
The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

author:Ling said health science

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Dr. Cheung is a veteran doctor working in a community hospital, and he not only has a wealth of medical knowledge, but also likes to analyze some daily conditions from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

One day, he met a patient named Li Ming, who came to the clinic because of the problem of "getting on fire".

Li Ming is a young man who is new to his work, and he often feels dry mouth, sore throat, swollen and sore gums, and even occasionally mouth sores.

In order to understand the cause of the fire, he has tried many methods, but the results are not ideal.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

In the outpatient room, Li Ming sat opposite Dr. Zhang, and said with a distressed face: "Doctor Zhang, I have been on fire lately, drinking a lot of herbal tea, and taking a lot of heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines, but they have no effect.

My friend told me that the essence of fire is actually cold, and the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, is this true? Dr. Zhang smiled slightly and motioned to Li Ming not to worry.

He patiently explained: "Li Ming, 'Shanghuo' is a rather vague concept, it is called 'fiery fever' in Chinese medicine, and it is mostly manifested as an imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

There is some truth in what your friend said, 'The essence of fire is cold', but it needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. ”

In order to better understand Li Ming's specific situation, Dr. Zhang decided to understand Li Ming's physical condition through detailed interviews and examinations. He first asked Li Ming about his eating habits, work and rest time, work pressure, etc.

He often works overtime late into the night, eats irregularly, often eats mainly fast food, and lacks enough vegetables and fruits in his diet.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

In addition, Li Ming admits that he has a habit of smoking and drinking, which may have a negative impact on his health.

Dr. Zhang nodded and said, "These lifestyle habits may indeed cause your body to become unbalanced and produce symptoms of fire. We'll do some checks next to see if there are any other potential issues. ”

Subsequently, Dr. Zhang arranged a comprehensive physical examination, including basic examinations such as blood routine and urine routine. Li Ming nervously awaited the results of the examination, and he was eager to find a clear cause and receive effective treatment.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

While waiting, Dr. Zhang continued to explain to Li Ming some of the basic principles of ignition.

"In Chinese medicine, 'fire' and 'cold' are two opposing concepts. Fire represents an excess of yang energy in the body, which manifests as heat signs, such as dry mouth, sore throat, etc.

Cold, on the other hand, represents excessive yin qi, which is usually manifested as sensitivity to cold, cold limbs, etc.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

But sometimes, excessive cold can also lead to a lack of yang energy in the body, forming a state of 'fake fire'.

In this case, although it looks like it is on fire on the surface, it is actually because the cold energy in the body suppresses the yang energy, causing the yang energy to rise normally. ”

Li Ming was a little confused when he heard this, and asked, "Doctor Zhang, are you saying that my fire is actually because my body is too cold?" ”

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

Doctor Zhang nodded and said, "Yes, after preliminary understanding and examination, I think your situation is a typical 'Void Cold Fire', that is, the internal cold in your body is too heavy.

It suppresses the yang energy, causing the yang energy to be trapped, forming symptoms similar to fire. After the results of the examination came out, Dr. Zhang analyzed Li Ming's physical condition in detail.

It was found that Li Ming's blood and urine routine results were basically normal, but some indicators showed slight malnutrition and decreased immune function.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

These may all be related to Li Ming's long-term irregular lifestyle. Dr. Zhang also found that Li Ming's tongue coating was white and thick, and his pulse was thin, which were all cold signs in TCM syndrome differentiation.

Dr. Zhang explained, "Your physical examination results show that although there are no serious organic diseases, your body does have some sub-health status.

Combined with your lifestyle habits and examination results, I think your fire problem is mainly caused by the lack of yang energy in the body and the excessive coldness. ”

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

Li Ming nodded, and asked as if he didn't understand, "Then what should I do?" "You need to adjust your daily routine, get enough sleep and eat a reasonable diet.

Staying up late and eating an irregular diet can have a big impact on your health and must be avoided as much as possible.

You can eat some warm and nourishing foods, such as ginger soup, mutton soup, etc., to help the rise of yang energy in the body.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

At the same time, moderate exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance physical fitness. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can use some traditional Chinese medicine that warms and replenishes yang qi, such as aconite, cinnamon, etc. ”

Li Ming listened to Dr. Zhang's advice and decided to change his lifestyle. Go to bed early and get up early every day, avoid staying up late, try to eat more warm food in your diet, and reduce the intake of raw and cold food.

At the same time, he also started to do a moderate amount of exercise every day, such as morning jogging and yoga, to strengthen his physique.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

Over the next few weeks, Li Ming followed Dr. Zhang's advice and gradually felt his symptoms ease.

He also comes to the hospital regularly for follow-up visits, and Dr. Zhang will adjust the treatment plan according to his condition. Under the guidance of Dr. Zhang, Li Ming's symptoms of "getting on fire" gradually disappeared, and his physical condition also improved significantly.

Through Li Ming's story, we can see that the so-called "essence of fire is cold" is justified in some cases.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the balance of yin and yang, and excessive cold food will lead to a lack of yang energy in the body, forming the symptoms of "deficiency and cold fire".

Therefore, for some patients who are "on fire", especially those who have a cold constitution, it may not be appropriate to simply use cold food or medicine to reduce the fire, but it needs to be conditioned by the method of temperature supplementation.

In modern medicine, irritation is often attributed to factors such as improper diet, irregular lifestyle habits, and excessive stress.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

For this kind of problem, we also need to start from multiple aspects and comprehensively remediate, rather than relying on a single treatment.

The nature of the fire can manifest differently in different individuals, so it is important to have an individualized treatment plan.

Dr. Zhang not only looked at the problem of fire through the lens of traditional Chinese medicine, but also combined the knowledge of modern medicine to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for Li Ming

Healthy lifestyle habits are the basis for preventing and treating fires. Regular work and rest, reasonable diet and proper exercise are all important factors in maintaining the balance of yin and yang in the body. ”

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

In the process of adjusting his lifestyle, Li Ming also gradually learned how to manage his stress. Start doing some relaxation exercises every day, such as meditation and deep breathing, to relieve the tension of work.

I have also developed the habit of writing a diary every day to better understand and manage my emotions by recording the experience of the day.

After a few months of recuperation, not only was Li Ming's problem of fire well controlled, but his overall health also improved significantly.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

I have become more energetic, my work efficiency has improved, and my mood has become much happier.

We can see that solving the problem of ignition is not only to simply "reduce the fire", but more importantly, to find the root cause of the ignition and fundamentally regulate.

Both Chinese medicine and modern medicine emphasize the holistic balance of the body, and it is only through comprehensive conditioning that health can be truly restored.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

Through Li Ming's medical experience, we understand the complexity of the problem of fire. Both Chinese and Western medicine emphasize the importance of individual differences and comprehensive conditioning.

When facing similar health problems, you should take a suitable approach according to your specific situation, rather than blindly following trends or relying on a single treatment.

Healthy lifestyle habits, a reasonable diet and a positive mindset are the fundamentals of maintaining good health.

The essence of fire is cold, the colder it is, the easier it is to get on fire, teach you a trick to dissipate heat

In modern society, we are facing more and more pressures and challenges, and it has become even more important to maintain a balance between body and mind.

I hope that everyone can find their own health through scientific methods.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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