
It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV also responded, and the comment area was going to die of laughter

author:Ah Xin never gave up


Hello everyone, today I bring you an interesting tweet! Recently, CCTV released a video about a netizen asking questions, which sparked a burst of laughter. Want to know what stupid questions netizens are asking? Check it out!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV also responded, and the comment area was going to die of laughter

Recently, a question that makes people laugh and cry has been hotly discussed on CCTV Internet, "Can you grow vegetables with lunar soil?" Yes, you heard it right, it's to grow vegetables from lunar soil! This question caused a lot of uproar, and CCTV couldn't help but respond, and the comment area laughed even more! Let's unveil the mystery of growing vegetables in this lunar soil!

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV also responded, and the comment area was going to die of laughter

As we all know, lunar soil refers to the soil on the surface of the moon, the main components of which are oxides and silicates. However, the nutrients, water, temperature and other conditions required for growing vegetables cannot be met from lunar soil. However, despite this, there are still netizens who raised this "naïve" question.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV also responded, and the comment area was going to die of laughter

CCTV responded to this question, explaining that the components in the lunar soil are not suitable for the growth of plants and lack the necessary nutrients and water. Moreover, the extremely low temperature on the surface of the moon can prevent plants from growing properly. Therefore, it is unrealistic to grow vegetables with lunar soil.

It's too thunderous! Netizens asked if you can grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV also responded, and the comment area was going to die of laughter

In the comment area of CCTV's response, netizens said: "This is too thunderous! "That's a really dirty question! "Sure enough, the earth is still suitable for growing vegetables!" ”。 The laughter is endless, and people can't help but laugh out loud.

Although this question is somewhat ridiculous, it also reflects people's curiosity and spirit of exploration in science. After all, we still know too little about everything in outer space, and such questions can also arouse people's interest and imagination.

In today's rapid development of science and technology, it is normal for people to be curious about the unknown, and only by asking questions and exploring answers can we continue to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. Therefore, even if it is a "thundering" problem, you might as well laugh it off and maintain your love for science and your attitude towards knowledge.

Today I would like to share with you an interesting and "too thunderous" question - can you grow vegetables with lunar soil? CCTV's response and the laughter of netizens in the comment area made people laugh. While this question is not scientifically feasible, it has sparked curiosity and a spirit of exploration about the unknown. Let's just laugh and laugh, and at the same time maintain a love of science and an attitude of curiosity!

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