
The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

author:melon small melon

The first is a simple table lamp made of two batteries, a small light bulb and two wires, which is very useful in a cell where the lights are turned off on time

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

The second: a "weapon" made of a plastic spoon and some rags, the handle of the spoon is polished to a sharp point, but don't underestimate it, it can kill people at critical times

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

The third is a small oven made of waste tin cans, which can not only be used for heating, but also for roasting small animals similar to mice

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Fourth: This is a prisoner made by hand, the main materials are some matchsticks and pebbles, just to collect the materials of this prisoner took a long time

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Fifth: On the surface, it looks like a very ordinary plastic figure, but in its body it hides a sharp dagger

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Sixth: A Brazilian prisoner used a piece of soap to carve the face of a prison guard guarding them, including the eyes on it

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Seventh: the very practical "Heat Up Fast"

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

The eighth: a very groomed prisoner who uses a razor made of a comb and a razor

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Ninth: A prisoner uses his free time to draw Pokémon cards by hand, which are much more precious than those produced in mass

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Tenth: On the door of the cell, a prisoner carved "The Last Supper" on it, which is simply not too vivid

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Eleventh: A chess piece made of toothpicks + toilet paper + toothpaste, which is a rare entertainment item in prison

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Twelfth: A gun made of local materials that fires shotguns, and you can even see small wooden clips on which to dry clothes

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Thirteenth: genius-like creativity, close to defend and far to attack

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Fourteenth: A prisoner hid a plastic bag full of fruit and baker's yeast under the prison sink, and after a period of fermentation, it turned into wine

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Fifteenth: A crossbow made with multiple toothbrushes, it's really like that

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Sixteenth: an electric stove made of bricks and springs, and looks like it has been used many times

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Seventeenth: Use toilet paper to make dice, a simple and practical entertainment tool

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Eighteenth: A prisoner hid a working mobile phone in his slippers

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

The nineteenth: a simple and practical candle

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell

Twentieth: A small dagger hidden in a belt buckle...

The prison is really full of talents, and the prison guards raided 20 prohibited items in the cell