
Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

author:Versatile Star VZ

The smiling face at the graduation ceremony has not faded, but Han's life has been completely changed in an instant. This girl, who was originally full of youth and excellent grades, suffered an unexpected disaster shortly after leaving the school. Her story has not only touched countless netizens, but also sparked a wide discussion about safety and social responsibility.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Unexpected Raid: Electric Car Accident It was a sunny afternoon, and Han and several classmates were riding an electric car on the streets. They have just finished a tense and hectic preparation life, and they are talking excitedly about the upcoming university life. However, a runaway car suddenly rushed out of the intersection and hit them directly. The scene was chaotic, Han collapsed in a pool of blood, and witnesses at the scene quickly called the emergency number.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Tragic Sight: Review of the Accident Scene After the accident, emergency personnel quickly arrived and sent the seriously injured Han to the county hospital for rescue. According to doctors, she suffered multiple fractures on her body, along with internal organ damage and a severe concussion. When the family rushed to the hospital, they saw her lying unconscious on a hospital bed, and the whole family fell into deep grief.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Shining Future: Results AnnouncedShortly before the crash, the results of the college entrance examination were announced. Ms. Han came out on top with excellent grades, and she originally had a bright future. "When we learned about her results, the whole family was very excited, she has been working very hard. However, before this joy could be fully digested, a disaster struck.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Between life and death: The emergency rescue county hospital immediately issued a critical illness notice, and Han never woke up. In order to save her young life, the family turned to the top medical experts in Beijing and Shanghai at all costs, hoping that a miracle would happen. But every day is an ordeal for them, and no one wants to face the worst.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Social repercussions: Netizens hotly discussed the tragedy, which caused a strong reaction on the Internet. A large number of netizens have condemned the driver who caused the accident and called for strengthening traffic safety management. A netizen commented: "This kind of thing is so heartbreaking, we need more people to pay attention to traffic safety." At the same time, many people have expressed their understanding and concern about the work pressure and safety hazards of high-risk occupational groups such as food delivery workers.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Painful reflection: Enhancing safety awarenessThis accident has forced us to rethink safety issues in our daily lives. Whether driving or walking, everyone should be vigilant and not let the slightest negligence cause a catastrophe. This incident reminds us that everyone has a responsibility to take responsibility for their own lives and the lives of others, and to eliminate the risk factors in every detail.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Prayer and Hope: Miracles may occur, but family and friends still have hope despite the perilous situation. They prayed for Han every day, hoping that she would be able to get out of danger and get back on her feet as soon as possible. "We believe that she will be able to get through, she is so strong," said her sister Ms. Li excitedly. This firm belief is also contagious to all those who follow this event.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Fate is impermanent: Best wishes to Han's misfortune once again reminds us that life is so fragile and impermanence is so unexpected. Here, we all hope that she can get through this hurdle and meet a bright future of her own. May the society pay more attention to traffic safety and jointly build a more beautiful and harmonious environment, so that every young life can fly freely and realize their dreams.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Through this story, we not only see the great challenges brought by fate, but also experience the deep emotional connection and support between people. That's why we keep in mind and keep improving, so that everyone has the opportunity to create their own wonderful life.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

In the county hospital, Han was admitted to the intensive care unit, and the doctors quickly launched an emergency rescue. The family waited anxiously outside the ward, spending every minute in torment. The doctors did their best to save the patient, but the treatment did not go well due to the severity of the injury. As the minutes passed, the family's mood became heavier and heavier.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

A week later, under the careful treatment and care of the doctors, Han finally had some faint reactions. This is undoubtedly a great comfort to the family, who see the glimmer of hope. However, this is only the beginning of a long road to recovery.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

The hospital arranged a comprehensive check-up and developed a detailed rehabilitation plan. Han needed multiple surgeries to repair the fracture and long-term physical therapy to restore the damaged nervous system. Every step was challenging, but she didn't back down.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Han gradually regained consciousness, and she knew that she had to be strong, for herself, and for the sake of her unfulfilled dream. During her coma, the results of the college entrance examination were revealed, and she came out on top with excellent results, which should have been her most dazzling moment. However, now she is lying in a hospital bed, but she has to face great physical pain and psychological pressure.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Every day, people from all over the world cheer her on, and all walks of life, including schools, communities and netizens, have reached out to help her donate money and materials to help her tide over the difficulties. This warmth and encouragement made her feel infinitely empowered.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

