once the study notes were exposed, it aroused heated discussions among netizens! Some netizens bluntly said:

"If you look at the notes, you know that he must be a fairy in the exam!

His test paper was copied by people with poor words, and the score was estimated to be only one hundred and twenty-three, and the good writing was too important for the composition score! ”

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

I think so. In the college entrance examination, it is not the children with poor grades who suffer the most, but those who write ugly. Children practice good handwriting now and benefit in the future.


"Fairy Roll" VS "Zero Score Roll":

An invisible tool in the examination room

As the saying goes: Books are paintings of the heart, and words are like people.

The handwriting on the test paper is the first impression left by the marking teacher.

If you, as a marking teacher, see the following papers, which one will you give a high score?

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

2022 College Entrance Examination Essay "This Hand, Wonderful Hands, Vulgar Hands"

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

The answer is self-explanatory.

The neat handwriting of the paper is pleasing to the eye, and in the case of correct answers, the marking teacher will naturally give the corresponding paper score.

Even if the answer is correct, if it is difficult to distinguish, it is fortunate that no points will be deducted.

Especially now that the computer marks the papers, it puts forward higher requirements for the writing specifications and answering habits of the candidates.

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Handwriting is undoubtedly a sharp weapon in the examination room.

In addition to the handwriting itself, in recent years, all parts of the country have successively strengthened writing education and the examination of Chinese character writing ability in middle and high school examination questions.

Like what:

In the 2021 Heilongjiang High School Entrance Examination, students are required to write an ancient poem, and students who have not practiced calligraphy may not be able to get a full score:

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

In 2023, in Baiyin City, Gansu Province, Tianshui, in the Chinese language paper of the high school entrance examination, there will be an examination of students' Chinese character writing ability:

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

"Inclusion of calligraphy in the college entrance examination" is no longer a slogan, and writing is no longer an elective for children, but a necessary skill.

Practicing calligraphy is usually beneficial in the examination room in the short term, and it is also conducive to children's personal growth in the long run.


Practicing calligraphy is the most cost-effective investment for children

Throughout the previous high school entrance examination students, they all have a common characteristic: insist on practicing calligraphy and love calligraphy.

This year, Zhang Yudong, a "dark horse" candidate in Hubei, scored 708 points in the college entrance examination, and he said that this was his best score in three years of high school, nearly 40 points more than usual, and 138 points in Chinese, which was completely unexpected by him.

Through the interview, I learned that he began to practice calligraphy with a hard pen in the first grade of primary school, and he believes that all children should develop the habit of practicing calligraphy before the college entrance examination.

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

In January 2021, Huang Jiasheng was admitted to Peking University early, and she believes that it is because she has been practicing calligraphy for ten years that she has been more relaxed in the interview.

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Huang Jiasheng Xiaokai "Diamond Sutra" part

In 2020, Tang Chuyue once became a top student on the whole network with a score of 146 in the college entrance examination.

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Tang Chuyue's handwriting

In 2019, Han Fengyan, the first place in science in Henan, was admitted to Tsinghua University, and when the teacher asked him about the secret of his high scores, he replied:

"Maybe it's because of the practice of calligraphy, because learning calligraphy has made him a little more determined in his studies and exams."
145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Han Bong-yeon's calligraphy works

Some netizens commented:

"Ten top students who have done well in the exam, ten printed volumes, and practice silently after reading them!"

Most people think of top students as highly self-disciplined, focused, endured and resilient......

And these qualities can be slowly cultivated from the small habit of practicing calligraphy.

See the world between square inches, and cultivate temperament when practicing words. The added value of practicing calligraphy is often greater than that of writing good words itself.

If a child wants to write well, he must first be very attentive and carefully observe the structure and strokes of each word.

Secondly, simple strokes need to be practiced dozens of times before they can be written well, and over time they can temper their minds, so that they will not give up easily when they encounter any problems;

In the end, calligraphy is often based on poems, articles, famous sayings and aphorisms, which subtly increases children's literary literacy, and makes them become poets and calligraphers step by step.

