
Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

author:Long Tianyu said the weather

Text: Long Tianyu

Edited by I Long Tianyu

Friends, good afternoon, I am Long Tianyu, today is June 30th, Sunday, the last day of June, yesterday in Shandong Province, Jiaozhou City, the rain is not small, very heavy rain, poured me into a soup chicken.

Heavy rain and high temperatures are coming, how do you view the current weather conditions?

Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei have finally ushered in rainfall, and heavy rainfall will still be concentrated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places, and the high temperature weather in North China, Huanghuai, central and southern Shaanxi, Xinjiang and other places will continue. Heavy rainfall and high temperature centers have been identified, and the following is the weather forecast from June 30 to July 2, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows.

Weather patterns with frequent rainstorms are taking place in various places.

The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places will still usher in continuous heavy rainfall, which may be accompanied by thunder and lightning and strong winds locally. At the same time, high temperatures in North China, Huanghuai, southern Shaanxi and Xinjiang are still dominant, and the heat is unbearable.

This stark climate contrast has brought different challenges and tests to the whole country.

Nevertheless, the news of the prolonged drought and the rainy weather is undoubtedly a consolation, hoping to effectively alleviate the pressure of local drought and inject new vitality into the growth of summer crops.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows


Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

Recently, under the influence of a variety of meteorological factors, some extreme weather phenomena have occurred in large eastern countries, such as heavy rain and high temperatures. These weather phenomena not only bring a lot of inconvenience to people's travel, but also may have a certain impact on the growth of crops and people's health. It is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current weather situation, explore the reasons behind it, and how we should view and respond to these extreme weather phenomena.

1. Current weather conditions

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

1. Rainstorms

Recently, under the combined influence of weather systems such as the westerly trough and the subtropical high, there has been continuous rainfall in southern China, Jiangnan and other places in the eastern countries, and even heavy rains and extremely heavy rains have occurred locally. Affected by the eastward movement of the westerly trough, some rainy weather also occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other places, which had a certain impact on the local temperature and air quality.

According to the latest forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next few days, due to the continuous influence of weather systems such as the westerly trough and the subtropical high, the rainy weather in South China, Jiangnan and other places will continue, and there will even be heavy rains and extremely heavy rains locally. Under the influence of this continuous rainfall weather, it may have a certain impact on the growth of local crops and the safety of water conservancy facilities, and it is also easy to cause some secondary disasters such as flash floods and mudslides, which will have a certain impact on people's production and life.

Under such weather conditions, meteorological departments and relevant departments in various localities need to attach great importance to it, issue various early warning information in a timely manner, remind people to pay attention to preventing possible secondary disasters, and take effective measures to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

2. Hot weather

In addition to the rainstorm, under the combined influence of weather systems such as the subtropical high and the western Pacific subtropical high, the northern part of the eastern country also experienced a period of high temperature weather, and the temperature was generally high, which brought certain inconvenience to people's production and life.

According to the latest forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, with the influence of the northward jump of the subtropical high, the temperature in the northern part of the eastern country will remain at a high level for a period of time in the future, especially in North China, Northeast China and other places, and the maximum temperature during the day may exceed 35 degrees Celsius, which will have a certain impact on the growth of local crops and people's health.

Under the influence of such a continuous high temperature weather, it is necessary for people to strengthen the awareness of heatstroke prevention and cooling, scientifically and reasonably arrange their life and rest time, avoid strenuous outdoor activities when the temperature is high, and do a good job of various heatstroke prevention and cooling measures to protect the health of themselves and their families.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

Second, the reason behind the weather

To better understand these current extreme weather events, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of some of the reasons behind the weather.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

1. The effects of climate change

The current heavy rains and high temperatures are inextricably linked to climate change. As the trend of global warming becomes more and more obvious, some extreme meteorological phenomena have also occurred in the eastern countries, such as persistent high temperature weather and strong convective weather.

In this context, the activity trajectories of weather systems such as the subtropical high and the westerly trough may change to a certain extent, and extreme weather events may become more frequent and severe, bringing more uncertainty to people's production and life.

