
[Challenge the 40th day of 100 days of copying books]: Instantly healed, Yang Jiang said this is so good!

author:Brother Tao @ excerpt sharing
Hello everyone, I'm Brother Tao, focusing on headline excerpts and sharing. Thank you Toutiao Jun for letting us meet here, click on the upper right corner to follow [Bixin] [Bixin] [Bixin], share my excerpts and insights every day, learn with you, and share happiness!
[Challenge the 40th day of 100 days of copying books]: Instantly healed, Yang Jiang said this is so good!

In the most difficult times, don't keep thinking about the future too far, just encourage yourself to live today, the world has too many surprises, and some things are not worthy of possession of your emotions at all.

Today is the first day of the challenge of copying books. The theme of today's excerpt is "Welcome to enjoy it, leave a message in the comment area to discuss, grow together, learn together!

[Challenge the 40th day of 100 days of copying books]: Instantly healed, Yang Jiang said this is so good!

Everyone will have a particularly difficult time, the embarrassment of life, the frustration of work, and the hesitation of love; Survive it, life will suddenly brighten, you can't stand it, time will also teach you, how to shake hands with them, so you don't have to be afraid, the sun rises and the moon sets, there is always a dawn.

To be honest, everyone else is looking forward to the weekend, but I'm scared of it!

Because on the weekend, the idle self is particularly irritable.

I was very anxious when I looked through my own articles, and most of the reading and presentation were pitiful;

When tutoring children with homework, they are anxious and their knowledge is not enough to show;

I was anxious when tidying up my family's housekeeping, and I didn't know where to start when the house was full of messes;

I am very anxious when my friends meet for a party, but I always feel that I have nothing to say in a good atmosphere;

Send the baby to school within the week, cope with work, pick up the pen to copy and write, and only feel that this moment is full when you knock and knock on the computer.

[Challenge the 40th day of 100 days of copying books]: Instantly healed, Yang Jiang said this is so good!

Be generous, live well, and stay away from people and things that make you unhappy! In life, the people who travel with you are more important than the scenery; Many times, the people who travel with you are actually the scenery; Smaller circles, alone time, self-disciplined life, active work; Don't amaze anyone's life, only be gentle with your own years!

The AA party that was promised on Friday was talked about at first, but after the wine was half-drunk, it became more and more boring;

The voice sent by a friend late at night is like Xianglin's sister-in-law, and the trivial matters at home are thought of, and she feels more and more irritable;

The red-headed document talks about reducing the burden, but the work group is actively apportioned, which makes you feel that it is a joke;

Perhaps, as the saying goes: the years are quiet for a moment, and a piece of chicken feathers is the daily life!

[Challenge the 40th day of 100 days of copying books]: Instantly healed, Yang Jiang said this is so good!

Be an emotionally stable adult every day, not for others, but for yourself.

Some sad and unhappy emotions, learn to self-digest, don't embarrass yourself, just do your best.

For some things that don't go well, learn to let it turn the page, don't overdo internal friction, just let it go.

Some excessively high expectations, reduce dependence, strive to return to yourself, loneliness is also a state!

[Challenge the 40th day of 100 days of copying books]: Instantly healed, Yang Jiang said this is so good!

Even if the world is occasionally cold, the heart must be full of flowers, shallow joy, quiet love, deep understanding, and light relief!

Even if life is full of ups and downs, the soul needs to be full of sunshine. smiled faintly, kept silently, comprehended deeply, and slowly put it down.

I hope that in this life, the years will be safe, only warm, not sad!

Focus on your feet, be positive, complain about warmth, and don't say bleak!
