
Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

author:Ice on entertainment


In this entertainment industry where gossip is sweeping like a tornado, there is a love story that has made countless people envious and heartbroken - that is, the love-hate relationship between Big S (Xu Xiyuan) and Wang Xiaofei.

From the electric encounter to the boiling of the custody turmoil, this relationship is like an emotional drama with ups and downs, which makes people sigh: The fairy tale in the entertainment industry is really not easy.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

The sweetness and splendor of the past

The beauty king meets the noble son of the capital

Big S, the former "beauty king", became popular all over the Taiwan Strait and three places with the corner of Shancai in "Meteor Garden", and became the goddess in the hearts of countless boys and girls.

She is not only shining on the screen, but also an authority in the beauty industry in private, and her maintenance secrets have once become the object of thousands of women.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

And Wang Xiaofei, one of the four young people in Beijing, backed by the catering empire South Beauty, returned from abroad, with the aura of a business elite.

The combination of the two seems to be a modern version of the princess and prince, and the scenery is infinite for a while.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

20 Days of Wonder & Century Wedding

In 2010, they sparked a spark at a party, decided to join hands for life in just 20 days, and two months later, a multi-million luxury wedding was staged in Sanya, Hainan.

This wedding has both romantic beach vows and dazzling fireworks displays, and every detail reveals the inhumanity of the "trench".

Although the outside world has mixed reviews about this, some people envy it, and some people question it, this pair is undoubtedly full of happiness.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

Twists and turns and crises in marriage

Fertility and sacrifice

For the sake of his family, Da S resolutely gave up his vegetarian habit for many years, took the risk of becoming an elderly mother, and gave birth to a pair of children.

The power of this mother's love is moving.

And Wang Xiaofei, as a career-oriented man, frequent business trips made him get together less with his family and more, and gradually, there began to be an insurmountable distance between the two.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

Contradictions accumulate and break up peacefully

Over time, friction in their lives accumulated, eventually leading to an emotional rift between the two.

In 2021, they announced their peaceful breakup and shared a commitment to continue their role as parents and raise their children together.

This divorce statement, although full of regrets, also shows the maturity and rationality of adults in the face of marriage failure.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

The outbreak of custody disputes

Wang Xiaofei's heart

After the divorce, Wang Xiaofei often expressed her thoughts about her children on social platforms, revealing a father's deep affection and helplessness between the lines.

He accused Big S of not complying with the co-parenting agreement, claiming that he was deprived of due visitation rights, and these remarks caused an uproar on the Internet.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

Big S's counterattack

In the face of the accusations, Big S and his team responded quickly, resolutely denied all false accusations, and said that they would protect their rights and interests through legal channels.

This move not only reflects her calm response as a public figure, but also plunges the whole matter into a more complicated legal battle.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

Public reaction and impact

Netizens' "standing in line"

In this tug-of-war for custody that is comparable to a serial drama, netizens are not idle, they all incarnate as "melon-eating masses", and they stand in line to express their attitudes, and the scene is simply lively.

On one side is the "Daddy Power Guard" who supports Wang Xiaofei, and they raise their arms and shout: "Dad's love cannot be missing!" believes that Wang Xiaofei, as an indispensable half of a child's life, has the right and responsibility to participate in the child's growth, after all, the company of her parents is the "standard" of a child's happy childhood.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

On the other hand, Big S's support group is not vegetarian, they waved the "banner of rationality", pointing out that some of Wang Xiaofei's actions were suspected of "too much drama", and questioned whether this was another wave of "hot operations".

They emphasized that the openness of family disputes is like drying the child's mind in public, and such an "emotional drama" is not a "nutritious meal" for the mental health of the little one.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

In the online world, the two schools of thought come and go, so lively, the "swishing" sound can almost be heard on the keyboard, and the heat is close to the temperature of summer noon, and it can't be lowered.

Some netizens joked that this plot is more tortuous than the TV series, and people have to guess the preview of the next episode while gnawing melons.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

In the final analysis, whether it is the warm card that supports Wang Xiaofei or the voice of reason standing behind Big S, what the big guys care about most in their hearts is still those two innocent little babies.

After all, in this "wrestling race" in the adult world, the smiling faces and happiness of children are the "treasures" that should be guarded the most.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

I just hope that no matter what the outcome is, adults can remember that sometimes, low-key handling and private reconciliation are the best umbrellas for children.

After all, home and everything is prosperous, isn't it?

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

The impact is far-reaching

This small earthquake in the entertainment industry simply added some "special seasoning" to the lives of Big S and Wang Xiaofei.

On the big S side, it was originally infinite in front of the camera, and the endorsement received a soft hand, but as a result, she became the "heroine" on the cusp of the storm if she was not careful.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

Those brands who usually want to tie their names together have become more sensitive than rabbits at this time, for fear of getting a little bit of right and wrong, so they have to "stay away" first, suspend the cooperation boat, and make Big S's career line a little "water reversal".

Looking at Wang Xiaofei's side again, he wanted to continue his "domineering president" road in the shopping mall, but as soon as the turmoil came, good guys, some projects were like being labeled as "this road is not working", and it was difficult to advance.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

It seems that even an old driver on the commercial battlefield will inevitably encounter a few potholes, and he has to get down to push the cart, right?

This has come and gone, and the career line of the two is like riding a roller coaster, up and down, which makes people sigh: the "deep love" of the entertainment industry and business circles is sometimes not something that ordinary people can hold.

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract

However, having said that, seeing the rainbow after the storm, perhaps this twist and turn is also a good time for them to re-examine themselves and adjust their course.

After all, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, oh no, it's all up to you how to make up the script.

We, the people who eat melons, just watch while eating, and wait for the reversal of the next episode!

Big S has an accident! Wang Xiaofei finally exposed Big S's ugly behavior, and the promised co-parenting Big S actually broke the contract


The custody dispute between Da S and Wang Xiaofei is like a mirror, reflecting the complexity of marriage, family and responsibility in modern society.

Their story may be infinitely magnified under the spotlight, but in the end, it is just a true portrayal of two ordinary people trying to find a balance between love and responsibility.

Regardless of the outcome, hopefully, in this process, the well-being of the children will always come first, after all, they are innocent bystanders in it all.

As a spectator, in addition to the after-dinner conversation, perhaps we should learn more lessons from it, cherish the people around us, and manage every relationship with our hearts, after all, there is no rehearsal in the scene of life, and every day is a live broadcast.