
3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

author:Orange meets soda
3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

In the 17th round of the Chinese Super League, the fierce confrontation between Shanghai Port and Zhejiang team ended with a score of 3:1, and Shanghai Port was like a bamboo, winning 10 consecutive victories, which made Shanghai Port fans excited.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

In this fierce battle, local striker Wu Lei was brilliant, and in the back line, the amazing performance of an "upstart" was also impossible to ignore.

He is Wei Zhen!

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

At the same time, a veteran with outstanding achievements seems to have gradually faded out of people's sight, he is Zhang Linpeng.

What kind of story is hidden between this advance and retreat?

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench
3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

1. Wei Zhen's brilliant bloom

Wei Zhen shone in this game against Zhejiang, not only was his defense rock-solid, but he also showed extraordinary momentum and ability when advancing in the front court.

The two-centre-back combination formed by him and Jiang Guangtai is like an impregnable wall, and has become a beautiful scenery in the starting lineup of Shanghai Port.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

Wei Zhen is in the prime of his 27-year-old years, and like many SIPG players, he is Xu Genbao's protégé.

Although he stepped into the first team of Shanghai Port as early as 2017, the team's defense at that time could be described as star-studded, and he has never really emerged, and even consistent playing time is difficult to achieve.

But the arrival of the new Australian coach Muscat in the new season is like a dawn, illuminating Wei Zhen's football road and ushering in a bittersweet moment.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench
3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

Second, Wei Zhen and Jiang Guangtai's perfect match

After the game, Wei Zhen couldn't hide his excitement and said in an interview: "After these games, it feels very good, and my cooperation with him has become more and more tacit. ”

The "he" in his mouth naturally refers to the central defender partner Jiang Guangtai next to him.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

The tacit cooperation between the two of them on the field is like a heart. In the face of the opponent's indiscriminate bombardment, they are not afraid of danger and are as stable as Mount Tai;

When switching from defense to attack, they can quickly switch roles and instigate counterattacks, and their tacit cooperation is breathtaking.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench
3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

3. Zhang Linpeng's lonely situation

In stark contrast to Wei Zhen's spring breeze, it is the gloomy sadness of Zhang Linpeng, a meritorious veteran in the team.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

This season, Zhang Linpeng has always been shrouded in the haze of injuries, and most of the time he can only look at the bench, and gradually become a marginal figure of the team.

Judging from his performance throughout the FA Cup, perhaps injury is not the key crux of his inability to play in the Chinese Super League, but coach Muscat's intention to create more performance opportunities for Wei Zhen, thus snubbing the former meritorious player.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench


3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

Shanghai Port's backline is quietly undergoing profound changes, and the rise of Wei Zhen has undoubtedly injected a strong new force into the team. As a former mainstay, Zhang Linpeng's past achievements are indelible.

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench

So, can Wei Zhen advance all the way and firmly occupy the main position? Can Zhang Linpeng be reborn in adversity and regain the favor of the coach? It's all full of unknowns and uncertainties.

Dear readers and friends, what are your unique insights and views on the changes in SIPG's backline? Welcome to speak freely in the comment area and discuss together!

3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench


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3:1 ! SIPG's new iron guard is completely on top! Mu Shuai is particularly important, and the meritorious veteran sits lonely on the cold bench