
In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

author:Sincere cheese 3O9

Introduction: The Shadow of War and Preparedness

In today's world, the situation is always tense, which makes people feel unsure. Russia and Ukraine are still fighting, and the Middle East and East Asia are not very peaceful, and they are very chaotic. International relations are becoming more and more complex, and the slightest small thing can lead to new problems. In this case, we ordinary people can't be stupid, we have to have a sense of crisis, and make some preparations in advance, just in case.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

War has never completely disappeared, and now technology is getting more and more powerful, and there are more destructive powers and incomprehensible places in war. Looking back at history, every time there is a war, the common people suffer old sins, and the losses are very great. So, what we need to do in advance is what we don't know what the future will look like.

Let me tell you about five things that can save your life in the event of a war, so that you can have a better chance of surviving in case of war. I've worked on everything to make sure it's going to come in handy when it counts. Hopefully, this will make you pay attention to it, be prepared early, and be afraid of any emergency.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

1. The Root of Living: Eating and Drinking

People cannot live without food and drink, especially when they are fighting. Now we find it easy to get something to eat and drink, but if we start a war, these basic things will be difficult to get. When there is a war, there is enough food and drink, and there is hope for survival.

Compressed biscuits are the best food to eat during war, they are small, easy to carry, and they are not bad anywhere. These biscuits are made of wheat flour and dairy products, and have a lot of protein and carbohydrates, which can provide enough calories and nutrients for people. A compressed biscuit can keep an adult from going hungry for a day, and the shelf life can be two to five years.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

When there is a war, water is even more difficult to find. People can't live for a few days without water, so they have to save enough clean water. Nowadays, there are many convenient water purification tools, such as portable water purifiers, water purification pills, etc., which can turn unclean water into drinkable water in an emergency. When storing water, in addition to bottled water, you can also collect some rainwater and use river water, but you must have something to purify to ensure that the water is clean.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

When you are fighting, it is very important to get food and drink and how to store them. When you run, you have to eat and drink easily, and you have to be able to put it down. Choose something that can be stored for a long time and is easy to carry, such as compressed biscuits, canned food, etc., which can make people feel energetic all the time. Be careful not to get dirty when storing water, use a sealed container, and then treat it with water purification tablets or water purifiers.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

When fighting a war, ensuring that the body has energy and does not lack water is the basis for survival. Choose what you eat and drink, save it, have a bottom in your heart, and you can hold on to any bad situation.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

2. Save yourself: medicine and first aid kits

When there is a war, the hospital is unreliable, and saving yourself is the key. The first aid kit needs to be ready, and it must contain the basics of band-aids, bandages, and disinfectant. These can deal with the common wounds of war, so don't let the wound become infected. Antibiotics, antipyretics, cold medicines, and other common medicines must also be available, which can cure the disease at critical times.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Band-aids and bandages can quickly stop bleeding from small wounds and wrap them around to prevent infection. Antiseptic water is used to wash the wound and prevent bacteria from growing. Antibiotics are especially useful in wars, blocking bacterial infections and making the body more resilient. Antipyretics and cold medicines can make people feel more comfortable when they are sick and don't let a minor illness become a major one.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

If you have special diseases such as asthma and heart disease, you should take the medicine you usually take. It's hard to get these medicines when you're fighting, so you can save your life by preparing them in advance. In addition to medicine, learn some basic first-aid knowledge, such as how to stop bleeding, bandaging, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc., which is also useful when fighting. Preparing a first-aid kit and medicine will give you a much better chance of survival.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Preparing a first-aid kit requires a thorough experience, not only the basics, but also special medicines. For example, antibiotics can prevent infection, which is especially important when treating wounds. Antipyretics and cold medicines can make people feel better when they are uncomfortable, so don't make minor illnesses worse. If you have special diseases, such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, you have to prepare the medicine you usually take, just in case.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

In addition, you must know some basic first aid knowledge, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, wound dressing, and hemostasis. These skills can save lives when fighting. Learn these things, and when the time comes, you will be able to deal with them calmly, and you will have a greater chance of survival. Preparing a first-aid kit is not only about storing things, but also about learning skills to ensure that you stay alive in all aspects.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

