
From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

author:Spicy maca baka

The name You Haoran was also well-known in the entertainment industry.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Think about the well-known sitcom "Family with Children", who hasn't watched it? The role of Xiaoyu was played by him, how old was he at that time, and he was already a little star. The innocent, lively and cute image of Xiaoyu is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and You Haoran has become a hot child star.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Time is a double-edged sword, it can make people famous and sink at the same time. You Haoran is such an example, from the original child star halo to the fact that he has almost disappeared now, the gap between this is not ordinarily large.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

I think back then, he debuted with Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi, and now those two are thriving in the entertainment industry, but what about You Haoran? It seems to have been forgotten by everyone.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

To be honest, You Haoran was really cute when he was a child, with a chubby face and big eyes that could talk, he was so cute! As he grew older, You Haoran's body shape also "grew" a lot.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

In this entertainment industry that looks at his face and figure, his image is indeed not dominant. coupled with the fact that there were not too many outstanding works later, gradually, he was forgotten by the audience.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

You Haoran is not without efforts. He tried to transform and took over some plays, but he couldn't make a big splash.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Netizens also had mixed evaluations of him, some said he was cute, and some complained that he was disabled. The cruelty of this entertainment industry can be seen.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Look at Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi, who also came out of "Family with Children", their current development is in full swing. Zhang Yishan has successfully transformed into a powerful actor with dramas such as "Residual Sin", and Yang Zi has become a popular little flower with popular dramas such as "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost".

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

On the other hand, what about You Haoran? It seems that he is still stuck in the image of that cute little rain, and he has not been able to come out. To be honest, it's a pity for You Haoran.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

I think he was also a hot little star back then, but now he has ended up in such a field. The competition in the entertainment industry is cruel, and if you want to gain a foothold in this circle, in addition to strength and luck, you also need to continue to work hard and persevere.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Although You Haoran is a little silent now, who says that he can't make a comeback in the future? Netizens also have a variety of opinions about You Haoran.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Some netizens said: "You Haoran was so cute when he was a child, why is it like this now?" Some netizens said: "Actually, You Haoran's acting skills are still good, but the image does not quite match the aesthetics of the current entertainment industry."

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Although You Haoran is facing some difficulties now, he is still young and has unlimited possibilities in the future.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

I hope he can find his own direction, strive to improve himself, and break out of his own world in the entertainment industry. He used to be the little rain in our hearts, the little guy who brought us countless laughs.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

You Haoran has almost disappeared from his debut as a child star, which is indeed regrettable. But the entertainment industry is a highly competitive circle, and it is not easy to gain a foothold in it.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

We look forward to him rediscovering his niche and returning to the audience with a new look." He is still young and has a bright future! In this era of looking at faces, You Haoran may need to put in more effort than others to regain the recognition of the audience.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

But as long as he has enough talent and perseverance, I believe that one day he will be able to return to the top. We'll see! Although You Haoran's current development is not satisfactory, we cannot deny the joy and touching he has brought us.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

That cute image of Xiaoyu will forever remain in the memory of our generation. I hope You Haoran can cherish his talents and opportunities, continue to work hard, and regain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

Everyone has their own development trajectory and life path. Although You Haoran is facing difficulties now, this does not mean that his future is bleak.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

This may be a turning point in his life, a starting point for a fresh start. We look forward to him returning to the screen with a more mature and stable attitude, and continue to bring us more wonderful works.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

But as long as you have talent, dreams, and persistence, I believe that You Haoran will be able to get out of the trough and regain his own light.

From a child star to disappearing, 27-year-old You Haoran has ruined his future, and no one can save him

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