
That's what husband and wife call it

author:Colorful starry sky

That's what husband and wife call it

That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it
That's what husband and wife call it

"How can you do this to me?!" His wife Liu Fang's face was blue with anger, and her voice was full of grievances and anger.

"What did I do to you?" I was standing at the door, and before I could put down the briefcase in my hand, I was yelled at by her, and I felt a little helpless.

"You know it's our wedding anniversary, but you still work overtime so late! Do you have me in your eyes? Liu Fang already had tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, there was really an urgent matter today, something went wrong on the customer's side, and I had to stay and deal with it." I put down my briefcase and walked over to reassure her.

"Urgent? Work is always so important, but what about me? What about our family? She turned away, not wanting me to see her tears.

I took a deep breath, a wave of guilt welling up in my heart. I remember this morning when she told me expectantly to celebrate together in the evening, and I failed to keep my promise.

"I'm sorry, Fangfang." I whispered, "I know you're disappointed, it's me who didn't do well today." ”

She didn't speak, and after a moment of silence, she sighed softly: "You know, sometimes I really feel like something is missing between us. ”

"What's missing?" I was nervous, worried that she would say something unacceptable.

"There is less communication and understanding. You're always busy with work, and I don't know how to help you. The distance between us seems to be getting farther and farther apart. There was a deep sense of helplessness and sadness in her voice.

I was stunned. I have always thought that as long as I work hard, a better life for her and this family is the best love for her. However, I overlooked that what she really needed was my company and understanding.

"Fangfang, I know I'm not good enough, but I hope you understand me." I stepped forward and gently shook her hand, "We are husband and wife, and no matter what difficulties we encounter, we should face them together." It's my fault that I ignored your feelings today. In the future, I will try my best to balance work and family and spend more time with you. ”

She looked at me with mixed emotions in her eyes, and finally she nodded slightly, "Okay, I hope you do what you say." ”

I nodded solemnly. At that moment, I realized that the most important thing between husband and wife is not material satisfaction, but spiritual support and understanding of each other.

In the evening, we simply made dinner, and although it was not as romantic as a candlelit dinner, it felt unusually warm together. After eating, we sat on the couch together, watched TV, and chatted, as if we had returned to the good old days of first love.

"Actually, I've always been grateful for everything you've done for this home." Liu Fang leaned on my shoulder and whispered.

"I also thank you for your continued tolerance and support." I held her hand tightly, "In the future, let's work together, okay?" ”

She smiled and nodded, and at that moment, I felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness that I had never felt before.

That's what husband and wife call it, isn't it? Facing the ups and downs of life together, understanding and supporting each other, this is the real happiness.