
DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

author:Legend of the Western Regions

In the world of DNF mobile games, every warrior has his own legendary story.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

And today, I want to talk about a zero krypton boss who finally made the large red dog's anti-magic value soar to 19001 after 41 days of unremitting struggle.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

Before the first rays of the morning sun had completely dispelled the night, the warrior got up early and threw himself into the day's fighting.

Every day at 6 o'clock, he goes online on time and begins to farm abyssal and ancient dungeons, challenging all kinds of powerful enemies. Whether it is the fierce duel in the PK field or the tacit cooperation in the group book, he goes all out and never flinchs.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

After 40 days of hard work, his Red Dog finally reached the legendary 19001 anti-magic value.

This achievement not only made him famous in the game, but also made him a role model for many players. He stood on the street, holding the Meridian Seven Star Sword in his hand, surging leather shoes on his feet, wearing Shadow Ruby jeans, and wearing a mortar jacket of Heavenly Glory. No matter where he stands, there will always be people who call him a "big guy", but he prefers others to call him "Zero Krypton Big Guy".

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

This warrior is dressed in a strong and epic equipment, whether it is fighting the Tower of Delusion or leading a group, he seems to be at ease.

Even against the Rost Octopus, which has 4,700 tubes of blood, he can easily cut it down his horse. His strength and perseverance amazed everyone.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

In addition to the large red dog, he has 5 other class roles: Qigong, Wet Nurse, Devil May Cry, and Asura. Their mana resistance reached 16400, 16517, 14236, and 13912 respectively, making them his right-hand men. These characters are mainly responsible for moving bricks, brushing furnace coal, and providing him with a steady stream of resources.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

In these 40 days of struggle, he not only gained 3 mentor sets, 6 max-level characters, and 201 pieces of epic equipment, but also consumed a whopping 22,569 fatigue points.

Behind these numbers are his countless days and nights of dedication and perseverance. What's even more admirable is that he also brought two beauties to play in a group for free to help them grow up quickly.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

However, there are also unsatisfactory aspects of this legendary journey.

He lost 700,000 Terra when he opened the jar in the Seal Lock, and he was so poor that he only had 712 Terra in his purse! This made him one step further away from the coveted Sky Set! But even so, he never gave up on his dreams and pursuits.

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

He advised the other brick-moving warriors not to follow in his footsteps and not to smash the lock of the seal again. If you are missing gold and a retro weapon cosmetic, you can buy a pink pack or a retro weapon cosmetic pack at the Auction House. Be sure not to touch the lock of the seal, the metaphysical probability of Dachang, Tsinghua University students may not be able to understand it!

DNF Mobile Game: Zero Krypton moved bricks in 41 days, and more than 98% of the warriors became a "big guy"!

The story of this zero-krypton boss tells us that as long as there is firm belief and unremitting efforts, we can create our own legend in DNF mobile games. His story inspires us to keep moving forward.