When children go to school, they will also be praised by teachers and classmates for their good handwriting, which will increase their self-confidence in learning and help improve their grades.

I remembered that I saw a news two days ago, a 10-year-old boy insisted on practicing calligraphy for 4 years, and after a middle-class student counterattacked to the first in the grade.

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

His father revealed: "What everyone sees on the surface is the words, but behind it is actually the improvement of the child's self-confidence. ”

Except for a few top students who learn by talent, most of the top students are acquired, and the secret is: boast!

As Professor Stanford has proved in experiments, growth-oriented praise can improve children's grades by 30%.

Practicing words is like sharpening a sword, and the sword edge is self-confident and stimulates children's internal drive to learn;

Writing is like being a person, showing character at the end of the pen and shaping the moral foundation of children.

Liu Gongquan has shown extraordinary talent in calligraphy since he was a child, and one day, he held a "book meeting" with a few friends.

When the old man who sold tofu passed by, after reading what he was writing, he felt that the child was more arrogant than talented, so he said to him:

"Your words are written like tofu in my box, without muscles and bones, is it still worthy of being praised in front of people?"

After hearing this, Xiao Gongquan was very unhappy. The old man suggested that he go to Huajing City to have a look, saying that there were people there who could write better with their feet than him.

The next day, Xiao Gongquan came to Huajing City and saw a one-armed old man sitting barefoot on the ground, pressing the manuscript paper with his left foot and holding a pen on his right foot.

Xiao Gongquan knelt in front of the old man and wanted to ask for the secret of writing, so the old man spread a piece of paper on the ground and wrote a few words with his right foot:

"Write all eight tanks of water, dye the waterlogged pond black, win the white parents, and start to fly the dragon and phoenix."

From then on, Liu Gongquan always kept in mind these words of the old man, practiced calligraphy hard, sharpened calluses on his hands, and sewed and mended his elbows.

Eventually, he became a master of calligraphy.

Practicing calligraphy teaches children to work hard and persevere, but also teaches them to always maintain a humble and humble attitude.

As it is written in the "Disciple Rules":

"The ink grinds off, the heart is not good, the words are disrespectful, and the heart is sick first."

A person's inner wisdom and character can often be glimpsed in the words he writes.

Children with good handwriting often have a stable personality, clear thinking, and can naturally sit on a cold bench in learning, and work hard;

Most of the children with scribbled handwriting are impatient, jump in thinking, easy to rush in learning, lack patience and meticulous study, and must invest more time and energy if they want to do a good job.

This reminds me of an old teacher's advice to parents:

She advises parents to flip through their children's homework books, as children who procrastinate, scribble, and make small mistakes often do things sluggishly and lack self-control.

A child's attitude towards writing is an attitude towards learning and life.

Parents cultivate the habit of practicing words in their children from an early age, not only so that they can win the high school entrance examination, but also pave the way for their children in life.

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

03 Practice calligraphy as soon as possible

A veteran Chinese teacher with more than 20 years of teaching experience said frankly: 80% of the students with good grades have neat fonts.

As the old saying goes: the big things in the world must be done in detail.

Friends recently participated in the college entrance examination marking work, came back and shared with us what he saw and thought in the process of grading, one of the points that touched him the most, is the impact of students' handwriting on scores, marking work hours are tight, heavy tasks, pressure, teachers are faced with a large number of test papers every day, the average marking time of each test paper is less than one minute, in such a tense marking environment, a neatly written, clear handwriting test paper, will undoubtedly leave a deep impression on the marking teacher, and may even get a higher score

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

On the contrary, if a test paper is scribbled and illegible, even if the answer is correct, it may be deducted because the marking teacher cannot read it clearly, this is the case for the high school entrance examination, and even more so for the college entrance examination