It is necessary for us to strengthen the popularization of science on climate change, raise public awareness of climate change, and call on everyone to start from themselves, save energy, reduce carbon emissions, participate in the action of global climate governance, and make their own efforts to slow down the trend of climate warming.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

2. Activities of meteorological systems

In addition to climate change, the current heavy rains and high temperatures are also related to the activities of various meteorological systems.

For example, heavy rain weather is often affected by weather systems such as the westerly trough and the subtropical high, while high temperature weather is related to weather systems such as the subtropical high and the western Pacific subtropical high.

Only by having an in-depth understanding of the formation and activity of these meteorological systems and grasping various meteorological information in a timely manner can we better predict future weather changes and do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation.

It is very important to strengthen the construction of meteorological monitoring and early warning system, and only by doing a good job in various prevention work can we better cope with the challenges of various extreme weather events and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

3. How to view the current weather situation

In the face of the current heavy rain and high temperatures, how should we react?

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

1. Treat rainstorms

For heavy rainstorms, we should not only see some of the adverse effects it brings, but also see some positive implications.

On the positive side, an appropriate amount of rainfall is of great significance for the growth of crops, especially for some summer crops, timely rainfall can effectively alleviate the impact of meteorological drought and ensure the normal growth of crops.

When the rainstorm is coming, it is necessary for farmers to pay attention to the weather forecast in time, arrange agricultural activities reasonably, and prevent possible disasters, and at the same time learn to make good use of rainwater resources, do a good job in the integrated management of water and fertilizer in the field, and improve the resistance of crops to meteorological drought.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

2. Treat hot weather

For hot weather, we must also maintain an optimistic attitude and deal with this weather phenomenon scientifically.

Although the continuous high temperature weather may bring certain inconvenience to people's production and life, and even have a certain impact on people's health, the appropriate amount of sunlight is also of great significance for the growth of some crops, and the appropriate high temperature can also effectively kill some pests and diseases, which is conducive to the healthy growth of crops.

On the occasion of the advent of high temperature weather, it is necessary for people to do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down, and to protect their health, they should also create a good growth environment for the growth of crops, such as shading the field at the appropriate time, spraying and cooling measures, to help crops successfully pass the test of high temperature weather.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

4. How to deal with the current weather conditions

In addition to taking a correct view of the current weather situation, it is also necessary to take some practical measures to scientifically deal with the current heavy rain and high temperature weather.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

1. Strengthen the popularization of meteorological science

It is necessary to strengthen the popularization of meteorological science and enhance the public's understanding of meteorological knowledge.

Only when everyone has a certain amount of meteorological knowledge can we better understand the content of weather forecasting, scientifically respond to various weather phenomena, and better participate in meteorological observation and early warning work, so as to provide some useful reference opinions for meteorological departments.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

2. Respond to weather phenomena scientifically

It is necessary to deal with various weather phenomena scientifically and adapt measures to local conditions.

Different weather phenomena will have a certain impact on all walks of life, for example, agricultural production is very dependent on the weather, and high temperature weather is easy to cause heat stroke and other health problems, it is necessary for all walks of life to scientifically formulate corresponding countermeasures according to their own characteristics, improve their own adaptability.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows

3. Strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation

It is necessary to strengthen all kinds of disaster prevention and mitigation work to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

Meteorological departments and relevant departments should always pay attention to changes in the weather, issue various early warning information in a timely manner, and guide people to do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation, while the general public should also enhance their awareness of self-protection, follow the suggestions of meteorological departments, do a good job in various protective measures, and jointly respond to various challenges brought about by extreme weather events.

Heavy rainfall and high temperature center have been set! The weather forecast for today to July 2 shows the distribution of heavy rain as follows


Weather is very important for everyone, and the current heavy rain and high temperature weather pose certain challenges to all walks of life.

In the face of these extreme weather phenomena, we should take a correct view, respond scientifically, and find some inspiration and inspiration from them, such as using scientific and technological means to make better use of weather resources, promote the modernization of agricultural production, strengthen ecological restoration, improve the city's flood control and drainage capacity, and make greater contributions to the sustainable development of the economy and society.

I hope that everyone can do a good job in their own positions to respond to climate change and protect the ecological environment, and jointly build a beautiful home where man and nature coexist in harmony.