
Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

author:Open-minded Maple Leaf eRt

In the second year of the Chinese Liberation War, the Chinese People's Liberation Army, under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong, successfully resisted the all-out offensive of the Kuomintang army and achieved its own rapid development. This stage of the war not only achieved important military victories, but also laid the foundation for the final victory in many aspects such as politics, economy, and culture.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

In the face of the all-out offensive of the Kuomintang army, the PLA adopted a series of flexible and mobile tactics, effectively depleting the enemy's living forces, while consolidating and expanding its own base areas. In the process, the PLA not only accumulated valuable combat experience, but also won the support of the broad masses of peasants through land reform and other measures, thus providing a solid mass foundation for the continuation of the war.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

With the development of the war situation, Chairman Mao Zedong adjusted his strategic policy in a timely manner and decided to shift the focus of the war from defense to offense, and to lead the battlefield from the liberated areas to the areas ruled by the Kuomintang. This strategic change will not only further weaken the ruling foundation of the Kuomintang, but will also create more favorable conditions for the development of the liberated areas.

In order to achieve this strategic goal, Chairman Mao Zedong formulated the strategic plan of "advancing the Central Plains with a three-way army". The core idea of this deployment is to form a comprehensive encirclement of the Kuomintang-ruled areas through the coordinated operations of the three major armies, so as to force the enemy to disperse his forces and weaken his combat effectiveness.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

The First Route Army, composed of the North China Liberation Army, was mainly tasked with advancing westward, entering Shaanxi, Gansu and other regions, cutting off the northwest defense line of the Kuomintang army, and at the same time forming a joint force with the liberation forces in the northwest region to jointly advance the course of the war. The actions of this large army can not only contain the main force of the Kuomintang army, but also provide strong support for the western region of the liberated areas.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

The Second Route Army, composed of the East China Liberation Army, was mainly tasked with advancing southward, entering Jiangsu, Anhui and other regions, and directly threatening Nanjing, the political center of the Kuomintang, and Shanghai, the economic center. The actions of this large army would have a direct impact on the rule of the Kuomintang, forcing it to disperse its forces and deal with pressure from different directions.

The Third Route Army, composed of the Central China People's Liberation Army, was mainly tasked with advancing to the Central Plains, entering Henan, Hubei and other regions, forming a horn with the North China and East China armies, and jointly encircling the Kuomintang-ruled areas. The actions of this large army will exert tremendous pressure on the central defense line of the Kuomintang, forcing it to deal with it in multiple directions.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

The coordinated operations of these three armies can not only form a comprehensive encirclement of the Kuomintang-ruled areas, but also form a multi-point attack on the Kuomintang army, forcing it to disperse its forces in multiple directions, thereby weakening its overall combat effectiveness. At the same time, this multi-point flowering tactic can also give full play to the PLA's mobile advantages, so that it can flexibly maneuver on the battlefield, quickly transfer, and effectively strike at the enemy.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

In the process of implementing this strategic deployment, the PLA has also adopted a series of effective tactical measures, such as night fighting, ambushes, and roundabouts, in order to maximize its own advantages and strike at the enemy's weak points. At the same time, the PLA has also strengthened reconnaissance and intelligence work on the enemy's situation, grasped the enemy's movements in a timely manner, and provided accurate information support for operational decision-making.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

In addition, the PLA also attaches great importance to political work and mass work, and through propaganda and education, it has enhanced the political consciousness of the vast number of commanders and fighters and strengthened their will to fight. At the same time, through such measures as land reform and rent and interest reductions, we have further consolidated and expanded the liberated areas, won the support of the broad masses of peasants, and provided a solid mass foundation for the continuation of the war.

