
Online gambling tips ruin your life! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million public funds, netizens: Less than five years in prison?

author:Listen to the mountains talk about fog

A young woman born after 95 actually took advantage of her position to embezzle 14.3 million public funds, and this huge amount of money was used by her for online gambling and rewarding anchors, which is ridiculous!

Online gambling tips ruin your life! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million public funds, netizens: Less than five years in prison?

You said that this post-95 girl should be the age of youth and hard work. But she has embarked on such a crooked path. Online gambling, what is it? It's a bottomless pit, how many people lose their families in it, but she's good, she can't get out if she plunges into it. And the reward anchor, I don't understand, across the screen, send money to those anchors, what can you get?

The fact that she was able to embezzle so much public funds shows that her job should have a certain amount of power and opportunity. But is this power and opportunity used by her to do evil? Apparently not! This is a betrayal of trust, a blasphemy of duty.

Online gambling tips ruin your life! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million public funds, netizens: Less than five years in prison?

Besides, this 14.3 million is not a small amount. This is the result of the hard work of many people, and how many things must be done to earn so much money. But she easily gave the money to Huo Huo, just to satisfy her own illegitimate desires.

Some might say that she may have been confused and blinded by temptation. But I want to say, can you be confused for so long? Can you be so confused as to embezzle so much money? This is clearly her own lack of determination and principles.

Online gambling tips ruin your life! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million public funds, netizens: Less than five years in prison?

Also, is there a problem with the environment of online gambling and rewarding anchors? Is it that some platforms are not well regulated, allowing these bad practices to spread? Is it true that some anchors deliberately induce the audience to give tips and make some people lose their minds?

Each of us must also know what we can and can't do. Don't be led astray by those illusory temptations, you have to be down-to-earth and rely on your own efforts to get what you want.

Online gambling tips ruin your life! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million public funds, netizens: Less than five years in prison?

In the end, the woman was sentenced to four years and six months in prison and fined 200,000 yuan. There are also those public funds that she embezzled, although she took the initiative to return part of the stolen money, who will bear the rest of the losses? Is it her family? Or is it a unit? That's all a problem!

This matter has also made the public talk a lot. Some people feel that she deserves to be punished severely; Some people think that she may also be a victim and has been pitted by the online environment; There are also people who feel that the unit is also responsible, and that poor management has led to such a thing.

Online gambling tips ruin your life! The post-95 woman embezzled 14.3 million public funds, netizens: Less than five years in prison?

In any case, this incident is a wake-up call for us. We have to take this as a warning, don't repeat her mistakes, live a good life, follow the right path, and don't let a momentary greed ruin your life.