
Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

author:The Lord of the Secluded Valley

The program "Avenue of Stars" has discovered outstanding singers such as Phoenix Legend, Jiuyue Miracle, and Li Yugang, and has made indelible contributions to the Chinese music scene.

In 2024, "Avenue of Stars" will launch its latest season, but it has long lost its popularity, and all the contestants are still unknown.

The early "Avenue of Stars" was still very popular, and several champions became household names.

For example, Yang Guang, the champion of the third season, is the only blind singer in the show to win the championship.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

After winning the championship, Yang Guang became popular all over the country, and also won the praise of CCTV, and his future is limitless.

But why is he now uncared for?

Yang Guang's parents chose this name so that he could be more positive in the future.

Little did they know that the poor child would only have eight months in his life to see the sun.

At first, Yang Guang's parents just thought he was quieter than the other children, and didn't notice other problems.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

It wasn't until Yang Guang was eight months old that his father bought him a small car toy and found that he only reacted to sounds.

When the car didn't start, he couldn't even notice it when it was placed in front of him.

The father realized that something was wrong, and felt that he took his son to the hospital for a check-up, and sure enough, Yang Guang had a serious eye disease.

The doctor meant to perform the operation immediately, otherwise Yang Guang's life would be in danger, and the child's eyesight would definitely not be saved.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

Yang Guang's parents didn't care about this, they scraped together enough medical expenses to perform surgery on Yang Guang.

After the operation, Xiao Yangguang became completely blind, he could not see the brightness of the world, but he could feel the love of his parents.

Yang Guang's parents treated him as a normal child and never suppressed his nature.

Other children learn to ride bicycles, and their parents also buy bicycles for him to ride, and when it is safe, they will give Yang Guang maximum freedom.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

They also bought Yang Guang an electronic piano, a picture book, etc., and asked him to find his own fun.

When his parents were not at home, Yang Guang relied on the practice of the electronic piano to kill time, and in the process he gradually fell in love with music.

Although Yang Guang can't see, his sense of hearing and touch is very sensitive, and he is extremely talented in both instrumental and vocal music.

Yang Guang wanted to go to a professional music school, but due to physical reasons, his parents could only send him to a school for the deaf and mute.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

The school for the deaf also has music classes, and Yang Guang is very active in the class. The teachers liked him very much.

In his spare time, Yang Guang also joined the Disabled Art Troupe, and finally had the ability to make money.

Under the guidance of his teacher, Yang Guang's music foundation has been laid very solid, and his musical literacy has been further improved.

In the process of performing with the art troupe for a long time, Yang Guang has also accumulated rich performance experience.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

In 1998, Yang Guang gave up the opportunity to enter the university and firmly chose the Beijing Disabled Art Troupe.

Yang Guang's journey to the north did not go well, he was a blind man struggling in the big city, and his life was very difficult.

Moreover, in that short period of time, Yang Guang's grandparents and father passed away one after another, and in a blink of an eye, he was left with only one relative, his mother.

The death of a loved one hit Yang Guang hard, and he was decadent for a long time, and only then did he come out of the haze with his mother's company.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

After planning for the future, Yang Guang embarked on the road of imitation show on a whim.

Although Yang Guang is blind, he also has the advantage of hearing, and he can imitate Liu Huan, Fei Yuqing and others almost with the fake.

After opening up a new track, Yang Guang finally gained some fame, and in order to expand his fame, he decided to participate in some competitions to try.

At that time, the show "Avenue of Stars" was hot, and many grassroots people changed their fate because of it, and Yang Guang also planned to try his luck.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

Because he is blind, the audience at the scene is likely to vote for him, but Yang Guang never sells badly, and only wants to win by strength.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he shocked the judges and the audience, and everyone remembered this blind young man.

Yang Guang went all the way to the finals and won the championship with a song "You Are My Eyes".

After "Avenue of Stars", Yang Guang became completely popular.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

The audience was moved by Yang Guang's inspirational story, and the official also promoted him as a role model.

Later, Yang Guang appeared on the Spring Festival Gala again, and his fame was further enhanced.

In 2008, when the Olympics were followed by the Paralympics, Yang Guang was chosen as a blind singer to be the torchbearer.

At that moment, Yang Guang's career reached its peak, and although he couldn't see anything, the whole world saw him.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

In the entertainment industry, there are many stars who can be very popular, but there are very few artists who can continue to be popular.

If an artist wants long-term development, in addition to knowing how to keep pace with the times, he must also be pampered and humiliated, and guard against arrogance and rashness.

Yang Guang had been precipitating for too long and was not mentally prepared to become popular, and he was carried away by the sudden victory and began to swell.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

As a star, Yang Guang is very disrespectful to the staff around him, and often yells at them.

After becoming popular, Yang Guang no longer practiced his songs so hard, and under the boasting of the audience, Yang Guang could not find his own problems in time, and his strength regressed greatly.

Because of playing a big name, Yang Guang offended many people, his reputation became worse and worse, and some people who originally supported him also began to be dissatisfied with him.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?
"You don't speak human words anymore, and if you do this again, where will you go back and forth."

CCTV director Ge Yanfang directly criticized Yang Guang and told him that if he didn't correct it, he would hide him.

Ge Yanfang woke up Yang Guang with a curse, and he finally began to reflect on what he had done, but unfortunately it was too late.

The speed of renewal in the entertainment industry is too fast, and when Yang Guang planned to get back on track, there was no place for him in the circle.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

Yang Guang was not discouraged, he adjusted his development direction, began to actively participate in some public welfare performances, and often went to some colleges and universities to give motivational speeches.

In 2022, Yang Guang appeared on the special program "Avenue of Stars", and finally returned to CCTV after many years.

Now Yang Guang still has no opportunity to appear in public, and can only be active on the short video platform.

Yang Guang's video has not been viewed well, and perhaps he has long been forgotten by the audience.

Yang Guang: The overall champion of "Avenue of Stars" was almost hidden because of playing a big name, how is it now?

In the end, Yang Guang still paid the price for his youthful frivolity.

He was not defeated by difficulties, but he was knocked down by the sugar-coated cannonball after the victory, which is really embarrassing.

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