During the difficult recovery process, Han encountered many difficulties. Sometimes the pain is unbearable, and sometimes it's frustrating because it's slow. However, she never gave up and insisted on doing rehabilitation training every day. Her sister, Ms. Li, has become her strongest backing, always by her side, taking care of her and encouraging her spiritually.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Through continuous efforts, Han was gradually able to sit up on his own, and later even stand up with the help of aids. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for a person who has suffered such a serious car accident.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

At the same time, the driver who caused the accident was held accountable for the hit-and-run, and the accident also sparked a big discussion about traffic safety. More and more people in the society have begun to pay attention to road safety issues, and local traffic management departments have taken measures to strengthen traffic safety education and improve the safety awareness of drivers and pedestrians. It is hoped that through these efforts, similar tragedies will be reduced from happening again and roads will be safer and smoother.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

As his health gradually improved, Han began to think about his future life. Despite this disaster, she is still eager to continue her studies and realize her dreams. With the help of friends, teachers, and caring people, she was able to participate in some of the courses remotely, so that she didn't let her knowledge fall behind. At the same time, during this special period, she also thought about a lot of questions about life, responsibility and the future, which made her heart more determined and mature.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

After a long and arduous recovery process, Han finally ushered in the day when he was back on his feet. At that moment, the whole family was very excited, they witnessed this miraculous moment, and they also knew how much hard work and sweat was condensed behind it. Although there may be more challenges ahead, they believe that as long as the family is together, nothing cannot be overcome.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

There are also many stories of love in the community, and through media reports, everyone understands the indomitable experience of this strong girl and draws strength from it. There are many young people who have been infected and know how to cherish the present moment and pay more attention to their own safety and the safety of others. At the same time, government departments at all levels have strengthened the enforcement of traffic laws and launched a series of traffic safety education activities for students to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Even though life has taught such a grim lesson, through this accident, people have seen countless beautiful landscapes intertwined with kindness and bravery. Some institutions have set up special funds to support those who continue to study and struggle due to accidental injuries. They are known as the "Angels of Light" because they interpret the attitude of perseverance and unafraid of the challenges of fate with their actions.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Han is also one of them, she not only continues her study career, but also actively participates in social welfare activities, using her personal experience to convey positive energy to more people. Many schools invited her to give a speech, and at the end of each speech, she always won warm applause, because the audience felt infinite hope and strength.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Perhaps fate tried to knock this young girl down, but strength and courage allowed her to stand up again and again and live a more wonderful life. As my sister Ms. Li said, "We believe that as long as we don't give up, we will definitely see the light." ”

