
When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

author:Lanting food flocculent
I think nothing is as important as people's health, as people often say: "The body is the capital of the revolution"!

Especially in this era of frequent food and beverage chaos, your negligence and the poor supervision of relevant units will affect the health of customers. Do you often eat out?

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

I think it must be for sure! Some people have to eat out because they don't have time to cook because they have been on a long-term business trip. Some people think it's convenient to eat out, so they choose to eat out.

Others think that the variety of meals outside makes them more selective, so they prefer to eat out. In short, people eating out can't avoid it!

However, there is so much food and beverage chaos out there. What we often hear is a minority, but in fact, many restaurants have not exploded at all, and there are many catering chaos that have not been complained about at all.

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

In this way, who can guarantee the physical and mental health of customers? Considering the severity of these problems, it is important for customers to be more vigilant. If you eat out, how do you choose a restaurant?

Nowadays, there are many restaurants outside, but the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, not all restaurants are regular, not all the catering ingredients and cooking techniques are qualified.

Therefore, when eating out, it is best for us to choose a bright kitchen and a bright stove, as for why? Next, let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I have encountered with my own eyes, maybe you will find the answer from them, take a look:

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

One of the truths, used cooking oil

Once, I was eating hot pot at a restaurant out of town. At that time, I had been playing with my mobile phone after ordering, and I wanted to go to the toilet in the middle of the way, so I went over and asked the front desk, and she said that I should be in the kitchen.

The toilet was in a small dilapidated room in the back kitchen, and I immediately went in after saying thank you. At the moment when I first entered the back kitchen, I personally saw the spicy behavior of the older stir-fry master:

At that time, he was scooping something in a dirty bucket with a spoon, and when I saw it, it turned out to be oil, and there were rotten green onions on it, and they were reluctant to throw it away when they saw that it had been used by others.

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

Truth 2: Eat the ground and grab it with your hands

During November last year, I went out to play, and when I returned to the hotel in the afternoon, I wanted to order takeout, but I thought it would be better to go down to eat and take a walk. So, I went down and found a stir-fry restaurant.

At that time, I ordered a lamb cheat sheet, and I was going to smoke a cigarette, but when I took out the cigarette and was about to light the fire, the waiter said; Sir, no smoking is allowed here! I had to go out and find a place to smoke.

Since it was quite hot, I went to the back of the restaurant again and stood there smoking a cigarette while looking around. When I turned around, I saw the spicy scene of the restaurant chef: picking up the food that had fallen on the floor and putting it on the plate.

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

Truth 3: The takeaway was stolen and put back

A long time ago, I heard that the amount of takeout is not as good as the amount of food you eat in person! I didn't believe it at the time, I didn't believe it until I saw it in person, but it was probably a minority.

Once, I was busy in my hometown, and when I was done, I went to eat at a nearby restaurant. When my noodles came up, I couldn't find the chopsticks, so the service was very busy and asked me to go to the front desk to get them myself.

As a result, there was no front desk, so I had to go into the back kitchen to take a look, but I saw the chef put back the dishes that had been ordered. In this way, it is equivalent to the customer spending half of the money to buy the takeaway.

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

Truth 4: Add chemical capsicum extract

The day before yesterday, I was eating barbecue at the entrance of a friend's community. At that time, I heard a person at the next table say: Master, my barbecue should be the spicest. also joked: If it's not spicy, I can return it!

After the confession was over, the waiter went in. After a while, the beer we wanted was not yet on the table, so I went in to find the waiter and the front desk, and after looking around, I had to go into the back kitchen.

As a result, I happened to hear a sentence: The customer outside said that if it is not spicy, people will return it. The chef smiled and said: Isn't this simple, I put some chili essence and see if he can eat it?

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

When they finished, I went in and urged the waiter, and then came out. After a while, our beer arrived, and so did the barbecue at the adjacent table. And just like that, we drank and talked.

In the middle of the process, I looked at the next table from time to time, and they were eating barbecue with chili essence, which seemed to be enjoyable! After about half an hour, many people at the adjacent table reacted: Why is the stomach so uncomfortable?

Then, they went to the toilet at about the same time, and when they came back, several of them cursed: I will never eat this barbecue again, what is this? I won't go to the toilet after eating, and I haven't encountered it before.

When eating out, why is it best to choose a bright kitchen? Let's talk about the 4 spicy eye truths I encountered with my own eyes

Dear readers and friends, have you ever encountered such a spicy eye phenomenon? But how, it is recommended that friends who eat out must go to the place where the kitchen is bright.

Otherwise, maybe you're lucky enough to actually encounter something surprising. Share this, what do you think about this? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area.