3. Protect yourself and find a way to survive: weapons and fire

When there is a war, it is difficult for people to speak, and it is especially important to protect oneself and have fire. Choose a light switchblade as a weapon to protect yourself when it matters. This knife is small and easy to carry, but it is scary, and it can fight back when someone is bullying. Don't just wait for others to save you, you have to have a way.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

The switchblade is not only easy to carry, but also has a sharp edge, which can be used for self-defense in an emergency. Someone looking for trouble can quickly take it out to scare the other party. Although we don't like to fight, when it comes to death, we should prepare something to defend ourselves. Choose a good quality switchblade, learn how to use it, and protect yourself when fighting.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Fire is also a must in times of war. Lighters can not only light up the fire, but also light things that can be burned, making people feel warm and safe. When it's cold at night, fire saves lives. A strong flashlight is also important, so it can illuminate the road when it is dark and call for help in an emergency. If you can use weapons and fire for self-defense, you will have a better chance of surviving in a war.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Lighters are more useful, and they are even more noticeable when fighting. It can light a fire for heating, and it can also be used as a signal in an emergency for people to come to the rescue. Choose a lighter that is not afraid of the wind, and it can be used in any weather. The flashlight must be bright, the battery can be used for a long time, and it must not be afraid of water, so it is more useful when fighting.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

In addition to switchblades and lighters, you can also think of other light self-defense things and ignitions. For example, portable anti-wolf spray, whistle or something, you can protect yourself when you encounter danger. If you light a fire, you can also prepare a windproof match or a portable kerosene lamp, just in case. These things are not only useful in wartime, but also in peacetime.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

4. Maintain physical strength: the miraculous use of spices

Spices like sugar and salt have unexpected uses in war. Salt not only makes people stronger, but also disinfects and sterilizes, making a simple refrigeration thing. Salt water can wash wounds and prevent infection, which is a good medicine in times of war. Sugar can make people feel energetic very quickly, especially when the body is weak. Sugar can also make the wound heal quickly, and sometimes it can explode when mixed with oxidant in an emergency, which can be used for emergency self-defense.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Salt has many uses, and it is even better when there is a war. In addition to providing the body with the things and strength it needs, salt water washes the wound and prevents infection. Gargling with salt water will make your mouth and throat more comfortable. When it is particularly difficult, put salt and ice cubes together, you can make a simple refrigeration, and you can store food and medicine. If you have enough salt, you will have a lot of protection in the event of a war.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Sugar can quickly replenish strength, especially when the body is tired. Not only can you eat sugar from fruits and rice, but you can also quickly get strong by eating candy cubes and candies. Sugar is also useful in curing diseases. Sugar can make wounds heal quickly, and when you are outside or in a war, sugar and oxidant can explode when mixed together, which can prevent yourself or call for help.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

In addition to sugar and salt, you can also save some other useful spices. For example, honey can last for a long time, is more nutritious, and can replace sugar. Vinegar is also useful, not only for flavoring, but also as a cleaner and disinfectant. If you keep these spices well, you can give more strength when you fight, and you can also cure diseases and defend yourself.

Spices are very useful in war, but they are often overlooked. They have a lot of skills, they are convenient, and they are indispensable things for survival. Keeping sugar, salt and other spices in store will not only give you strength, but also cure your body in case of emergency.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

Conclusion: Prepare in advance and protect yourself

I told you about things like food, drink, medicine, self-defense, fire, and spices, and how important they are in war. These things look ordinary, but they can save lives when they are fighting, and they can give people a good chance of survival. Although it is still far from us to fight a war now, we must not guard against it. It's better to be prepared than to be dumbfounded, it's the best way to protect yourself and your family.

When preparing these things, we have to see not only whether they are useful or not, but also whether they are convenient and whether they are strong or not. Keep it for good use, and you can use it when it is critical. I hope this article can help you prepare in case of war and ensure that you and your family are safe.

In the event of a war, ordinary people remember to bring these 5 things as soon as possible, so that they can save their lives at critical moments

If you have any questions or ideas, please leave a message below, and we will discuss it together and prepare to face the situation that you don't know in the future. 2023-07-24"In the event of a war, bring these 5 things as soon as possible, common sense that the people should understand!" 》

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