
The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

author:It's a simple jingle bell

Hello everyone, today let's talk about a commonplace topic - knife mouth tofu heart. This idiom, I believe many people are familiar with it, it describes those who are unforgiving, but kind-hearted. However, after a long time of observation and thinking, I found that the so-called knife mouth tofu heart is actually sometimes a knife heart, and those hurtful words often damage the good fortune in people's hearts.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

First of all, we have to admit that everyone has their own personality traits, and some people are naturally straight-tempered, speak directly, and are not very good at detours. They may have hurt others unintentionally, but they are kind-hearted. In this case, we can understand and tolerate the knife mouth tofu heart. However, some people, with their knife mouths, are not unintentional, but a habit, or even a malice.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

Imagine when you're feeling down, what you need most is comfort and encouragement, not cynicism. At this time, if someone says something cool in your ear, even if they keep saying that they have good intentions, you will feel pain. These words are like knives that pierce you straight into your heart. And those who speak, their hearts may not be tofu hearts, sometimes, their hearts are also knife hearts.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

Why? Because, a person's words and deeds often reflect his heart. Those who often say hurtful things to others often have negative emotions in their hearts, such as jealousy, anger, low self-esteem, etc. These emotions, like knives, make their words aggressive. And this kind of aggression will not only hurt others, but also hurt yourself in turn.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

We all know that good fortune is an accumulation. Everything we say and do affects our good fortune. Those words of warmth, encouragement, and love, like sunshine, can illuminate the hearts of others, and in turn illuminate their own hearts. And those hurtful words, like knives, will cut the hearts of others, and they will also cut their own good fortune.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

So, what do we do? First of all, we need to learn to empathize. Before you speak, think about how others are feeling, and try to comfort others with warm, encouraging words. Secondly, we need to learn to control our emotions and not let our negative emotions affect others. Finally, we must learn to be grateful, cherish those who are good to us, and repay their kindness with our kindness.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

Some people might say that I am such a person, I can't change it. Actually, this is not an excuse. Character can change, the key is whether we have determination and perseverance. As long as we change with our hearts, we will be able to do it.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

Finally, I want to say that the knife mouth tofu heart is actually sometimes the knife heart. Let's not let hurtful words damage the good fortune in our hearts. Let us treat the world with a warm and kind heart, and believe that the world will treat us in the same way.

The knife mouth tofu heart is actually the knife heart, don't let the good fortune be damaged in the knife mouth

Remember, our mouths are the door to our good fortune. If we want the good fortune to flow, don't let the knife stop our good fortune. Let's work together to warm the world with a tofu heart, turn the knife mouth into a blessed mouth, and let our lives be full of sunshine and hope.