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Life goes on, and challenges may follow, but with hope in our hearts, everyone can embrace a bright future of their own. In this journey, we support each other, grow together, and write one moving story after another with practical actions. This is not only a belief, but also a spirit that will shine brighter and brighter with the passage of time, leading us to a more brilliant tomorrow.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Han's life has undergone great changes in a short period of time after the graduation ceremony, from a girl full of youthful vitality and excellent grades to an unfortunate disaster in an instant. This story not only touched many netizens, but also sparked a wide discussion about traffic safety and social responsibility.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Unexpected Raid: Electric Car Accident On a sunny afternoon, Han and his classmates were riding an electric car to play. Just as they were happily talking about their upcoming college life, a runaway car suddenly burst out of the intersection and hit them directly. The scene of the accident was chaotic, Han collapsed in a pool of blood, and the emergency number was quickly dialed.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Miserable: The scene of the accident Emergency personnel quickly arrived and sent Han to the county hospital for rescue. She suffered multiple fractures on her body, as well as internal organ injuries and a severe concussion. When the family arrived at the hospital, they saw her lying unconscious on a hospital bed, and the whole family fell into deep grief.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Shining Future: Results Announced Shortly before the crash, the results of the college entrance examination were announced, and Han was at the top with excellent grades, and she should have a bright future. But all this was overshadowed by the car accident, and before the joy could be fully digested, a disaster struck.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Between Life and Death: Emergency Rescue The county hospital issued a critical illness notice, but Han never woke up. The family asked for help and reached out to the top medical experts in Beijing and Shanghai at all costs, hoping that a miracle would happen, but every day was an ordeal for them, and no one wanted to face the worst.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Social repercussions: Netizens hotly discussed The tragedy sparked a strong reaction on the Internet, with a large number of netizens condemning the driver and calling for stronger traffic safety management. At the same time, many people expressed their understanding and concern about the work pressure and potential safety hazards of high-risk occupational groups.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Painful Reflection: Enhancing Safety Awareness This accident has prompted us to rethink safety in our daily lives. Whether driving or walking, everyone should be vigilant and not let the slightest negligence cause a catastrophe. Eliminate risk factors in the smallest details, and everyone has a responsibility to take responsibility for their own lives and the lives of others.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Prayer and Hope: Miracles May Happen Despite the perilous situation, there is hope among family and friends, who pray daily for Ms. Han to get out of danger and get back on her feet soon. This firm belief is also infecting all those who follow this event, and everyone hopes for a miracle to happen.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Fate is impermanent: good wishes The tragedy of Mr. Han once again reminds us of the fragility and impermanence of life. Here, we all hope that she can get through this hurdle and meet a bright future of her own. The society pays more attention to traffic safety, and jointly builds a beautiful and harmonious environment, so that every young life can soar freely and realize their dreams.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Difficult recovery process Doctors tried their best to save the patient, but the treatment did not go well due to the severity of the injury. A week later, with careful treatment and nursing, Han finally had some faint reactions, which was a great comfort to the family. However, this is only the beginning of a long road to recovery. She needed multiple surgeries to repair her fracture and long-term physical therapy to restore the function of her damaged nervous system, which was challenging at every step. But she didn't back down, and insisted on daily rehabilitation training for the sake of her unfulfilled dream.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Social support and encouragement All walks of life, including schools, communities and netizens, have reached out to her and donated money and materials for her, making her feel infinitely empowered. With the care and encouragement of her older sister, Ms. Li, she was gradually able to sit up, and later even stand with the help of aids. This is a huge step forward for a person who has suffered such a serious car accident. At the same time, the driver who caused the accident was held accountable in accordance with the law for hit-and-run, which triggered a big discussion on traffic safety. Local traffic authorities have strengthened measures to raise the safety awareness of drivers and pedestrians to reduce the recurrence of similar tragedies.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Regaining her dreams and future plans After her health gradually improved, Han began to think about her future life, and even after the disaster, she was still eager to continue her studies and realize her dreams. With the help of friends, teachers and caring people, she was able to participate in some courses remotely, so that she did not let her knowledge fall behind. In this special period, she also thought about many questions about life, responsibility and the future, so that her heart became more firm and mature.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

After a long and arduous recovery process, she was finally back on her feet, and the family was thrilled. They witnessed this miraculous moment, and they also knew how much hard work and sweat were condensed behind it. Although there may be more challenges ahead, they believe that as long as the family is together, nothing cannot be overcome.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

There are many stories of love in society, and through media coverage, people learn about the indomitable experience of this strong girl and draw strength from it. Many young people have been infected and know how to cherish the present moment and pay more attention to the safety of themselves and others. At the same time, government departments at all levels have strengthened the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations, and launched a series of traffic safety education activities for students to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Some organizations have set up special funds to support people who have been injured in accidents but still continue to study. They are known as angels of light because they use their actions to illustrate perseverance and their attitude towards life that is not afraid of fate and challenges. Han became one of them, she not only continued her study career, but also actively participated in social welfare activities, using her personal experience to convey positive energy to more people. Many schools invited her to give a speech, and at the end of each speech, she always won warm applause, because the audience felt infinite hope and strength.

Distressed! The girl scored 622 points in the college entrance examination, and was hit by a delivery man before checking the score and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and the doctor was hopeless

Perhaps fate tried to knock this young girl down, but strength and courage allowed her to get back up again and again and live a more exciting life. As my sister Ms. Li said, "As long as you don't give up, you will definitely see the light." "Life goes on, and challenges may follow, but with hope, everyone can meet their own bright future. In this journey, we support each other, grow together, and write one moving story after another with practical actions. This is not only a belief, but also a spirit, which will shine brighter and brighter with the passage of time, leading us to a more brilliant tomorrow.

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