In short, the strategic counteroffensive in the second year of the Liberation War was the successful transformation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army from defense to offense through flexible and mobile tactics and effective strategic deployment under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong, laying a solid foundation for the final victory. During this stage of the war, not only did it win an important military victory, but it also made important contributions to the cause of China's liberation in many aspects such as politics, economy, and culture.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

At the critical moment of the Chinese Liberation War, Chairman Mao Zedong put forward the strategic plan of "advancing the Central Plains with the three-way army", which was of great significance to the course of the entire war. In this strategic arrangement, the main force of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army led by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping, the Chen Xie Corps of Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi, and the East China Field Army of Chen Yi and Su Yu respectively undertook different strategic tasks.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

Liu Deng's army had the most arduous task, they needed to leap thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains and penetrate the hinterland of the Kuomintang. This action was not only a military expedition, but also a direct challenge to the heart of Kuomintang rule. Liu Deng's plan of action needs to be carefully planned to ensure that every step can achieve the desired strategic effect.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

First of all, Liu Deng's army made full preparations before departure. They trained their troops rigorously, ensuring that each soldier was able to adapt to the arduous march and battle that was coming. At the same time, they also updated and replenished the equipment of the troops to ensure that they could have sufficient material support during the long march.

During the march, Liu Deng's army adopted flexible and mobile tactics in order to avoid a head-on clash with the Kuomintang army. They took advantage of the terrain and the cover of night to make rapid marches that minimized enemy detection and pursuit. When necessary, they also resort to roundabout tactics, bypassing enemy lines and inserting directly into the enemy's rear.

Liu Deng's army jumped thousands of miles into Dabie Mountain and withdrew half a year later, is it because it is untenable?

In the process of leaping into Dabie Mountain, Liu Deng's army faced great difficulties and challenges. Not only did they have to overcome the harsh natural environment, but they also had to face the encirclement and interception of the Kuomintang army. However, with a strong will and superb tactics, Liu Deng's army successfully completed this difficult task.

At the same time, Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi's Chen Xie Corps are also carrying out their own strategic tasks. Their task was to cooperate with the actions of Liu Deng's army, and at the same time put pressure on the Kuomintang troops in other directions. Chen Xie's corps adopted flexible and changeable tactics, sometimes concentrating forces and striking fierce blows at the enemy; From time to time, they disperse their actions to harass and contain the enemy.

Chen Yi and Su Yu's East China Field Army also undertook important strategic tasks. Their actions not only posed a direct threat to the Kuomintang army, but also had a profound impact on the course of the war as a whole. Under the command of Chen Yi and Su Yu, the East China Field Army displayed strong combat effectiveness and a high degree of tactical flexibility.

The coordinated operation of these three armies formed a comprehensive encirclement of the Kuomintang-ruled areas. Their actions not only effectively weakened the combat effectiveness of the Kuomintang army, but also had a huge impact on the rule of the Kuomintang. In this process, the PLA's tactical application and strategic deployment fully demonstrated Chairman Mao Zedong's military thinking and command art.

In the process of implementing strategic deployment, the PLA also attaches great importance to reconnaissance and intelligence work on the enemy's situation. Through various means, they grasp the enemy's dynamics in a timely manner and provide accurate information support for operational decision-making. At the same time, the PLA has also strengthened its political work with the troops, enhanced the political consciousness of the vast number of commanders and fighters, and strengthened their will to fight.

In addition, the PLA has also actively carried out mass work, enhanced the political consciousness of the broad masses of peasants through propaganda, education, and other means, and won their support and participation. Through land reform, rent and interest reductions, and other measures, the PLA has further consolidated and expanded the liberated areas, providing a solid mass foundation for the continuation of the war.

In short, the strategic deployment of the Three-Way Army was an important action in China's Liberation War. Through the thousand-mile leap forward of Liu Deng's army, the flexible cooperation of Chen Xie's corps, and the powerful offensive of the East China Field Army, the PLA successfully achieved a comprehensive encirclement of the Kuomintang-ruled area, laying a solid foundation for the final victory. This action not only achieved an important military victory, but also made important contributions to the cause of China's liberation in many aspects such as politics, economy, and culture.