
The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

author:Floating emotions like a dream


Home-school cooperation has always been an important part of education, and schools and families should work together to take responsibility for the growth and development of students. Recently, there was a news of home-school cooperation that caused heated discussions on the Internet, and a teacher issued a mandatory notice in the parent group because parents did not actively cooperate with the school's health work, and threatened to "decouple" from parents.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

As soon as this approach came out, it naturally caused dissatisfaction and resistance among parents, after all, it was indeed too much for parents to come to the school to help clean up. Home-school cooperation is important, but schools cannot use coercive ways to require parents' cooperation, which goes against the original intention of education and is prone to negative social impact.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

1. What is the practice of parents cleaning up at school?

Recently, a school was in need of comprehensive cleaning and rectification work because of the school's hygiene "welcome inspection". At the suggestion of the teacher, the school actually asked parents to come to the school after work to help and clean the school's sanitary environment.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

It is not a simple "help", but it requires parents to spend a considerable amount of time and energy, from every corner of the classroom to the environmental sanitation outside the school, parents need to do it themselves to ensure that every detail is not missed.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

In this way, the school's sanitation work does require a lot of manpower and material investment, but the school does not take the initiative to take this responsibility, but directly pushes the work to the parents, is this approach reasonable?

What is the practice of parents cleaning up at school? In the eyes of many parents, this is actually a kind of "lazy government" in school management.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

First of all, school sanitation is the responsibility of the school, and the school should provide adequate cleaning resources and support for this purpose, rather than blindly pushing the work to parents, which is contrary to the original purpose of education.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

Secondly, the school is a place of education, and the health work of the school is also an important way to cultivate students' correct values and outlook on labor, and the school should involve students in it, and cultivate their sense of love for the school and team spirit through participating in the health work, rather than simply pushing the task to parents.

However, today's schools rarely involve students in sanitation work, and schools and teachers feel that students' hygiene capacity is limited, and they are also worried that students will have accidents in sanitation work, so they will push the work to parents, hoping that parents can "top" the job.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

Second, the teacher's helplessness and intimidation are the school's "irresponsible" performance.

When the parent group received such a notice, naturally many parents expressed resistance and dissatisfaction, they felt that the school did this is indeed a bit excessive and unreasonable.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

Therefore, no one in the parent group "deducted 1 registration", and no one expressed willingness to come to help, and even after three notices, there was still no positive response from parents, which made the teacher very anxious and helpless.

The teacher originally wanted to cooperate with the parents very sincerely, and she also knew that her tone and expression might have some problems, but in the face of such a situation, she was also a little unable to start, so in the impulse, there were some "intimidating" words, she said directly to the parents: "Since you are like this, then don't blame me for being unkind, the student's learning and performance in the future have nothing to do with me." ”

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

This practice is undoubtedly "threatening" parents and making parents feel panic and pressure, but in fact, teachers are also doing this out of a kind of "helplessness".

First of all, the teacher also understands that the school's approach is indeed excessive, but as a teacher, she cannot resist the school's decision, and can only do her work according to the school's requirements.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

Secondly, the teacher's work does need the support and cooperation of parents, if parents do not actively participate, then her work will also be affected to a certain extent, so in desperation, she will have some "intimidating" words, hoping that in this way, parents can realize the seriousness of the problem, so as to actively participate in health work.

However, the teacher's threatening words did not play a role, but made the parents resist her, feeling that the teacher was using the students' academic performance to "threaten" the parents, which was obviously an irresponsible performance for the students and a "nonsensical" approach.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

3. Home-school cooperation requires a kind of equality and respect.

In the face of the teacher's threatening words, many parents are very angry, they feel that the teacher is indeed a bit excessive, and it is also contrary to the original intention of education, the teacher's work and the student's learning, should indeed be two different things, can not be linked to the parents' cooperation and the student's academic performance, this is neither fair nor reasonable.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

Therefore, under the strong resistance of parents, the school and teachers also realized the seriousness of the problem, they began to reflect on their own practices, and also made a public explanation and apology to parents.

The school said that its own approach was indeed inappropriate, and without seeking the parents' opinions, they directly asked the parents to cooperate, and the teacher's threatening words were also out of impulse, hoping that the parents could forgive her for being unreasonable.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded

Finally, the school and teachers have also made certain adjustments, they will rearrange the sanitation work, and will also appropriately increase the participation of students, so that students can participate in some simple sanitation work, through practice to feel the joy and meaning of labor, I believe that with such a joint effort, the school's sanitation work will definitely be better.

The teacher sent a notice to parents to clean up at school, but no one responded


This kind of thing, in fact, also reflects the current home-school cooperation in some problems, home-school cooperation is important, but must be built on the basis of equality and respect, the school can not use a compulsory way to require the cooperation of parents, nor can the cooperation of parents and the student's academic performance link, and parents should also have their own "bottom line", play an active role in the work of the school, but also have the right to refuse some unreasonable requirements, and jointly create a harmonious educational atmosphere, It provides a strong guarantee for the growth and development of students.