"Fairy font" became popular on the Internet, clear and neat, which is amazing

In recent years, the college entrance examination has frequently appeared in the "fairy font", these neat and clear, like the printed test papers, not only make the marking teacher's eyes shine, but also popular on the Internet, causing heated discussions among netizens, for example, Shenzhen candidate Wen Zhuo's English test paper, because of its beautiful handwriting, can be called "printing style" by netizens "fairy font", and once on the hot search

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

The top liberal arts student in Jiangsu Province also won a full score in the essay with the same neat and clear font, which fully illustrates that in the exam, a good handwriting can not only win the favor of the teacher, but also strive for a higher score for the candidate

What should parents do if their children don't write well?

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Many parents are aware of the importance of handwriting, and have begun to urge their children to practice handwriting since childhood, but the effect is not satisfactory.

For primary school students, because they are in the critical period of pen control, therefore, parents should not be in a hurry, let the child practice words as soon as they come up, but to start with the pen control training, pen control training is the basis of writing, it can help children master the correct pen posture, pen movement method, to lay a solid foundation for writing good words, through scientific pen control training, children can gradually improve the control and coordination of hand muscles, and the words written will become more and more neat

For older children who have entered junior high school, they have formed a certain writing habit, if they want to change completely, it is more difficult, therefore, it is recommended that parents and children together, starting with the strokes, and gradually correcting them, you can start practicing from the most basic horizontal and vertical strokes, and strive to achieve horizontal and vertical strokes, and the strokes are in place

The importance of pen control training and how to train effectively

Pen control training is the foundation of writing, it can help children master the correct pen posture and pen skills, improve the control and coordination of hand muscles, and lay a solid foundation for writing well

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

There are a lot of pen control training notebooks designed for children on the market, parents can choose the right notebook according to the child's age and writing ability to practice, in the process of practice, parents should guide their children to concentrate, write stroke by stroke, do not pursue speed, but pay attention to quality

Integrate pen control training into daily learning and life

In addition to special pen control training, parents can also integrate pen control training into their children's daily learning and life, for example, they can ask children to help copy phone numbers, shopping lists, etc., or encourage children to paint, handicraft and other activities, these activities can exercise children's fine hand motor ability, improve pen control level

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Parents should also create a good writing environment for their children, provide comfortable desks, chairs and well-lit study spaces, and encourage children to maintain a good sitting posture and pen holding posture, which will help children develop good writing habits and improve their writing skills

Parents lead by example to create a good writing atmosphere

Parents are the first teachers of children, parents' words and deeds have a subtle impact on children, in terms of cultivating children's good writing habits, parents should set an example for children, parents usually pay attention to their own writing, try to do neat and clear handwriting, and avoid graffiti or typos in front of children

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Parents can also practice calligraphy and copy ancient poems with their children, turning writing into a parent-child activity, which can not only enhance parent-child feelings, but also cultivate children's interest in writing

Writing is a skill that requires long-term persistence

Parents should encourage their children to insist on practicing words every day, not to give up easily because of difficulties, and parents should also give their children encouragement and affirmation in a timely manner to help children build confidence and make them feel the joy of writing

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

I believe that as long as you keep practicing, every child can write a beautiful hand!

Emphasizing writing will benefit children in their future studies and lives

In today's information age, although the popularization of electronic devices makes people have fewer and fewer opportunities to write, but the ability to write is still a basic skill necessary for students, good writing habits can not only improve learning efficiency, but also cultivate children's patience, concentration and aesthetic ability, these qualities will have a profound impact on children's future learning and life

145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

Therefore, parents and teachers should attach great importance to children's writing education, help them develop good writing habits from an early age, write a beautiful hand, and let them benefit from their future studies and life for life

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and experiences on children's writing education

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145 points in Chinese! There is a "fairy paper" in the college entrance examination, and the teacher who marks the paper: I want to get a full score when I see it!

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