
Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

author:Don't know what to say

Astound! The inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective" was exposed: 200,000 sleeping doors sparked heated discussions

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

June 30th.

A revelation about the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective" caused an uproar on social media.

According to the well-known blogger Li En, the crew actually asked female artists to sleep with them on the condition of 200,000 yuan, otherwise they would not be admitted.

This news quickly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens, and many netizens expressed shock and anger at the incident.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

It is reported that Li En described in detail the misconduct of the crew of "Girl Detective" in the revelations.

She pointed out that when the crew selected actors, they even made sleeping with them one of the admission conditions.

For female artists who are unwilling to accept this requirement, the crew uses various means to suppress and exclude them, and even directly refuses to hire them, or even expel them from the crew.

This kind of behavior not only seriously violates the dignity and rights and interests of female artists, but also seriously pollutes the ecological environment of the entertainment industry.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

Li En also exposed the recording and phone call with the so-called Director Shen, and the other party discussed whether to sleep with 200,000 or 300,000.

Director Shen said that at most 300,000 yuan of remuneration packages to sleep with, it is impossible to have more.

If you don't agree, the path of actors will not work, and it will be impossible to be an actress in the future, because this is the norm in the circle, and they are just unspoken rules according to the rules.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

This Director Shen doesn't seem to care that the other party will be exposed, because once exposed, it means that this actress will not want to film in the future.

This is tantamount to offending all the directors in the circle.

However, what Director Shen didn't expect was that people were still unwilling to sleep with him, and they were still exposed.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

After learning of this, the crew of "Girl Detective" quickly responded.

They said that they were deeply shocked and indignant by Li En's revelations, and that they had seriously dealt with the people involved.

At the same time, the crew also apologized to the majority of netizens and audiences, and promised to strengthen internal management to prevent such incidents from happening again.

However, despite the actions taken by the crew, netizens still reacted very strongly to the matter.

Many netizens said that this kind of behavior of using power for personal gain and taking people by sex is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but the behavior of the crew of "Girl Detective" is particularly shocking and angry.

They believe that this kind of behavior not only seriously damages the image and reputation of female artists, but also seriously undermines the level playing field in the entertainment industry.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

In fact, unhealthy trends in the entertainment industry have always attracted social attention.

In recent years, with the rise of online media and the popularity of social media, more and more showbiz insiders have been exposed.

These insiders not only include various unspoken rules, power trading and other misconduct, but also include the scandals and moral issues of some celebrities' private lives.

These incidents not only make people have more doubts and distrust in the entertainment industry, but also make many young people have more worries and worries about entering the entertainment industry.

For the incident of the crew of "Girl Detective", we should pay enough attention and attention.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

At the same time, we should call on relevant departments to strengthen the supervision and management of the entertainment industry to ensure fair competition and healthy development of the entertainment industry.

We should also call on the majority of netizens and audiences to maintain a rational and objective attitude, not to blindly chase stars and worship stars, and not to take the bad phenomena in the entertainment industry for granted.

Of course, this kind of thing is certainly not something that can be avoided by prohibiting cooperation and strengthening management.

Li En reveals the inside story of the crew of "Girl Detective"! 200,000 asked female artists to sleep with them, and the truth was shocking

However, the incident of the crew of "Girl Detective" sounded the alarm bell for us.

let us understand these insiders in the circle, and also lamented that the road of female artists in the circle is indeed not easy to walk.

What do you think about this?