
Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

author:Tea after dinner 6

Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

Compare Ngo Dinh Yen, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to reveal the enlightenment of Zelensky's future direction


Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

The United States often achieves its geostrategic goals by propping up presidents or leaders of small countries. But once these American "proxies" lose their role, they often end up miserable. From the tragic end of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Yenh in 1963 to the fate of President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan and Syngman Rhee of South Korea, it is not difficult to foresee where President Zelenskyy's future will go.


Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

Ngo Dinh Yen was once a "pawn" of the United States in Vietnam. He came from a Vietnamese aristocracy and, with the support of the United States, staged a coup d'état in 1955 to depose Emperor Bao Dai and establish the Republic of South Vietnam. After coming to power, he completely obeyed the orders of the United States, but was eventually abandoned by the United States due to greed, corruption and successive defeats in the war. In 1963, with the support of the United States, he was shot and killed in the street by coup d'étatists, and his family was almost completely wiped out. This is the tragic end of the American proxies.

Although Zelensky is the democratically elected president, it is the rich with Jewish background who manipulate the election behind it. These tycoons not only have a position in Ukraine, but they are also behind-the-scenes manipulators in the US government. The United States had planned to use Ukraine's war with Russia to deplete Russia's strength, but the situation did not go as the United States wanted. The Ukrainian army is low in combat effectiveness, and the backlash of Western sanctions has also caused heavy losses to itself. Now, the situation in Ukraine is getting deeper and deeper, and Zelensky is becoming more and more like U Dinh Yenh back then.

Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

It is not difficult to see from the Kurdish forces abandoned by Finland and Sweden, as well as the experiences of President Ashraf Ghani in Afghanistan and Syngman Rhee in South Korea, that Zelensky will not escape the fate of being abandoned by the United States and the West. In three months, it is already predictable how he will be abandoned.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the secrets hidden in the dozens of biological laboratories set up by the United States in Ukraine. How much Zelensky knows about these insider stories will also determine his final fate. We know that before the fall of the underworld or criminal syndicate, it is often necessary to sacrifice some people who know too much in order to protect themselves or others.

Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future


History is always strikingly similar. From the tragic fate of Ngo Dinh Yen, Ghani and Syngman Rhee, it is not difficult for us to foresee that Zelensky will inevitably suffer the same fate. He may become another abandoned agent of the United States, and the end is worrying. The warning contained in this is worth pondering.

Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

Zelensky's end is worrying

Historically, leaders of small U.S.-sponsored countries have often been left behind. The experiences of Ngo Dinh Yen, Ghani and Syngman Rhee all give us profound inspiration. So, what will happen to the current President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky?

Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

First of all, Zelensky has similarities with previous American proxies. Although he is the democratically elected president, he is behind the manipulation of the Jewish plutocrats. These tycoons not only have a position in Ukraine, but they are also behind-the-scenes manipulators in the US government. The United States had hoped to use Ukraine's war with Russia to consume Russia, but it did not turn out as expected. The Ukrainian army is ineffective, and Western sanctions have hit it hard. Now, the situation in Ukraine is getting deeper and deeper, and Zelensky is becoming more and more like U Tingyan back then.

Secondly, we can also get a glimpse of Zelensky's future from the experiences of others. Kurdish forces abandoned by Finland and Sweden, as well as President Ashraf Ghani in Afghanistan and Syngman Rhee in South Korea, have all been abandoned by the United States. It is foreseeable that Zelensky will not escape the same fate, and in the future he may be abandoned by the United States and the West in some way within three months.

Compare Ngo Dinh Diem, Syngman Rhee and Ghani to guess Zelensky's future

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the secrets hidden in the biological laboratories set up by the United States in Ukraine. How much Zelensky knows about these insiders will also affect his final fate. We know that before a criminal syndicate falls, it is often at the expense of some who know too much to protect themselves or others.

In general, Zelensky's future fate is worrying. The lessons of history have taught us that the agents nurtured by the United States often end up being abandoned. This is a tragedy not only for individuals, but also for entire nations and nations. We should deeply reflect on this historical law and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.